Publishing Challenges

Publishing Challenges

Perhaps you now find yourself drawn to a certain area of publishing. Editorial? Design? Marketing? Sales? Digital? Audio? My hope is that you also now look more critically at the challenges this vibrant, but threatened, cultural industry continually faces.

In this essay (minimum 1100 words) identify a particular challenge or set of challenges facing publishing today. You can focus on your own area of interest or branch out and research some new territory. Maybe you can create a whole new business model.

This is an academic paper and should follow proper academic guidelines. You should choose properly cited and formatted according to APA Guidelines. Remember to cite and properly reference your research material.

Please use 4–6 academic references.

Criteria: Total 30.0 pts

Quality of writing 10.0 pts

Use of readings and outside references, properly cited. Fomatted according to APA Guidelines. 5.0 pts

Argument: Are all elements of the assignment addressed and is there a properly developed argument? 15.0 pts

Continuing Professional Development in A Japanese Beauty College

This essay is for a module about leadership in the school. The assignment is to write a 5,000-word essay. I am required to analyse the current situation that I have been experiencing in the educational institution which I belong to, utilising articles and information used in any session.
I have already got feedback on my first draft, which is added this order.

Covid 19

As shared with you in the Announcement on April 28, the essay topic I want you to cover will be shorter than the ones I usually request of my students in this course, but far more current, while still remaining firmly in the area of Comparative Politics. It is the kind of brief you might be expected to come up with if you were in charge of a country desk at the State Department (which is one of the large employers of Comparative Politics specialists at present.) So here goes: I would like you to choose any one (1) country from among those covered in our textbook, excluding the United States of America, and in an essay of three to five (3-5) pages, explain how that chosen country has dealt with, planned to or prepared to deal with, or been affected by (economically, socially, politically) the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Few countries have been as seriously affected as the USA, but almost no country has been completely immune from the effects of the pandemic, and some have actually gone far further in effectively addressing the issue than, for example, our own fractured federal government led by our more or less democratically elected president.

As is the case in all my essays, certain vital formatting rules apply. Please pay attention to these, as they are generally required for essays deemed acceptable in most political science departments in U.S. four-year colleges.

The papers are expected to be of a length of 3- 5 pages double spaced, and should not exceed the length of 7 pages double spaced (anything exceeding this specified length might simply not be read.) Use the information provided by books and/or periodicals, valid web sources, and your own reasoned understanding and gained knowledge (but perhaps not too much imagination, as this is not sci-fi) to answer the question.

I will be expecting you to provide proper foot-/end-notes, and a bibliography. By proper, I mean that your foot-/end-notes will be individually and sequentially numbered, and will follow the format known as Chicago/Turabian style. This is the style to be used for both foot-, end-notes and also for the separate bibliography. If this style is not clear to you, type one or more of the following URLs, which cover the topic quite exhaustively into your browser:

Please note that Chicago/Turabian style allows for two citation systems: notes and bibliography and in-text author/date citations and reference list. The system I require and the only one I will accept as correct in this essay is notes and bibliography.

6 page art term paper

Hello! It is a 6 page term paper that I have due. I am deployed right now and my internet is spotty! Below are the details of what needs to be done:

Artist: Francisco de Goya
Art work #1: The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters, No. 43 from Los Caprichos (The Caprices), 1796-1798

Art work #2: King Charles IV (1748-1819) of Spain and his Family, Queen Louisa (1751-1819) and their Children, 1800

A 2 page biography of your artist
A 2 page description, formal analysis, and interpretation of the first work of art
A 2 page description, formal analysis, and interpretation for the second work of art
In a conclusion, tell me why you chose this artist

Thank you!

Supply Chain

For this assignment you are researching a country and reporting on special considerations when importing or exporting products in their country. Choose a country of interest and create a five to ten minute PowerPoint presenting on the following:

Introduce country of choice.

Political factors including major tariffs, nontariff barriers, and embargos.

Transportation factors, issues, regulations, and considerations.

Unique product packaging regulations and considerations.

Economic factors that may be influence decisions.

Cultural factors of interest pertaining to logistics.