Week 1-5

APA STYLE format
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Add a reference page and the reference page is not counted part of your word counts.


The upbeat tag line at the transportation company Uber’s website (“Get there, your day belongs to you”) stands in stark contrast with the company that has experienced multiple scandals: the company’s culture of sexism, a legal battle with the company’s investor (Google), and hefty fines ($20M) levied by the Federal Trade Commission, among other things, led to the departure of Uber’s co-founder and CEO. In response, the company hired Bozoma Saint John to repair the company’s image. A native of Ghana, Ms. Saint John is well-spoken and accomplished.

Watch the following video interview, and then respond to the following questions.

CBS News. (28 July, 2017). Meet Bozoma Saint John: The woman tasked with fixing Uber’s image. CBS News. Retrieved from http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/meet-bozoma-saint-john-the-woman-tasked-with-fixing-ubers-image/

In Module 3, we discussed four antecedents for successful organizational transformation—as you recall, one of these was the Organizational Culture. Ms. Saint John has specifically been tasked with changing Uber’s culture.

Is there an “organizational transformation” needed by Uber that extends beyond the reparations of the company culture that are so clearly needed?
What should be the expected outcome (value/ benefits) of Uber’s organizational transformation?
What challenges confront Ms. Saint John in her role as the organization’s change leader? (Hint: Be sure that you consider both organizational and individual resistance to change).
The following article may also help you in formulating your response:

Solon, O. (2017, 28 July). Can Bozoma Saint John repair Uber’s troubled image? The Guardian. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/jul/28/bozoma-saint-john-troubled-image

applied psychology- 3 essay questions applied psychology to profession as a personal trainer/health coach

apply information that you have learned in general psychology while completing your courses to either your career( personal fitness trainer/health coach. ) Before responding to the following prompts, please identify the profession that you will relate your answers to. Be sure to cite a minimum of five scholarly sources for each question below and provide a reference list at the completion of your document.
Consider what ethical guidelines from the ACA ethics codes apply to your chosen career. In your response, provide at least 5 ethical guidelines and an explanation of how and why you think that each guideline applies.
Choose two psychological theories from your courses in the General Psychology program and describe how each of these theories relates to your chosen career. Be sure to identify at least three ways for each of the theories. In doing so, demonstrate an understanding of each of the theories by providing comprehensive descriptions of them, including all key components.
Identify three key areas of psychology that are related to human functioning. Explain each of them thoroughly, why they are important for psychology and understanding human functioning, and then relate each to your career.

Consumer Behaviour

Answer 3 out of 5 questions.
Please record your answers in a single Word document, using Times New
Roman 12-point font. In recording your answers, please start each
question on a new page and clearly identify the question number. There
should be no more than TWO (2) pages of 1.5-spaced answer or written
content PER question (anything beyond this will not be marked).
References are not required.

Capital Structure and Valuation

This assignment requires the completion of the excel workbook, tabs Capital Structure, and Valuation for the Company Estee Lauder (EL) following a 3-page paper summarizing findings according to the rubric.
I started working the Capital Structure tab. I think the capital funding amounts are good but please do check and correct if need be, all other data, I am unsure of.
I will be following your movements so, if possible, notes in column K would be helpful, and please use the citations and references to the excel spreadsheet in the word doc as required by the rubric.

Subculture presented in Pop Culture

Subcultures Represented in Pop Culture


Subculture: An ethnic, regional, economic or social group, which shares ideologies (beliefs) and/or patterns of behavior that distinguishes them from the larger culture. Examples: Republicans, Hippies, Asian Americans

Pop Culture: Popular culture of a wide portion of mainstream society; does not include “high culture” or “high art” (i.e. opera, ballet, traditional forms of poetry). Examples of pop culture mediums/forums: T.V. shows, video games, movies.)


We see groups of people represented in all forms of pop culture. The degree to which these representations are accurate or fair, however, varies. Dominant subcultures (White, middle class, heterosexual, male, etc.) are generally seen with the widest range of characteristics suggesting the infinite diversity of the individuals who make up these subcultures. Minority subcultures (Hispanic, lower class, homosexual, etc.) are frequently depicted through stereotypes and caricatures, which do not allow for the differences and individuality within these groups. Still, within certain pop culture mediums/forums, there are some accurate and/or positive representations of minority subcultures.

In this essay you will identify a subculture being represented in some pop culture medium. You may focus on a specific forum (ex. one specific movie), compare and contrast two different forums (ex. two different commercials) or trace a trend of three depictions of a subculture you see across a genre (ex. action films, soap operas). You should analyze how the group is being presented and provide your own evaluation of the fairness and/or accuracy of its presentation. Whatever argument you make, be sure to show specific evidence or examples from your pop culture forum(s) that prove your claim. You will also need to incorporate a college-level secondary source (research and/or analysis about your subculture or your pop culture forum) in order to help you support your argument.

Minimum Requirements
*All requirements must be fulfilled in order to earn a C or above.

-At least 3 full pages (not counting works cited page.)
-At least 1 college-level secondary sources (these do not include the pop culture mediums/forums you are analyzing!!)
-Analysis and evaluation of pop culture medium – not summary and review
-MLA Style

Summary of the readings

This is the assignment given. Respond to the arguments by Samuel Moyn (ch. 11) and Hopgood himself (ch. 12) in Human Rights Futures. Are you pessimistic, do you think human rights should be reframed, what do you think….?
In you respond you can connect todays event as a perspective if you want.I basically need you to read the reading 2 chapters only and find the common theme and bring example form reading to prove it,about a page.