In an essay form, develop an example of an XSS vulnerability and an exploit which displays it. You will be expected to include a snippet of code which illustrates an XSS vulnerability and also provides some general discussion of XSS vulnerabilities.

APA formatting: cover page, references page, 12-point Times New Roman, and double spacing
Include a cover page formatted to APA specifications


Good evening. I wanted to have corrections made for my portion of the research paper. I believe it is pages 37-42. The “Organization chart”

If you click on the attahced “Phase 2 graded” that is where you will see the notes that the professor wrote. This time i made sure that my other classmates did their corrections first so that we don’t have any issues. The other attachments have their updated table 9 charts. Please let me know if you have any questions thank you.

Key Issues in EU Foreign Policy

See instructions and Worksheet attached. MUST use MANDATORY sources on your answers (provided attached). READ instructions carefully and follow guidelines. Please remember to always properly cite and reference your information sources.

US Religious History

Please see attached files: Guide, and MasterOutline. Please follow the master outline. Please only cite references from the youtube videos found on the following link, which correspond with the different sub-sections of the Outline https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4DCETg8wTtTyyIfzt77ouQ/videos

Ethical Leadership during Coronavirus Pandemic

Please use this as a resource reference: Servant Leadership, Ethics, and the Domains of. Leadership. Servant Leadership Research Roundtable – July 2007. Stephen D. Griffith. Indiana Wesleyan Published by the School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship, Regent University

This assignment (paper/presentation) is considered to be a key contributor to the learner’s portfolio. Identify a leader (or leaders) you feel represents ethical and/or servant leadership during this time of the Global Coronavirus Pandemic. This can be a person or persons associated with your work and professional direction, a local leader, a former teacher, front line professionals, essential services employees, or others. You choose. Gather as much information you can about the person and/or the situation.

Please use the questions below for selecting a subject:

1. What initially appealed to you about this person or situation?

2. How has this story affected your ethical stance?

3. What were the key life-markers that were a part of this journey?

4. What values are important to understanding this story?
5. What was the ethical response to society or to an organization?
6. What was the effect of this response on society or the organization?

7. What challenges, responses, actions, and/or inspirations does their story offer?


1. There are two deliverables from your data gathering about this topic – 1. written paper

2. Select and identify a theoretical or conceptual framework to guide your analysis for the written paper and presentation. Use this as the lens for your writing. (See the course materials on the conceptual framework (Links to an external site.) and theoretical framework (Links to an external site.).)

3. Identify a core research question for your interview and analysis – what do you really want to know about ethical leadership, servant leadership and/or cultural considerations that you can learn from this situation during the global Coronavirus pandemic?


Research Question: What do you want to understand about leadership and ethics from the global Coronavirus pandemic??

Research Purpose: What is the goal of your paper?

Framework: Identify the foundational constructs of your inquiry – theoretical definitions, theorists, year. Consider including a conceptual model. (Remember to review the readings on conceptual and theoretical frameworks.)

Literature Review: What do we know from previous scholarship and research? What are the trends and gaps in literature relative to leadership, ethics, service and/or cultural considerations when similar situations and contexts were considered?

Your Analysis: What did you learn about the person, persons or situation through the lens of your framework? How does what you learned answer your research question?

Practical Significance: What are the implications of your analysis for leadership and/or organizations at large?

Food Security

Define the term thoroughly, in your own words.
Explain the importance of the term using evidence.
Discuss how the term affects living things and the physical world.
Suggest two specific actions that can be taken to promote environmental sustainability in relation to the term.
Explain exactly how those actions will aid in safeguarding our environment in relation to your chosen term.
Provide detailed examples to support your ideas.

Police officers and firefighters have jobs that require them to make rapid, crucial decisions in high-pressure situations. When they save lives, they are sometimes called heroes. How do you define a hero? What qualities does someone need to have to be heroic in your eyes?

Marking Criteria
Grammatically-correct sentences
Academic and varied vocabulary
A mix of sentence structures
A strong and clear thesis statement that is on topic
Meaningful examples that support your points
A conclusion that doesn’t use exactly the same words as the introduction

Western civilization

After reading chapters 8, 9, 10 and viewing the videos entitled Charlemagne; Muhammad; and the Knights Templar, complete the following assignment. Begin by first researching the topic(s) and then write the essay.
The fall of Rome in 476 C.E marked the end of the ancient world and the beginning of the Middle Ages (500-1050 C.E.). This was an age of transition. The heirs of Rome were Byzantium in what remained of the Roman East, the Frankish kingdoms in the West, and Islam in Arabia. These three monotheistic cultures would clash in the centuries that followed. Your task this week is to

1) Compare and contrast Charlemagne’s Frankish kingdom in Latin Christendom to the rise of Muhammad’s Islam in Arabia. What did these two leaders have in common? How did they differ?

2). Describe the relationship between Christian leaders and followers of Islam and how both ultimately contributed to the onset of the Crusades.

3). In your educated opinion, were the Crusades motivated by genuine religious zeal, or by the expectation of financial gain and social circumstances and inheritance laws (primogeniture)?
At least half of your research post should contain a critical thinking component (comparing the pros and cons and then defending one side or the other), and should be well argued.


Please see attached.

Add the following reference also

Affa’a-Mindzie, M. (2013, June 27). Strengthening the Rule of Law and Human Rights in the Sahel. Stability: International Journal of Security & Development, Vol. 2 (Issue 2), pp. 1-12. Can add DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5334/sta.br or Received from https://www.stabilityjournal.org/articles/10.5334/sta.br/
Thurston, A. (2013, February 22). Mali: The Disintegration of a “Model African Democracy”. Stability: International Journal of Security and Development, Volume 2 (Issue 1), pp. 1-7.

Results section of an empirical study

***I am unable to attach the SPSS data file so I will need to email this to the writer ASAP.
Writing must have access to SPSS.
Word limil is 1500 but doesnt have to be even close to that just has to include all the elements of the assessment.
Assessment outline and marking rubric is attached.