Real estate

The project assignment will be worth 5% of your total grade It must consist of a minimum of a 4 FULL page paper, double spaced typed pages, on any aspect of real estate (including investment, finance, ownership, development, construction, property / asset management, taxation. The paper must include citations (citations do not count towards the 4-page requirement), be fact based and include your own thoughts and conclusions. The paper will not be accepted if it is simply a cut and paste from one of more sources. Be careful that you use factual and reputable sources…do not to rely on sources that are opinion pieces. Although this is not an English writing course, the paper must use proper grammar, etc. Being able to convey your thoughts and ideas is critical to your success and a professional. In your chosen profession, you will need to be able to develop and champion ideas and recommendations, regardless of your position or job responsibilities

Andrew Jackson

investigate that topic analyzing the “ambiguity” and “perspective” in sources/information.

To phrase this assignment another way: find a topic, find two opposing viewpoints (sources) on the topic and talk about how your chosen topic can be ambiguous (as in, how facts can be “inconclusive” or even contradictory, or how perspectives on history are shaped by culture.) An example from another class (Western Civ I), which you obviously cannot use, would be explaining how the Mongols expanded and ran their empire. Many historical sources claim the Mongol Empire was vicious, killing millions in a very short amount of time. However, recently found primary accounts of the Mongols paint them almost as “liberators,” not “conquerors” or “slaughterers.” Where does the truth lie? Why are there different accounts of this event/these people?

You must find at least two opposing expert sources for your chosen topic, but they have to be the same type of account: either both sources have to be primary/eye-witness accounts, or both have to be secondary accounts/reviews/perspectives of your chosen topic. Finally, after summarizing the two opposing views and explaining how they’re similar and different, analyze and explain (in your own words) how certain events/people/eras/etc. can be distorted or clouded with regards to history. Conclude your essay by stating which viewpoint you believe is more accurate, and then discuss if you believe that your own perspectives and culture have influenced your research and opinions on the sources.

Decriminalization of Marijuana for Recreational Use

Refer to attached document for instructions on writing the paper/topic. This is a position paper. I want you to pick a stance on whether you agree with or are for Decriminalization of Marijuana for recreational use or disagree with or are against Decriminalization of Marijuana for recreational use. Please let me know if this is not a topic you feel comfortable with as I can assign another topic/ethical issue for this position paper. This seems to be a topic that is widely argued with plenty of information out there for research. It is also a major ethical issue.


Times new roman 12 font sized, normal margins,
no plagiarism plz, answer to these questions plz;
What are the basic reasons firms choose to expand their operations abroad by employing international strategies?
What are the three types of foreign direct investment?
What are core values? How would you expect core values to show up in a company’s international expansion?

Research Paper

I attached this research paper guideline and some documents that I discussed in class and it’s essential for you to write this research paper.

And Can you please also use others sources about my topic.

Evaluation of a global organization

Select a global human services organization that holds interest for you as a human services professional (i.e., Africare, CLASP [Connective Link Among Special Needs Programs] International, and Servas). Review the organization’s website, any related press releases, and journal articles that mention its programs or accomplishments. Address these items regarding the organization you select:

What it is about this organization’s services that interests you as human services professional?
How is the organization structured and who are the stakeholders (Board of Directors, investors/funding sources, management team, government agencies, and clients, for example)?
Any information the organization lists regarding employee engagement, motivation, benefits, and/or recognition.
Additionally, imagine you have been hired as a supervisor within this organization. Address these elements: How you would incorporate a contemporary management theory with your staff?

How you would incorporate a motivational theory with your staff?
What traits or experience you look for when hiring new employees?
Describe how you would orient and train new staff in the organization.
Describe the challenges you would face in managing a global organization.
Describe how you would evaluate the effectiveness of the organization, including staff and program effectiveness.
Describe how you would manage and monitor finances and contracts within the organization.

Relationship Conflict

You will be required to write a thread of at least 400 words on the topic, complete with page references and specifics to document the response and submit it to the corresponding Discussion Board Forum. Proper English and grammar are required.

*******Please see attachments for additional instructions****