Democratic challenges China, Russia, and Nigeria are currently facing

What are the underlying democratic challenges China, Russia, and Nigeria are currently facing? In other words, what hinders their democratic practice and development? Come up with at least two (2) factors for each case and discuss.
In your discussion, you MUST refer to (1) the assigned theoretical readings, including (at least) Zakaria (1997), Dimitrov (2008), Levitsky & Way (2010), Bremmer (2010), (2) all the required readings assigned for China, Russia, and Nigeria, and (3) the following documentaries, “Russia: Putin’s Plan,” “Moscow – Rich in Russia,” “The Tankman,” and “Nigerian Corruption.”

Regeneration in echinoderm: starfish regrowth

I need an experiment research paper on the following title: Regeneration in echinoderm: starfish regrowth.
Based on a hypothetical experiment, how does a starfish regenerate?

The hypothetical experiment was: if an arm is removed how does a starfish regenerate? And how does different light condition affect a starfish to regenerate?

It must have at least 5 scientific citations, total of 10 APA format citations.

Student will upload the assignment on Turnitin to check for plagiarism.

Terrorism P2

Brief for Findings and Analysis chapter
• Attached with this in the document that has the work I have done so far on my dissertation.
• I have also attached a sample dissertation document which structure I want it sort of written in.
• Upon doing my findings and analysis chapter there are subheadings I want followed. These are the following:
– General University Student Perception
– Media Influence – Moral panics within the mass media.
– Ethnicity
– Socialisation – Use socialisation theories as an explanation in the discussion as a way of explaining how people being bought up can influence their perception.
– Summary
Within each of the above subheadings the discussion and findings need to be made along side each other. Concisely written. Use the PDF I have attached with it as a reference to what the university look for in this section
• At this stage you should be trying to tease out the different ways in which your sample of students ( at no point generalise this to all students) have as their construction of terrorism and relate this to the perception of the public that is discussed in the literature.
At this point it is crucial to remember that the aims and objectives were as follow:
1. To establish the general university student perception around terrorism.
2. To identify the medias influence around the definitions and constructions of terrorism.
3. To compare how different ethnicities, view terrorism based on factors like socialisation

If you read the ‘final dissertation document’ then it will come into context as to what I mean and what my findings and analysis chapter should entail. Hopefully this makes it clear. Any questions do let me know.
I have attached my findings and any additional documents I think could be of support for you.

Also in terms of references, please use as many as appropriate. According to what you are saying.

Apollo Moon Landing Hoax

The goal of this paper is for you to (a) chose a conspiracy theory from below and (b) analyze it according to the outline below.

–Apollo Moon Landing Hoax

Model Drawings (Group)

Turn in at least 3 proposed models. These models must be based on Hayes’ models in his currently published text. Use your variable of interest to construct your models. For each model, include a brief description of the model. Include a title page. This is a group project. Again I am uploading the files that you have already worked on. Variables: Gender and First age of exposure to pornagraphy. I will e-mail the pages from the Andrew Hayes book. My instructor said we could keep it simple and do Models 1, 2, 3,4, 5 or 6 nothing complex.

vaccine draft 2

The file you should work on is vaccine draft_2_.docx
Add page numbers to all in essay citations.
Add some ROI irish percentages and figures i have in the MMR and TAF sections alongside the international ones I already have. The 15 sources will probably be more than enough for this.

The following is advice from the lecturer, i should get a scan soon, will upload once i get it:
In the remainder of the first draft, the following crop up … writing issues – tighten up and ensure you have the correct word in as I indicated on scan with sample.
On MMR coverage, you paint the international picture well – do you have any Irish specific figures on impact on vaccination levels? Watch spellings (eg Lancet not Lancelot … etc.
On coverage of TAF at end, you are going over much of the ground again that you cover in Lit review. If you are over 9000 words you have scope to cut back the level of detail in literature review.

Gendered violence is intrinsically tied to anti-black racism and settler colonialism

Essay Question: According to many of your course readings, gendered violence is intrinsically tied to anti-black racism and settler colonialism. Analyse and explore the link between gender and racism using 2 different course readings since the midterm exam to support your answer. Do not simply summarize the readings. Include your own analysis.

Please state your thesis clearly in your introduction. Your thesis should not be a simplistic argument (“Indigenous women face many difficulties under settler colonialism”), but a specific one that requires you to think about course material in complex ways. Be sure to engage meaningfully with 2 different courses readings for each essay. Please do not use the same reading twice. Please include a works cited page and format your references using an MLA style guide
I have attached the files of notes of the course and links of the two readings that need to be included all throughout the essay in good detail.
First Link For First Reading:
Second Link For Second Reading: