Retail Issues and Applications

Instructions for Summative Assessment
Your assessment for this module takes the form of a report:

You are required to prepare a report that critically evaluates retailers’ responses to a current retail market issue. The focus of the report is an examination, in depth, of the relationships between theory and current retail activities.
Note that the topic of your report must be based one of the topic areas discussed in the module, i.e. one of the issues below faced by retailers:

• Retail Branding
• E-loyalty
• Global Retailing
• Global sourcing
• Shopping Malls and the Future of the High Streets
• Customer Relationship Management and Loyalty
• Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability
• Social marketing, supply chain issues, and Fair Trade focusing on food

The word limit for this assessment is 3,000 words

Porter’s Five Forces (Zillow Group)

As you analyze your assigned company, you should understand how competitive forces shape corporate strategy. A typical way for an organization to strategically analyze these factors is to conduct a five forces analysis of their organization. Corporate leadership can use this tool, to successfully analyze and identify a clear sense of the organization’s strategic vision. This focus is important because of the requirement for improved business understanding in a rapidly changing global environment. Some of the main strategic management questions asked are, where is the organization now, and where will the organization be 1, 3, 5, or even 10 years from now? Moreover, where will the organization be if no business changes are made? While looking at these questions, leadership must not only take action (especially if the answers are unacceptable), but also weigh the risks and payoffs. Smaller businesses may engage in strategic management to ensure that they adapt to trends and external changes such as globalization.

By definition, strategic management is a process in which an organization develops and implements plans that promote the goals and objectives of that particular organization. The overall process of strategic management is continuous, and it changes as the organizational goals and objectives evolve. The strategic management process begins when executives evaluate their current position with respect to the company’s mission, goals, and strategies. Managers then scan the organization’s internal and external environments and identify strategic issues that may require change. Internal or external events may indicate a need to redefine the mission or goals or to formulate a new strategy at the corporate, business, or functional level. The final stage in the strategic management process is execution of the new strategy. It is now time to take an analytical look at the forces and structure that shape effective strategic decision-making.

For this Assignment, you will complete the following:

Conduct a detailed Five Forces analysis for your assigned company. Your analysis should be thorough, incorporate scholarly research, and cover:

Corporate Threats of New Entrants
Corporate Threat of Substitutes
Supplier Power
Buyer Power
And, Competitive Rivalry

Your deliverables include:

A 3 page written analysis; APA formatted MS Word document.
Written evaluation for each force highlighted above. Justification should be supported by scholarly evidence (i.e. – peer-reviewed journal articles; 10K report, etc.).

10K report At-
McKinsey Quarterly
Harvard Business Review (0017-8012)
HBS Working Knowledge
New York Times
Wall Street Journal
The Economist

veganism and ethic

I only need a C or B quality papers. I attached my teacher instruction for this essay and 2 sources from my school library. i requied to use 2 sources form Google and 2 sources from my school so I will put the link here and the log in library database information in case you don’t find my library’s sources helpful.
ask support for logins,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=a9h

interview paper/Response essay

HCM 3400: HR Manager Interview Instructions

The purpose of the management interview is to provide the student with an opportunity to learn about human resource management first-hand from a health care practitioner who is working the field. The interview should cover the breadth of information from the class, including the human resource manager’s background, understanding of HR management, management style, duties, supervisory responsibilities, HR management responsibilities, etc.

A sample list of questions will be provided. The questions should, however, be modified to fit the particular person being interviewed.
You will need to identify a human resource manager within a health care organization to interview. This person should not be your boss or someone at your current place of employment. The idea is to select an organization that will provide a new and different perspective, as well as a learning experience for the student.
You will need to arrange a time to conduct the interview, and prepare for, conduct and follow-up after the interview.
The interview must be in person, i.e., no telephone, e-mail, etc. A large learning component of this assignment is found in completing the interview in person.
It is assumed the report will draw on materials from class discussions, the text, and other sources as appropriate. This must be evident in your report.
As part of your grade, a hand-written thank you letter must be sent to the person you interviewed. No emails! Please make a copy of the thank you letter/card prior to sending it as you will need to include a copy in your paper.
The report should be 3 – 5 pages in length double-spaced. The report should be written in ESSAY format NOT question/answer format.
The appendices, such as the thank you note and reference page, will not count towards the 3 – 5 page limit.
An APA reference page will be required with minimum references of the interview citation and our textbook citation.
Approval of interviews must be obtained including: a written abstract of who will be interviewed, name of the organization, questions you plan on asking, the location of the organization, and when the interview is scheduled. The abstract will be due in Module #3. Papers submitted on interviews that have not been approved will not be accepted.
The HR Manager Interview report must be submitted through OR MSU Denver’s Writing Center for critique and editing.
Only the report needs to be submitted, not the abstract or thank you note.
You will be provided feedback or be given a marked-up draft if you visit MSU Denver’s Writing Center.
Please note any critique takes time. For example, Paper Rater takes 24-48 hours turnaround time. Therefore, you will need to submit your draft to Paper Rater a minimum of 5 days prior to the due date in order for you to receive the feedback and make necessary revisions to your report prior to submitting it to me. If you utilize MSU Denver’s Writing Center, be sure to allow sufficient time to make an appointment, complete the appointment, make the revisions to your paper, and submit the assignment on time.
Please include the feedback report in your appendices section of the report. You can do this by saving the feedback as a file and inserting the file into the appendices section of your paper. If you go to the Writing Center, you will need to scan the feedback document, save the file, and then insert it into the assignment document, appendices section.
As mentioned, you need to send a thank you note to the person you interviewed. NO e-mail thank you notes are allowed! You must send a handwritten thank you note! Prior to mailing the thank you note be sure to scan it so you can include a copy in the assignment document.
Remember, I want this assignment submitted as one document…. Not multiple attachments.
Please check the “Assignment Schedule” for the official due dates

