
1) Using the example of ‘The Christmas Present’, discuss the challenges of developing a value-added and differentiated positioning strategy. (500 words )

2) Reflect on the recommendations in your group strategic marketing action plan or in your executive summary. What are the marketing lessons for the author of ‘The Christmas Present’? (500 words). for this question no need for reference just only choose from the first file or the socond file and you can write about the markting lessons for the author of …….. . please not copy the words can you please write like from your own word like ( paraphrase the words)


Art Cinema – Critical Essay (3,000 Words)

Please answer ONE of the following questions. You should make sure you draw on academic writing and close textual analysis in your essay, and makes sure to use the films seen in the module unless stated otherwise in the question. List of films from the module: Wendy and Lucy (Kelly Reichardt, 2008), Solaris (Andrei Tarkovsky, 1972), Still Life (Jia Zhangke, 2006), Caché (Michael Haneke, 2005), The Arbor (Clio Barnard, 2010), Heartbeats (Xavier Dolan, 2010), Female Trouble (John Waters, 1974), Self Made (Shira Geffen, 2013), Festen (Thomas Vinterberg, 1998), Trouble Every Day (Claire Denis, 2001)

-Using one or two films as examples, discuss the ways in which cinematic space can be used unconventionally.
– Discuss the relationship between the personal/private and the social/political in either Caché or Self Made. You may also choose to compare and contrast these two films.
– Discuss some of the ways in which slow cinema responds to contemporary society. You should draw attention to at least two films in your answer (these do not need to be films discussed in the module but they should have a clear relation to slow cinema).
-Asbjørn Grønstad has argued: “If there is a quintessential film theorist for the slow cinema aesthetic, it must surely be André Bazin.” Discuss this statement with reference to a film or films of your choice. You should draw on some of Bazin’s key writings in your essay.
-Michele Aaron has argued that ‘defiance’ is the unifying theme of New Queer Cinema. Assess the theme of defiance in a queer film of your choice.
-Discuss the aesthetic features of camp and relate them to a film or films of your choice.
-How are new forms of documentary challenging the conventions of the genre? You should make reference to at least two films in your answer. These can be films from outside the module.
-To what extent is Thomas Vinterberg’s use of documentary realism in Festen effective in portraying psychological violence?
-Consider Tim Palmer’s discussion of ‘New French Extremism’, in which he aks: “What is it about these works that renders the experience of them so memorable, so vivid?” How would you go about answering such as question in relation to Claire Denis’ Trouble Every Day or any of the other films referenced in the lecture?

NOTE: before you submit your essay please proofread and check the following:

– Are your references presented correctly?
– Are films listed under Filmography and written sources only presented under Bibliography?
-Are all film titles presented in ITALICS ONLY with the name of director and year of release in brackets (for the first mention only)?
– Is punctuation used properly? (avoid run-on sentences)

Assessment Criteria

-How well do you understand the institutional, national and transnational contexts of art cinema?
– To what extent does your essay offer thoughtful analyses of the films, with reference to particular stylistic and narrative devices?
– How well does your essay draw on and critically reflect upon specific theoretical concepts to back up your analyses of the films?
-How well written, structured and referenced is your essay?

I have also attached some of the essential readings from the module i had access to.

response to below political speaking A

Collapse SubdiscussionJanis Mc Sweeney
Janis Mc Sweeney

The media is a large agenda setting organization. While the media may not openly tell individuals what to think on a topic, the stories that are continually given a platform- encourages the audience to consider the topic.

Since your news provider selects the topics and the slant they use while delivering the stories, viewers should clarify who is backing the station, whether the views of the station are inline with personal interests. According to Cobb (2020) media outlets are in the business to turn a profit, and the viewers should keep that in mind.

The difficulty of agenda setting for the governmental body is due to the multitude of topics the competing governmental agencies are interested in. Often it is the lobbyist’s, interest groups, or the news coverage that will push a topic to the top of the agenda.

The lobby is directed by corporations, and big bankrolls, and according to Kimball et al. (2012), this is the reason the public’s priorities are often not reflected in the policy agenda. The National Rifle Association (NRA) is an example of a powerful and organized lobby, know to set agenda in government.

The NRA will not agree that military style weapons should be banned, even in the wake of mass shootings. Lowe (2018), states Trump’s election campaign was padded with $30 million from the NRA. This type of support will move your topics up on the agenda, lobbying is a successful machine.

