Business Law

You are a solicitor specialising in small business start ups and expansion.

Homer has a small business – V-Engines. He designs and builds engines for other companies and, due to increases in his order book, has recently leased a large warehouse with offices. He is not sure whether to continue to run his business as a sole trader or to obtain limited liability. He has two people working with him on a self-employed basis in the workshop and has identified that he needs two more, plus someone to work in the office full-time.

Highlight to Homer the different types of business he may operate, including coverage of legal responsibilities and the advantages and disadvantages of each type. You should also state any regulations that Homer must adhere to if he decides to change his business formation to that of a company. You also need to ensure that he is aware of his legal obligations with regards to those who currently work with him and those he intends to recruit.

If Homer does choose to set up a company highlight what his responsibilities would be as a Director and in what circumstances he may be disqualified. Your response should be in the form of a written report. The learning outcomes for this assignment are:
Identify and investigate ‘legal problems’ for businesses and suggest solutions to the same
Improve self learning skills by being able to effectively analyse a law report and piece of legislation and to tackle comprehensive case studies and problem scenarios


Expected Conclusions (2-3 pages)
Outline what you think you would find if you were to complete the proposed investigation. It is important that you go straight to the point and answer your research question. Going back to our example, a good way to begin this section would be as follows: “Upon completion of my research, I expect to find the following similarities and differences in men’s and women’s reasons for marrying (elaborate on those similarities and differences).”
Once you have given a broad answer to your research question, provide a more detailed explanation that includes your expected findings. Going back to our example, elaborate on what you think your respondents would say about their reasons for marrying. Please note that you are not required to conduct any original research for your paper. However, it might be useful to you to either interview or survey a small sample of people. This would give you a good sense of what you would find if you were to conduct a larger-scale investigation.

Once you have discussed your expected findings, draw parallels between those findings and the research findings in your literature review. Do your expected findings confirm something the literature has already discovered to be the case? Do your expected findings contradict certain findings in the literature review? For example, if you find certain similarities and differences why men and women marry, it is possible that you can compare those similarities and differences to how gender roles have evolved over time.

Implications for Research and Practice (2-3 pages)
Discuss the implications of your expected findings for research and practice. First, based on your expected findings, formulate three new research investigations. (For example, if you were to find certain differences why men and women marry, you could propose an investigation into why those differences exist). For each proposed research investigation, explain to the reader what exactly you have in mind and why that is an important investigation.

Discuss the implications of your expected findings for practice. By practice, I mean the participants in your study and other relevant parties. For example, you could discuss how your expected findings are relevant to people who are married, as well as to people who are considering marriage. Be clear about whom your expected findings are relevant to and how those findings are relevant to them.

Using APA (American Psychological Association) style guidelines, include, in alphabetical order, full citations to all sources cited in your paper.

The completed assignment should be at least 15-20 pages, not including the bibliography. Double-space it and use Times Roman (12 font).

Job Analysis Methods

Describe the following 2 job analysis methods in detail and why they are important:

Job requirements – “a job requirements job analysis seeks to identify and describe the specific tasks, KSAOs, and job context for a particular job. This type of job analysis aims to be objective and has a very well- developed body of techniques to support its implementation. “

Job rewards – “the rewards- based approach is used to assess what types of positive outcomes employees receive from performing a job. From a staffing perspective, knowing the rewards of a job can be very useful in attracting individuals to apply for, and ultimately accept, jobs in the organization.”

Learning Module 2

In a minimum of 150 words, using scholarly material and proper citations, discuss the impact of African American stereotypes on law enforcement and cross-racial perceptions. Your assignment must reflect at least five sources such as your textbook and other scholarly materials (i.e. journal articles, books, etc.) to receive full credit. Your scholarly references should be sources within five years of the date of this class.

Your assignment must be submitted in an APA paragraph format with in-text citations and a reference list. If you are not familiar with APA format, you will need to review the APA and Sample Assignment under Course Information. Your assignment must be attached as a WORD document for grading. Any assignment written in the add comment area will not be graded

not topic

Religious doctrines and colonies
Technological advancements
The evolution of capitalist industry
Multinational European presence in the Americas
The beginning of race-based slavery
The rise of Enlightenment and the supremacy of individual experience
The American Revolution and the rise of the New Republic
The Great Awakening and the similarities and differences amongst Puritans, Catholics, and Quakers
The tension between material and spiritual goals
The immense influence of John Locke’s philosophy on the Declaration of Independence
The tension in America between individual rights and the common good
Treaties, wars, and removals of American Indians
Let’s start this first discussion post nice and easy in order to ease us into the era. Here is your prompt:

Pulling just from our reading, I would like you to choose three of the issues I have listed above (in the bullet points). After choosing your three, provide a brief summary of each issue (as it is presented in our reading), some logical connections you can see forming between these issues (i.e. how they interrelate and influence each other), and, finally, your reaction to them. What I mean by this last part is this: did you encounter anything new in the historical overview –something that you did not know before — and/or was your perspective amplified in any way? (For example, did you think that the Mayflower contained only pious Christians?).

Please provide direct quotes and/or paraphrases from our reading as textual evidence. Use a parenthetical citation. For example: (Levine, 20)

no topic

Winthrop addresses many things in this speech, but there are some key ideas. He knows that his followers are in for a hard year, as they will have much work to do, very little provisions, and immense difficulties. Therefore, he addresses:

How Christians should do business with each other (lending, work-ethic, distribution, etc.).
The role of the heart/soul in the community as opposed to just the mind/intellect
What love is and should be for the community
I would like you to choose two of these points and 1) summarize Winthrop’s main points about them and 2) provide your personal thoughts on encountering this “model” of social-spiritual-economic relations.

Please cite evidence from the text to support your answer. For Example. (Winthrop, 101).

please read this.
Winthrop, “A Model of Christian Charity”

Case Study: Yakkatech, Inc.

Using the attached Case Study: Yakkatech, Inc. answer the following three questions.

1. What symptom(s) in this case suggest that something has gone wrong?

2. What are the main causes of these symptoms?

3. What actions should YakkaTech executives take to correct these problems?


This is a research paper on abuse of power. I have included my Bibliography and sentence outline. Please use them the best you can. I have already turned it into my professor. I don’t need a perfect paper just one that will pass.

Part 2 of Social Stratification “Race”

Part 2 of Social Stratification “Race”
Using “High School” as a social institution to describe and analyze the effect that the stratification elements of race have on that social institution. Include the following in your analysis:
Explain how race impacts the social institution.
Identify a form of race inequality associated with the social institution and use theoretical perspectives to explain the social behaviors that perpetuate the inequality.
Suggest measures for the social institution to implement to help alleviate the racial inequality you identified.