Judith K. Russell

1. Summarize paragraph 2 of the Russell essay, the first body paragraph (about Mrs. Hale representing Clotho the Spinner), in your own words, using no direct quotes from the Russell essay, but telling me in your own words what you think are the most important things the paragraph says. Your paragraph is to be no more than 100 words long. I am forcing you to take the most important information in the paragraph and explain it to me clearly in fewer words than Russell uses–that is what “summarize” means.

2. Just for practice, put an in-text citation (Russell 88) each time you talk about some information from the Russell essay. Whenever you use information from a source, you must credit the information to that source–in this case Russell. Remember, you don’t have to put an in-text citation after every sentence of information that comes from the source–just be sure it is clear after every sentence where the information came from. And as always, if you are not sure whether you need a citation or not, put a citation. There is no penalty for putting unnecessary citations, but not putting a needed citation can be a severe error.

CYBR410 Data/Database Security – Week 4 Assignment 4.3 Chapter Case Assignment

Look at the Case Projects section at the end of the chapter. Complete Case Project 4-1, writing a couple of paragraphs for each scenario (a & b).
Please see below the instruction, you will find the copy of Case Projects 4-1.

Attach the document to this assignment link. This assignment should be a minimum of a full page of content (for both parts a & b . Ensure you’re using standard APA Style formatting for class papers and that you cite and reference any sources used. Any misspellings or grammar issues will result in deductions from the total score.
Submission Requirements:
• Format: Microsoft Word APA STYLE
• Font: Times New Roman, 12-point, Double-spaced
• Citation Style: APA
• Length: 1 page (275 words)
Dear writer,
Please read through the following carefully.
This is a one-page essay format assignment (275 words = One- page, pictures, diagram, in-text citation are not counted as word count). Also, check punctuations, spelling, grammar, and avoid using repeat words.). Please use proper citation. Also provide the URL for the websites you use, because I need them to create proper reference page. Thank you
If you need the textbook, please read chapter 4 Slides provided to you.

M 8

Choose your module:

Module 8: Trends and Issues in Strategic Management

Once you have made your choice, do the following:

Re-read the Learning Outcomes of your chosen module.
Review the lecture material presented in the module.
Peruse the discussion board for that week.
Then, in your original post, answer the following questions:

Why did you choose this module to review and discuss?
What were two concepts that you found particularly relevant or insightful from the module and that you may continue to use?
What were two concepts that you already knew or wished that you could have studied further?
How might you use this information in the future? What predictions do you have regarding the future of business? Are there any trends that you can identify?
When responding to other student posts, reflect on their discussion and share any thoughts that you have about their comments. Try to find posts that contain information about a module other than the one you chose.

You should find everything in Chapters 2 & 3 in Concepts in Strategic Management

Strategic Management and Business Policy Globalization, Innovation and Sustainability (Subscription)
Thomas L. Wheelen; J. David Hunger; Alan N. Hoffman; Charles E. Bamford

SOCI 1306: FInal Paper Proposal (part 2 of 2 orders) SERIAL KILLERS AND THEIR EASY PREY

The final paper should be at least three pages long (not including the bibliography), include at least two references beyond the articles, book, or film. (By “at least”, I mean you have completed three pages and are at least into a fourth page of text). The references can be a simple as an internet search for an updated statistic or fact – but include it in the bibliography
The articles/books/film you chose and the two (or more) additional references you used must be listed in a bibliography.
If you quote directly from the source, be sure to cite the source properly in the body of the paper. Use MLA, APA, or the “Chicago Style” format of the ASA (see the “Citation of Sources” document for details).
The bibliography does NOT count as part of the three- page minimum.
Use a standard font like Arial, Verdana, Calibri, or Times New Roman, no larger than12 point Double-space and spell-check the paper.
Submit it on or before the due date in Canvas using the Turnitin tool.
The grading rubric will be attached in Turnitin
Please…write the paper in your own words. If you copy and paste from online sources or other student’s work, TURNITIN will catch it. Resist the temptation to take a shortcut. Just communicate something about what your read/watched to me. I am not teaching a writing class, I just want to see that you have engaged with the material and have something to say. Don’t be intimidated if you are not confident in your writing skills – think of this a practice.

I will not deduct points for grammar, but I expect it to be spell-checked, which is usually automatic in most programs. Neither will I deduct points for problems with sentence or paragraph construction. Just meet these main criteria, and you can expect full credit:

It is written in your own words
It is double-spaced and spellchecked
There is at least 3 pages of text
There is a bibliography, with citations for the articles and two other references
Any quotations in the paper are identified as such- see the “Guide to Citations” document for guidance
It is written about what I put in my proposal
It is submitted on time
Exceptionally well written and insightful papers can earn bonus points, so it is worth your time to make the effort.

M 7

A leader needs to understand the importance of organizational culture. After all, culture, “is a living, breathing organism that emerges from the social and psychological environment within your company,” writes Adam Fridman and Hank Ostholthoff in their book, The Science of Story. In addition, they add that culture “is the key contributor to your organization’s effectiveness and competitiveness.”

