Dis resp

Write a response to both posts attached each one should be at least 3 sentences long.

Essential law for maketers

please read the document i send you everything is explained in it and i also add you some examples of previous essay from last year to give you an idea and help you on the assessment

Critical Reflection

2 x 1000 words on critical reflection. Please see attached PDF for topics and readings. Instructions and guidance are attached in images. Please refer in text to any other relevant topics you manage to find on your own.

Global Issues in Russia

Using data from the CIA Factbook and http://www.nationmaster.com, write a 1-2 page profile of what your life would be like if you lived in that nation. Some topics to address could include: life expectancy, health, education, employment, family, wealth/class, identity, rights/freedom, etc. (33.3%)  Four short papers on any four of the following issues: human rights, economic development/challenges, health issues, military/security threats, environmental problems, or societal conflicts. For these papers, students will read several articles and then use them as the basis for a short paper exploring the issues/challenges their country faces in this area. Each paper should have a list of works cited. Do not use Wikipedia! (33.3%) Please note: These must address four separate Global Issues, in other words they cannot all be about the environment, etc.  A position paper on the Global Issue that your country feels is the most important Global Issue, and thus the one that the global community should focus upon. This paper should include why your country feels this issue is the most significant, and any proposals for ways to address that issue.

Implementing the change management plan

Implementing the change management plan
The material you have studied this week is intended to provide a link between change management theory and the implementation process, and to move your thinking to the more operational aspects of organisational change.
The key concept that emerges from this week’s material can be usefully summarised in the following statement:

The pattern of change most frequently encountered in an organisational setting is one in which change is organic, progressive and largely imperceptible; although this default position is infrequently interrupted by single-event instances of extreme and disruptive change.
This pattern of change generates a complex framework of demands to be made on those entrusted with guiding the organisation towards its desired future, and those demands are most effectively met by the application of strategic leadership principles.

This week’s assignment requires you to apply the theoretical concepts studied to date to the case study situation contained in the article by Abdullah and Siti-Nabiha (2012).
In this context, you will review the situation at Pemancar as it would have appeared to Danial Tareq when he took over his new role, and then present a range of ideas on the best process to use in implementing the required change.

• Reflect on the ideas presented in the Week 5 Key Concept Overview and the assigned journal articles, in the light of your own practical experiences in the workplace.

In an approximately 500-word response, address the following issues/questions:

Read the Pemancar case study, as presented in the article by Abdullah & Siti-Nabiha, and prepare a report that addresses the following requirements:

• Examine the application of the theory of punctuated equilibrium to an assessment of the current situation at Pemancar.

• Analyse the change environment existing at Pemancar in terms of the parameters suggested by Nasim and Sushil.

• Identify the most likely problems or conflicts that Danial Tareq may face in implementing his change initiative. Each of those problems or conflicts should be classified as pluralities, contradictions or paradoxes, and their potential impact on the change management process should be assessed.

• Evaluate the degree to which Danial’s leadership will influence the effectiveness of the change management process.

Literature Review and Essay

I have included one word document for the detailed instructions that should be followed in order to pass. Also i have included a word document and it`s the Literature Review I have started the introduction and the first part of the two theories that i have chose. It is 418 words in total, have a look and add to it or amend it if needed. I am paying for extra 3300 words on top of my 418 words that i already wrote. Please do not included the Reference list in the word counts as that is not the actual work, it`s just sources that you used to generate the work. I will take a screen shots of the core text book that is the main source of the essay and send it. There are more sources in the instructions that i uploaded. Also there is a intersect Cohort Evaluation pdf from the NHS that i uploaded so you can use it for the second part of the essay.