Problem, Cause, Solution. CTE & Suicide in the NFL

CTE is a major issue circling the NFL today. Many famous football players have killed themselves or died because of CTE, such as Junior Seau, Aaron Hernandez, Marcus Webster, and many others. Please write best how CTE occurs in players, the impact to their lives, the cause, and what could be done to prevent this.

Social Structure Theories

Antisocial behavior patterns and gang involvement by juveniles are often explained through a variety of theoretical perspectives. The most common are Social Structure Theories. Discuss different explanations for gang involvement and juvenile antisocial behavior using Social Disorganization, Strain and Cultural Deviance theories as the foundation for your position. Provide a real life or hypothetical example for each theory.

just rewrite what have down below

Chapter 10

Question: Healthcare is now a global industry. Support or refuse this statement. Be specific.

The changes in the healthcare industry continue to increase on a global level and have brought about a high level of interdependence among countries worldwide. The need to collaborate in the search of medical solutions for global illnesses such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) continues to help in building the global ties in healthcare (Lee, 2020). In all fields, there are vaccines, medication and equipment that can only be acquired from other countries.

The evolution of technology is also a crucial aspect in facilitating the development of healthcare to a global industry. Technology continues to assist in the development of cutting-edge treatment and healthcare practice aspects that are global (Thimbleby, 2013). Also, there is a lot of healthcare education that is made available globally among countries through the use of technology. This kind of interdependence among countries provides strong global links in healthcare.

Chapter 11

Question: What is strategy evaluation and why is it important?

Strategy evaluation is a crucial aspect in business operations that helps in assessing the levels of performance. In every business or institution, the operations are centered on having certain goals met as Berrio, Ibarra & Galeano (2020) asserts. The evaluation process is strategically intended at identifying the success of business operations in achieving the set objectives.

According to Niles (2020), strategic evaluation serves as a measuring tool for the effectiveness and efficiency of running businesses or institutions. Through evaluation, the business is able to make necessary changes in the areas that are identified as poorly performing. Strategic evaluation is also vital since it helps to build on the identified strengths of a business or institution.


Berrio, P., Ibarra, A. G., & Galeano, B. (2020). Healthcare strategic planning using technology assessment. In Clinical Engineering Handbook (pp. 181-185). Academic Press.

Lee, T. L. (2020). Global Health in a Turbulence Time: A Commentary. Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy, 15(1), 27-60.

Niles, N.J. (2020). Basic Concepts of Health Care Human Resource Management; Second Edition. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Thimbleby H. (2013). Technology and the future of healthcare. Journal of public health research, 2(3), e28.

Gendered violence

I have a 1500-2000 word essay due at midnight on gendered violence. APA format. Double spaced. I have to come up with a problem and a solution. My problem was male sexual assault (don’t want to compare it to women). Education on this subject and also a solution. I think that early on sexual assault topics being incorporated into sex Ed classrooms during middle school would be a viable solution.

Option #1: Organizations and Ethics

Ethics in an organization does not necessarily begin at the top but must be embraced by leadership to influence the organization’s ethically based decisions, goals, and strategies that drive the organization forward.

Reflect back on an ethical dilemma or situation you have encountered within your organization. The situation was handled both appropriately and professionally as a result of effective and successful leadership practices within your workplace. Write a communication to the stakeholders of the organization as if you were the CEO of the organization; addressing the following:

1.) The ethical situation in question and the steps it took to get there
2.) Evaluate whether or not the culture of the organization provided a climate
that nurtured this type of behavior
3.) Briefly describe the impact this had on the employees and stakeholders
4.) Make recommendations for how the organization can change to ensure this
type of action does not repeat itself and how they can reform their ethical
approach if not already reformed

Be 4-5 pages in length, not including the title and reference pages.
Be supported by six references, four of which are scholarly.

Used attached references, add more if needed

week 7 community

This week’s graded topics relate to the following Course Outcomes (COs).