Before you can decide how to improve an organizational culture, you need to assess the current state. What’s working? What needs to change?

Use the case CrediFi: Managing International Cases at a Startup and complete the following:

– Describe the organizational culture in terms of it being in alignment with the organization’s strategy.
– What is working or fits well between the culture and the strategy?
– What needs to change within the culture for a better alignment with the organization’s strategy?
– Identify at least two actions that you would recommend for building a tighter alignment between the culture and the strategy. What is the goal desired by these two actions?

From CrediFi

International, Organizational Behavior
Cross-Culture Business, Organizational Structure, Teams Managing International Cultures at a Startup image
Expanding your sales and development teams into other regions and countries is a difficult endeavor and one that often fails. When things get busy at your primary location, it can be hard to give your employees based at other locations the time they deserve and many things can be miscommunicated, causing errors or offense. Your team members will not know each other as well and this can easily lead to an “us-versus-them” mentality. This case deals with smoothly blending two different cultures in vastly different areas of the world into a cohesive workforce that pays special attention to the how the individuals interact and communicate with each other.

SOCI 1306: FInal Paper Proposal (part 1 of 2 orders) SERIAL KILLERS AND THEIR EASY PREY

1. Review the document “Final Paper Topics – Sociology 1301”
2. Decide what you are going to write about and complete the assignment “Final Paper Proposal” in Canvas. Please upload a Word or similar document.
a. The proposal should be one or two paragraphs.
b. If you are choosing to write about two articles from the “Articles for Final Paper” module, specify which articles and why you selected them.
c. If you are writing about a book or film, tell me which one and why you selected it.
d. Submit the proposal BY THE DUE DATE in CANVAS– NO EXTENSIONS!
e. The proposal is worth 25 points of the 125 point total for the final paper.

This will be just the proposal of the actual paper. I have already chosen the

Advanced Economic Issues

310ECN Deferral Coursework Question
Topic One: Bayesian Persuasion

1. Using your knowledge of Bayes rule, answer the following questions. Each
of the two parts carries equal weight.
(a) Suppose there are eighty movies and seventy books. There are thirtyfive action movies, fifteen sci-fi movies and thirty romance movies.
There are twenty-five sci-fi books and forty-five romance books.
i. State the prior probability that a given object is a movie and the
prior probability that a given object is a book. [5%]
ii. State the likelihood of each genre for each type of media. [10%]
iii. State the marginal probability of each genre. [15%]
iv. Calculate the probability that a given romance object is a movie
and the probability that a given sci-fi object is a book. [20%]
(b) Provide your own example of an application of Bayes rule, which is
not taken from the lecture notes. [50%]

Business Memo

Create a Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) document that is single-spaced with a space between paragraphs, Times New Roman 12-point font. The final product will be in business memo format no longer than three (3) pages in length Create a Title page with a title for the paper, course number and section, your name and the instructor’s name. You are a consultant that Carlos Rodriguez is considering hiring to guide him through the process of starting his business. Since you have a broad business background, you are going to write a business memo to Carlos Rodriquez outlining the different areas of business that he would need to consider to successfully open the business. Use the following business memo format to Carlos and not about Carlos. Thoroughly answer the ten (10) elements below the format using the course materials and the case scenario facts.Do not use external sources to complete this project.Business Format:





Business Summary- This is a one paragraph overview of the current situation of the client as you see it. This is the foundation of the memo to make sure you and your client are both viewing the situation the same. Make sure to provide an overview of the main topics.

Situation Analysis and Recommendations – This is where you address the following requirements using the course materials and the information from the case scenario. No external sources can be used.

Discuss how Carlos can determine if he is an entrepreneur or should be a small business owner.
Explain how Carlos should decide how much capital is needed to start the business.
Assuming Carlos will eventually need financing, discuss the financial statements Carlos will need.
Discuss the best form of business Carlos should set up and explain why.
Explain why the other business forms would not work well.
Discuss the role Julio should assume in the business and explain whether this decision affects the form of business Carlos sets up and explain how so.
Explain specific types of marketing the business should pursue.
Discuss whether Carlos should hire help and if so, what position(s).
If help is hired, explain who will manage them.
Explain the best ways for Carlos to motivate his employees if he chooses to hire employees.
University of Maryland Global Campus BMGT 110 E501 Introduction to Business and Management(2205) log in: trudolph password: 4ClrDhalead18%

Application for Master in Medical biotechnology in the University of Portsmouth

I am applying to the University of Portsmouth in England for Master in Medical Biotechnology
I am sending you here the transcript of my Bachelor Degree, a CV and also a reference so you can use any relevant information
i have listed some points that i would like to be discussed in the statement
-reasons why I choose to pursue a Master’s in Medical biotechnology
-What makes the University of Portsmouth so special related to the postgraduate study in Medical biotechnology
-career prospects in the medical biotechnology