adhd in children

1-2 pages disorder description (symptomatology, DSM diagnosis)
1-2 pages biology of disorder/ history of disorder
1-2 pages treatment
Please do NOT add titles or subtitles or names. Just essay in 6 full pages double spaced with 5 scholarly articles/sources. Thank you 🙂

Leadership Development

In your paper,

Designate general categories or groups of leadership theories.
These include: Traits Theories, Contingency Theories, Relational Theories, Great man Theories, Behavior Theories, and Influence theories.
Select one specific category of theories.

Defend why the selected category of leadership theories is most relevant to organizational leadership.

Discuss the leadership style you will adhere to and the specific reasons for selecting this style.

Examine how your leadership skills will influence your ability to motivate followers in an organization.

Identify an area of weakness in your personal leadership.

Explain how you will develop this area of weakness into a strength.

Evaluate the factors that influence organizational culture, such as organizational structure, size, policies and procedures, staff, and office politics.

Evaluate your leadership style based on the factors you chose above.

Must be at least 7 pages not including title and reference page and must be formatted APA style.

Must be written in Narrative form.

Sense of Comm; Art and Mortality

In a certain sense singing could be considered multi-media because it combines the effects of music as sound and words as meaning. Music and the spoken word have been so closely connected through the ages that we usually consider the singing of words as simply music. Music also contains many other theatrical elements in that we often enjoy watching the animated movements of our favorite conductor or soloist. To some extent all live performance is a form of theatre because all performers are aware of the theatrical effects of their most subtle actions on stage. Theatre, opera, Noh drama, Balinese ritual, and the mass all combine the powers and effects of music, language, movement and the visual arts to create a very different experience for the audience/participants than what is usually experienced in everyday life. Contemporary performance art and installations have blurred the boundaries further between the different media. Often a performance artist will work from within the context of one medium of artistic expression and push past its traditional boundaries by adding elements from other media. Performance artist, Laurie Anderson, came out of a tradition of sculpture working in mixed-media, incorporating video monitors and electronic sound devices. Her work evolved becoming more and more musical and theatrical (using spoken text) until her performances became more like musical concerts. However, her work still retained the visual sophistication of her earlier work.

When we experience any work of art we experience it through a multiple of layers–layers from the Intentions (expectations) and past experiences of the audience, the layers from the many different (and often ambiguous) Intentions of the artists, the physical context and/or setting of the art work, the social/political context of the art, etc. This complexity increases exponentially as the effects of different media are integrated into the work by the artist. We examined the different ways of experiencing a visual art piece and a piece of music. When these differences are combined they create an interplay with one another. Often artists strive to attain the full attention of the audience. Yet we also live in a society in which we may play large symphonic, choral and operatic works in the background while we work at the office. Thus artists today often use stronger means to get the full attention of their audiences. This sometimes even involves the participation of the audience. In the past an audience reacted strongly because Beethoven chose to write a symphony based on smaller melodic fragments rather than what had been established as the traditional medic form. Decades later Stravinsky used stronger measures and got a similar reaction from his audience watching and hearing the ballet, The Rite of Spring. Antonine Artaud went much further in developing what he called a theatre of cruelty.î All of this and many other instances were an effort to meaningfully engage the audience which has been numbed by its own technology. An artist is also an audience member who enjoys the works of others which might challenge his/her perceptions. Consequently s/he works very hard to find ways to challenge others who come to experience his/her work.

THIS IS THE QUESTION- AND IT CAN BE BRIEF.. Experience a work of art (if you can, one of multi-media) which is particularly challenging perceptually for you. If possible experience the work more than once. Learn as much as you can about the work and its context including the artist creating the work. Document your experiences and further thoughts about the work. Try to determine the Intentions of the artist creating the work through your own analysis. After you have done this talk to the artist and/or read what the artist may have written about the process of creating the work and the artists Intentions concerning the work. Compare what you have surmised with what the artist says about their own Intentionality

Homeland Security

Assignment Instructions
Respond to the following short essay questions on researched material from outside the course.

Please address the following as they pertain to Intellectual Property:
What is Intellectual Property (IP) and how does counterfeit merchandise impact the U.S. economy?
What safety and health concerns are posed by counterfeit products?
How does IP theft pose an existential threat to national security?
Discuss the action that prompted the “border control offensive” and made the issue of illegal immigration a priority
How have the SMART Port Security, the SAFE Port Act, the Small Vessel Security Strategy, and the Marine Transportation Security Act impacted port security?
Compare and contrast the similarities and differences of the external borders of New Europe with that of the U.S./Mexico border. Which of these (similarities/differences) have had the most positive or negative impact on border security?
Your answers should be at a MAXIMUM of 2 pages each question (the Title Page and Reference page will be additional pages).
Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.
Students will follow the APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.
Use scholarly or other relevant sources.
Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize: books, peer reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.
Based on the assigned readings, your responses are to be in your own words with minimal quotes.

two-party political system

This assignment requires you to create a PowerPoint presentation to explain the two-party political system used in the United States and to describe both the Democratic and Republican parties’ actions and functions during a presidential election.

You should discuss each party and its respective process to select a nominee for president, identifying each step of the process. It may be helpful to choose a particular presidential election and follow the candidates, from announcing their candidacy to their selection as the party nominee.