CO 4: Evaluate the delivery of care for individuals, families, aggregates, and communities based on theories and principles of nursing and related disciplines. (PO 1)
CO 7: Apply professional nursing standards and ethical principles to provide spiritually and culturally appropriate care. (PO 6)
CO 8: Demonstrate effective communication strategies and teamwork in managing the healthcare of individuals, families, aggregates, and communities. (PO 3)
Locate a news article or story related to a current event in healthcare policy. Some examples may be, but are not limited to healthcare reform, the Affordable Care Act, prescription drugs, healthcare costs, insurance coverage, healthcare fraud, transparency, or underinsured populations.

Provide a brief overview of the article, and include the URL link.
As a healthcare professional, has this raised any ethical questions or concerns for you?
How can a community health nurse (CHN) be involved as a change agent for related healthcare policies?


English 1302.500
Paper #2

Value: ten percent of semester grade
Length: approximately five hundred words


Your essay should have four paragraphs. In the first one, please describe the value of literature in a society. What does it add? What does it accomplish? What would the society be like without it?
In the second paragraph, please define literary criticism (IN YOUR OWN WORDS), and
then explain what its value is.
In the third paragraph, please describe your research strategy for the final paper. Please refer to the methods explained in class. Be precise and detailed.
In the fourth paragraph, please indicate why you have chosen to work with a certain author or poet. If you have not made a choice yet, please choose one that you think you might like to write about. This part of the essay does not bind you to any author or poet; you are entitled to change your mind as the semester progresses.

response to community


Healthcare cost has steadily risen and has become out of reach for some of our citizens. We as a nation spend over 3 trillion dollars a year on health care but have the very poor outcomes for developed nation. How and why this occurs is the question? The Affordable Care Act was signed into law in 2010 by President Obama and has had several updates since (Nies & McEwen, 2019, p. 174). While this law was supposed to help lower income families be able to afford and access healthcare, it at times has been troublesome at best. Health care cost are still rising, and outcomes are still poor compared tour peers (Bush, 2018, p. 26).

We as nurses are at the front lines of this battle attempting to care for our clients to the best of our ability. We see people at their most vulnerable and weakest states. At these times most are not worried about cost, but we must always keep this in mind. If we use all our resources on just a few we will not be able to help the many. We must always educate about risk factors and ways to prevent illness prior to them becoming so costly “ounce of prevention or pound of cure”. Teaching our communities to eat better stop smoking and exercise is just small ways we can combat these rising costs.

In conclusion I try not to think of cost while caring for my patients but as I have moved up the chain of command in the hospital it becomes necessary to try to save money when possible. Not at the detriment on anyone but assist everyone. We can and should always be looking for ways to streamline and improve the healthcare delivery system.

Thanks Tim


Nies, M., & McEwen, M. (2019). Community/Public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations (7 ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier.

Rising Health Care Costs and Social Determinants of Health. North Carolina Medical Journal, 79(), 26-29.



Reflect on the following steps prior to writing your essay: 1. Based on your chosen grade level (THIRD GRADE) evaluate the use of formative assessment to guide your instructional planning 2. Pull student work samples from a learning segment to analyze. What trends did you notice?(PRETEND YOU HAVE WORK SAMPLES) 3. Based on the trends you identified, what re-engagement strategies and activities would you employ to address these trends? 4. How would you assess the effectiveness of the re-engagement strategies? What would this look like?

Write a 1300-1500-word analysis of the data based on the assessment commentary. Base your essay on student data (real or fictitious) within a specific lesson. Include the following above your essay: Grade level, content area, standards addressed in the assessment, and objective of the assessment. For the essay, include an introduction and conclusion and the following additional headings: Use of Formative Assessment, Trends, Re-Engagement Strategies, and Effectiveness of Re-Engagement Strategies. Also, include a copy of the assessment under the analysis. No student work needs to be submitted.

Use at least 3 sources to support your essay.