he nature and purpose of financial reporting, economic concepts of income, and earnings management

the nature and purpose of financial reporting, economic concepts of income, and earnings management. use this information to analyze a company’s creditworthiness and profitability. With this in mind, are accountants ethically obligated to report financial information accurately? Does reporting using the generally accepted accounting principles imply accuracy? What are some potential consequences for an external analyst if a company provides inaccurate or misleading financial statements?

International Business Strategy

– The subject area is more to International Business Strategy
– I have uploaded the assignment questions
– I have uploaded a power point slides that may help answer the following questions
– Refer to the textbook Contemporary Strategy Analysis for further details (link provided)

Financial Management in Healthcare

Assignment B (60%).

You must answer both question 1 and 2 and clearly show all relevant workings.

Question 1 should be answered in 1,500 words

You applied for the position of the Associate Finance Manager and you have been informed that you need to take a test as a part of the recruitment process. One of the test questions is about budgets and budgeting.
You are required to provide deep explanation of the budget, how it is prepared, budgetary process, benefits of budgeting, the importance of selecting the right type of budget and the importance of budgetary control.
Using your knowledge from the module, how would you answer above question. (40% of Assignment B)

Question 2

Medical Mart plc, a medical supplies and service company, has produced the following Trial Balance on the 31st December 2019.
Dr. €000
Cr. €000
Trade Creditors
Salaries & Wages
Direct Labour
Motor Vehicles-Fixed Assets
Long Term Bank Loan
Direct Materials
Equipment- Fixed Assets
Other Expenses
Cash at Bank
Interest Paid
Tax Paid
Land & Buildings-Fixed Assets
Production overhead
Motor Expenses
Light & Heat
Dividend Paid
Share Capital
Required for Question 2
a) please draw up a Profit & Loss Account for Medical Mart plc for the year ended 31st December 2019 and a Balance Sheet at that date.
b) Ratios and figures obtained from last year’s accounts (31st December 2018) are as follows:
− Current Ratio 1.7
− Acid Test Ratio 1.3
− Gross Profit Margin 39%
− Net Profit Margin 12%
− Return on Capital Employed 13%
Calculate the above ratios for 2019. Using Ratios and any other information available to you, from 2018 and 2098 accounts, analyse what is happening at Medical Mart plc. Explain what other information, not provided, would have helped you with your analysis?
c) The CEO of Medical Mart plc has asked you for advice on the company’s situation. What advice would you give him/her? Your answer should include any advantages or disadvantages associated with your proposed actions.
Note: All calculations must be shown clearly.

School Desegregation in Boston

The instructions are below. This paper is a build-up from my previous papers. The previous papers are below. Please read them, so you see how I write. You can use as many references as you want. If you have any questions, please let me know. The instructions are on “HIS 200 Project 2 Guidelines and Rubric.”


Thank you!

Module 6

Links between corporate culture and ethics can take two directions. On one hand, corporate culture can be viewed as a fundamental ingredient in systematizing ethics in organizations. On the other hand, culture can be considered the backbone of corporate ethics, to the extent that occasionally the terms ethics and culture are confused.
Describe the connections between culture and ethics. What is the potential for organizational culture to serve as a means of improving ethics in an organization?

Portfolio Milestone

This week, you will turn in a one-page paper describing the topic and plan for your Portfolio Project. Include the following information:

The working title of the project
The scope of your research
How you might, or intend to, apply the knowledge gained from this project. That is, how will your findings be useful to you as a leader in your current or a future organization?

Read the attached image “untitled.png” on the final assignment to get detail.
This only needs to be one page.
Use attached references, use more if needed.