the long-run effects of the growth

Instructor notes

I want you to pick a topic of your choosing and then talk about it in the lens of economics. This can be anything, with that being said the paper must follow standards.

APA format

At least 3 citations.

Make sure that you use citable sources, I require good research.

Proper works cited.

Your opinion is ok, however, this is a research paper treat it as such.

Pick something that you are interested in, it will make the paper a lot more fun.

You must talk about economic predictions and forecasting, so many students give me a paper about economics topic and the fact of a country. This doesn’t show your understanding of economics.

What are the long-run effects of the growth or shrinkage of the economy if the fed’s keep interested at a historically low level. (The important part is the forecasting)

Final essay questions

Each question need to have a response of 500 words
2 peer reviewed sources PER questions
Each question needs to be answered SEPARATELY with 2 peer reviewed sources.

Question number one.
First list and describe the main assumptions of Robert K. Merton’s Theory of Anomie.
Then using this theory, explain why, in your view, white collar crime occurs/exists.
Please make sure to fully defend your “supported” view regarding this question. Be specific and use literature to support your perspective.

Question number 2
What are “Chicago’s Concentric Zones” and how might they be used to explain the public’s fear of crime?
Please be specific and use literature to support your perspective.

Question number 3
What is Peacemaking Criminology and how is it used within today’s criminal justice system? As part of your response, please defend your view in regards to whether or not Peacemaking Criminology should be used.

Question number 4
What are some likely future crimes, and how will future criminal activity differ from criminal activity today?
As part of your response please be sure to include what criminal justice practitioners should do to address these future crimes.

Creating a Business Plan

Develop a business plan for a start-up company that plans to sell a product or service in a local market, in a national market, or on the Internet. Select one of your favorite products as the basis for the company or invent a product.

Please see the 3 attachments for more in-dept instructions:
“Instructions” has all the requirements.
“Business Template” is where the paper must be written.
“Task F – Financial Template” is for section/task “F”.

Revolution and Social Movement in Latin America 5

Please, use only uploaded sources.

Paper about revolutions in Latin America and New Social Movements (NSMs) like the Zapatistas and the MST. What do revolutions and NSMs have in common? How are they different? Have they overlapped? Draw on the content of the readings to support your discussion. Remember to use citations as necessary. Use this opportunity to comment on your own insights, opinions, remarks, conclusions, and ideas in your discussion, and use the readings to help evidence your own thoughts.

Module 7: PowerPoint Lecture Reflection Copy

Spend some time reading and listening to the Chapter 7 PowerPoint Presentation. Following the presentation. reflect on the main points that you took away from the presentation. Prepare a one-page analysis of the main points.

An examination of the effects of proposition 64 on California’s increase in revenue.

This is a research paper for my capstone in Public Administration. The paper can begin with a 3 page history the journey of legalizing cannabis in the state of California. This paper must use statistical data to examine the increase in California’s tax revenue from the legalization of cannabis. In addition examine the decrease of spending on arrest, convictions and housing of prisoners due to cannabis related crime, including the post prop 64 release of prisoners arrested on cannabis related felonies.


2 questions 1 pg total or slightly less. Single spaced.
Discussion Section 2
Do you believe that cultural norms in one country should be respected in business over another? Post your thoughts on the discussion board and comment on at least two other student’s answers on the same.
use the following 2 pdfs to answers

Challenges of doing International Business- Social Factors.pdf
On the adaptation of the firm to the International Business Preview the documentEnvironment.pdf

Discussion Section 4

Discussion Section 4
Developing a Plan to Overcome Cultural, Language, Business Practices and Customs Which May Create Barriers to International Market Entry

What are the key aspects of a plan to overcome and harness the challenges of culture, language and local business practices for success in your international venture?
Use the following pdf and youtube video to help answer the question.


Case Assignment
There are various methods in conducting a risk assessment. Any method used is likely to include in some shape or form hazards, vulnerabilities and impacts. Once completed, this risk assessment can be used to develop strategies to prepare, respond, recover, and mitigate cyber threats.

For this case, answer the following:

Describe the steps to conduct a risk assessment to achieve the goals for information security (availability, integrity, confidentiality, accountability, and assurance).

Assignment Expectations
Assignments should be 3-5 FULL PAGES, double-spaced, not counting the cover or reference page. Paper format: (a) Cover page, (b) Header, (c) Body. Submit your assignment by the last day of this module. Provide quotations to support your responses.

Relevance—All content is connected to the question.
Precision—Specific question is addressed. Statements, facts, and statistics are specific and accurate.
Depth of discussion—Present and integrate points that lead to deeper issues.
Breadth—Multiple perspectives and references, multiple issues/factors considered.
Evidence—Points are well-supported with facts, statistics and references.
Logic—Presented discussion makes sense; conclusions are logically supported by premises, statements, or factual information.
Clarity—Writing is concise, understandable, and contains sufficient detail or examples.
Objectivity—Avoids use of first person and subjective bias.
References—Sources are listed at the end of the paper.
Use strong credible sources – peer-reviewed references, government documents, and subject matter expert materials to support your answer. Your paper will not exceed 5 pages (excluding cover sheet and reference page(s).


Despite the fact that cyber risks and cyber security are widely acknowledged to be a serious threat, many companies today still do not purchase cyber risk insurance. However, this situation is changing. Recent legal developments underscore the fact that reliance on traditional insurance policies is not enough, as companies face growing liabilities in this fast-evolving area. For example, more than 70 class actions lawsuits were filed against Target Corporation alone by its customers following its 2013 holiday season data breach that compromised up to 110 million customer accounts.

For this SLP, answer the following:

1. What do cyber insurance policies cover and exclude (i.e., First Party vs. Third Party)?
2. What factors might an insurance company consider in assessing the risk level (exposure) of a certain business (i.e., Organizational, Technical, Policies & Procedures, Legal & Compliance)?
3. In your opinion, are cyber insurance policies a viable option for businesses to mitigate cyber risk? Explain.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Assignments should be 3–5 FULL PAGES, double-spaced, not counting the cover or reference page. Paper format: (a) Cover page, (b) Header, (c) Body. Submit your assignment by the last day of this module. Provide quotations to support your responses.

Relevance—All content is connected to the question.
Precision—Specific question is addressed. Statements, facts, and statistics are specific and accurate.
Depth of discussion—Present and integrate points that lead to deeper issues.
Breadth—Multiple perspectives and references, multiple issues/factors considered.
Evidence—Points are well-supported with facts, statistics and references.
Logic—Presented discussion makes sense; conclusions are logically supported by premises, statements, or factual information.
Clarity—Writing is concise, understandable, and contains sufficient detail or examples.
Objectivity—Avoids use of first person and subjective bias.
References—Sources are listed at the end of the paper.
Use strong credible sources—peer-reviewed references, government documents, and subject matter expert materials to support your answer. Your paper will not exceed 5 pages (excluding cover sheet and reference page(s).

Module 6: PowerPoint Lecture Reflection

Spend some time reading and listening to the Chapter 5 PowerPoint Presentation. Following the presentation. reflect on the main points that you took away from the presentation. Prepare a one-page analysis of the main points.