Another reason the NRA has been very successful is the culture they have developed. There is a movement that the NRA followers have bought into; that the second amendment is being tread on anytime restrictions are placed on weapons. The members, at least the one I am married to, seem to be brainwashed- convinced the liberals are going to come to their homes and take their weapons. Many of these people were purchasing ammunition because they believed the gun control would be done by withholding the ammunition.

That being said- yes, my husband has guns and the bullets to make them effective. So, the lobbying was effective at my house.

Cobb, W. (2020). Political Science Today. VitalSource Bookshelf. Retrieved from:!/4/2/12/10@0:77.0Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)

Kimball, D., Baumgartner, F., Berry, J., Hojnacki, M., Leech, B., & Summary, B. (2012). Who cares about the lobbying agenda? Int Groups Adv. 1, pp. 5-25. (Links to an external site.)

Lowe, R. (2018). NRA’s big-money politics sets agenda on gun issues. The Morning Call. Retrieved from:


-The most important thing is that the writer should go to the Oakland Community College (OCC) electronic library for the resources.
To actually utilize these resources, I am linking the library page:
From there click on the “find articles / databases” tab and start exploring your potential paper topic, also, you should sign in.
ask support for logins
-Minimum three outside sources that are accessed through the library website.
-This assignment is to be written in the third person. No personal pronouns are to be used.
-The topic can be more specific if it can help you.
-Particularly with regard to the structure and process of construction of an academic essay.
As such “Assignment 1/2/3/4” is to be structured as a formal research paper, meaning it should be formatted utilizing the following criteria:
-it must contain a clearly stated thesis
-cited evidence (Minimum three outside sources that are accessed through the library website.)
-body paragraphs that directly relate to and support your thesis that includes a topic sentence -a “works cited” page and parenthetical (in-text) citations.
The minimum page length of this assignment is three pages.
As usual, this paper must conform to MLA standards.

Music Appreciation

Answer the 10 questions about the composers i checked off and then write a brief essay about all seven composers using one paragraph a piece the worksheet explains all the details on the assignment.

Applied Corporate Strategy

1) Carry out external analysis on companies on file list (business environment and industry) to identify a set of Opportunities and Threats and assess industry attractiveness. (30%)

2) Analyse the resources and key competences of the organisation to identify a set of Strengths and Weaknesses and identify core competences (key factors that may give the company its competitive advantage). (30%)

3) Evaluate the given strategy (as per chosen case) using SAFe criteria. (30%)

The 4th Amendment

The Fourth Amendment provides for protection of a reasonable expectation of privacy. This makes it seem like the Constitution provides a right to possess contraband. It is difficult to balance the actions of police officers searching for contraband, enforcing the law and protecting the public, with the actions of individuals who may possess drugs or other illegal substances. Using the cases and concepts discussed in this chapter, justify why we provide protection for people who have something to hide in no more than two double-spaced pages.

community response B

Professor and Class,

The current news article identified is “False-negative COVID-19 test results may lead to a false sense of security” by Mayo Clinic (2020). The article calls for attention to the risk associated with overdependence on the testing kits for COVI-19 in making clinical and public health decisions. The article also reports that the reports on the sensitivity of the reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) testing and its overall test performance characteristics are not consistent or clear in the medical literature. It emphasizes the need for health care providers as well as public health officials to develop a comprehensive understanding on the limits and effects on false test results in the endeavors to fight the covid-19 pandemic.

As a healthcare professional, this raises various ethical questions as well as concerns. Among these concerns is how can we manage to deliver safe patient care and promote beneficence if the testing kits we use in testing covid-19 are questionable? What happens to a patient who receive false positive tests. This can affect their physical and mental health, leading to nurses failure to promote non-maleficence. How can we protect patients from the negative consequences of false covid-19 tests?

A community health nurse (CHNs) can be involved in this health care policy issue as a change agent by educating the legislators on this concern and soliciting funding on medical research and scientific studies to develop more reliable and valid testing kits (Nies & McEwen, 2019). The CHN can also be involved by participating in research concerning covid-19 testing kits to identify any useful evidence that can aid in the development of better testing procedures (Bedford et al., 2020). The CHNs can also educate nurses and other health care professionals to enhance their understanding of the effects of false test results and how to address them (Nies & McEwen, 2019).


Bedford, J., Enria, D., Giesecke, J., Heymann, D. L., Ihekweazu, C., Kobinger, G., … & Ungchusak, K. (2020). COVID-19: towards controlling of a pandemic. The Lancet.

Mayo Clinic. (2020, April 9). False-negative COVID-19 test results may lead to false sense of security. ScienceDaily. Retrieved April 13, 2020 from (Links to an external site.)

Nies, M. A., & McEwen, M. (2019). Community/Public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier.