Trend analysis and product development

this is discussion board, answering the following question
1. This week we discussed these designers as Masters of Pattern: Emilio Pucci; Stephen Sprouse; Marc Jacobs; Diane Von Furstenberg; Gilbert Adrian and Etro.

Choose two of these designers and explain their important contribution(s) to today’s fashion. Why do you believe their work is inspiring designers today?

IS Implementation Report

I am providing the papers that have been written. I need A conclusion about the relationship between the theories studied and the experiences of the organization. So look at the paper from WK1 through Wk4 and write a conclusion as requested above.

(See attached for resource)—-Write A conclusion about the relationship between the theories studied and the experiences of the organization

Concert Report 1

Write a concert report based on the parameters given in class and submit it in Word format. Please use the rubric and paper example as guides. Please see attachments for music selections please select only one.

Treatment of Hypertension in African American community in South Bronx NY

Submit your CBCAR paper here. The focus of this paper is the implementation of your health promotion project plan, utilization of the Logic Model (submitted in week 6), and a description of the theoretical or conceptual framework that guided your project. Be sure that the following elements are included:

Introduction, conclusion, and reference list
Detailed description of the conceptual model with defined concepts.
Comprehensive plan including goals, objectives, responsibilities, tasks, and time line.
Detailed outcome measurement plan outlined in the implementation plan.
Outcome measures are analyzed and well articulated.
Logic Model as an appendix.
Note: your paper must be formatted in APA format and must not exceed 6 pages, excluding the title page, references, and appendices.

Case Narratives – Mini Essays – Ethics and Law in Healthcare

Answer 6 short answer questions – Responses to be 250-350 words.
Please treat each case as a ‘mini essay’ ie. as per the rubric you will have an introductory statement, a body, and a concluding statement for each case response. Please ensure that you use full sentences rather than bullet points so that it conforms with ‘essay style’. Please use APA 7th Edition.

There also needs to be a references glossary of the key terms specified in the assignment 2 attachment.
You can either direct quote or paraphrase these terms in the glossary, or use a combination, just make sure you reference correctly which ever way you choose. The list of terms to include are some of the key terms/concepts from the unit, and it is a fair deduction that we would expect you to use most if not all of them in your responses at some point.

I have attached:
* The assignment guidelines, which includes the questions
* The marking rubric
* An example of the glossary

USA Patriot Act

Write a 1375-word paper presenting your point of view on the USA PATRIOT Act (also known as H.R. 3162 ENR) and related legislation by outlining the following areas:

• Societal implications of the USA PATRIOT Act and related legislation limiting daily behaviors

• Concerns related to race, ethnicity, gender, age, and religion as they relate to law enforcement and security services

• The impact of technology and globalization and the balance of individual rights against public safety

• The influence of domestic and international terrorism in relation to government agencies and private security


Assignment (2-4 double-spaced pages in APA format): In addition to a minimum of six scholarly references, which may include electronic government documents and reputable websites, your paper should include:

A description of the social problem you selected and any known causes or explanations for the problem
A description of the problem’s prevalence in society
A description of the specific population impacted by this social problem, if any. If the social problem you selected does affect a specific population, include an explanation of why that might be the case.
An explanation of the theories that support the problem and approaches scholars and policy analysts use to address the problem

For the writer selection

You may choose any of the following questions for your reflection paper:

How and why did the agendas of secular rulers and the papacy clash in the Middle Ages? What factors combined to undermine European’s faith in religious and political authorities? How did peasant and urban revolts reflect this lack of confidence? What role might the Crusades play in contemporary Muslim-Christian relations? What connections might Muslims or Christians today make between the Crusades and the global policies of Western nations in the twenty and twenty-first centuries?

Try to draw a parallel to your own life. How does this history impact you in today’s word?

Write 5 full paragraphs – intro, 3 body and conclusion. **You MUST use specific facts from the TEXTBOOK and one primary source quote from the primary source READER. Essays without use of the textbook and primary sources will receive a ZERO***

I will attach the books are
SOurces of World Socieites second edition voulume 1

other book is Understanding world societies
volume 1: to 1600 second edition

The impact of fluency and disfluency on perceived learning and actual learning

Note that P stands for paragraph and not page.

P1: Introduction of the impact of fluency and disfluency on perceived learning and actual learning.

P2-3: Summary of the Wilford paper. Focus on what they did (P2) and what they found (P3).

P4-5: Summary of the Rahman paper. Focus on what they did (P4) and what they found (P5).

P6-7: Summary of the Toftness paper. Focus on what they did (P5) and what they found (P6).

P8: Summary of the 3 previous paper and what is left to research (what we will explain)

P9: First sentence would state the independent variable. The sentence will state the dependent variables. The 3rd sentence will state the hypothesis in the “if…then” form.

On the last page provide a reference section in proper APA style.

I will attach the original articles of the three research which this paper is based on. Basically I am doing this research based on these articles. I will also attach the summaries I did on all of them for your references. Please follow each step carefully. My class is basically doing a research on our own, but everyone has to come up with the introduction first and what we are going to research on. We will conduct a survey with college students online about how Fluency can affect the decision of Study Time, schedule, the short/long term retention, and professor ratings from students. If you have any questions please let me know.