Your PowerPoint presentation must consist of 10 to 14 slides, not counting the title and reference slides.

Your presentation must include the items listed below.

Include a title slide with your name, date, course, and assignment.
List the presentation’s objective(s), a table of contents, or an introductory paragraph/slide.
Provide information about each political party’s structure and composition.
Include a definition of superdelegates and an example of their impact on an election.
Include information about how media acts as a political socializing agent during an election.
Provide information about how each party uses the media.
Include a few bullets describing whether the two-party system remains as a fair and viable process. Be sure to include information about the positives and negatives of the two-party system.
Provide three to four pictures, maps, or graphs that will illustrate important points in your presentation. These should be used on a slide and not put on a slide separately without explanation.
Your slides should elaborate on the points above. You may include additional information that you feel is relevant, but do not create more than 14 slides. Use your creativity, and organize the material in a logical and understandable manner.

Use APA formatting for all references used on each slide. You must use at least three outside sources. Focus on using academic and scholarly sources.

Please refrain from utilizing the speaker notes function within PowerPoint. Cite on each slide when sources are used to support your points.

Use pictures on slides to help convey the meaning of the material being reviewed and presented in the presentation.

Senate Campaign

Imagine that you have just been hired to be the campaign manager for an individual who is running for a Senate seat in the state of Texas, and your candidate expects you to hit the ground running by developing a political campaign plan. While you will not be expected to develop a full plan for the purposes of this course, you will begin thinking about how your campaign would handle the media and public opinion polls. This very basic plan will consist of the following sections:

Strategic Summary: In this section, you will discuss the goals of your campaign, and you will describe the campaign’s strategy for winning the election, including how you will utilize the media and public opinion polls during your campaign. Describe how the media influences the public and the impact that polling has on politics.
Targeting: In this section, you will discuss which voters you will need to target in order to win the election. How will you connect with voters of specific socioeconomic statuses and/or voters of certain cultures and backgrounds? How are voting practices and political participation affected by culture, background, and socioeconomic status?
This assignment will consist of at least one page, and you must utilize at least two resources. Your resources should be cited and referenced properly using APA formatting.

Analysis on poem

Sick by Shel Silverstein
How and why was the poem written? What inspired its composition?
—What does the poem mean? What was the author’s intent?
—Is there a specific pattern or form observed? (Is the form open or closed?) Don’t just identify this. Explain it and cite in text, as necessary.
—Are there any distinctive images?
—What appears to be the poem’s general theme?
—How or why would a child be engaged by this poem? What audience is addressed?—How would you use/share this poem in a classroom or childcare environment?

Trusts and Equity

Please carefully read
‘LAWS2704_3113_Final_Take_Home_Exam.docx’, all the instructions are contained in said document.


There are 2 questions that need to be answered. There are instruction sheet and Notes for each question along with pertinent readings attached. Documents that pertain to question 1 will be marked with a “Q1” at the start of the document name. Documents that pertain to question 2 will be marked with a “Q2” at the start of the document name. Please follow the instructions on each instruction sheet carefully to know EXACTLY how to answer the question.

Each answer should be approx. 2.5 pages double spaced, hence the 5 pages requested. The page limit does not include the works cited page.


Critically examine the annual Budget of the UK for the fiscal year 2017.


Provide a summary of an annual budget of the UK for the fiscal year 2017. Define the term ‘public budget.’ What percentage of the UK GDP is made up of the public budget for this fiscal year?
Present an outline of the main characteristics in relation to the preparation, administration, the fiscal machinery, and implementation of the budget. The focus for this part should be on the importance of institutions such as Parliament, the executive branch of government, political parties, credit markets, the central bank, and the role of civil servants.
What are the main constituent items of national revenue and expenditure? Discuss the composition of the budget.
Identify and comment on the principal determinants of budget and how these determinants differ from the fiscal year 2017.
What are the main objectives of the budget? Are the objectives compatible? Highlight the difficulties associated with the objectives of the budget.
What method of public expenditure is used in the budget? Is it planned by function (i.e. defense, health, education, and police) or by economic category, current expenditure, and capital expenditure? Explain the distinction between current and capital expenditure.
Explain the type of budget (i.e. balanced, deficit, and surplus) that the UK encountered in the fiscal year 2017 and comment on how budgetary planning is used to fine-tune the economy.
What was the national debt (if any) and how does the UK government-financed their public debts? Describe the process in which the Bank of England raises funds in both the money and capital markets to finance government deficits.
What is the Office for Budget Responsibility? Describe its key roles. How effective the OBR has been in carrying out its roles? What would you regard as the main strengths and weaknesses of the budget? What processes, controls, and procedures would you suggest for more efficient and effective allocation, management, and monitoring of the public budget?
In writing your essay you are expected to show the ability to research and write critically. You are expected to demonstrate in-depth knowledge about the subject in the question. Your analysis should be focused and accurate and your essay should be well-structured and presented clearly, in a systematic, coherent, and persuasive manner. You need to apply the correct referencing and citation method and incorporate independent suggestions and evaluations, and your essay should not be over the word limit.
Coursework Reading List

Rubin I. S. (1990) Budget Theory and Budget Practice: How Good the Fit? Public Administration Review, Vol. 50, No. 2: 179-89.

Molander P. (2001) Budgeting Procedures and Democratic Ideals: An Evaluation of Swedish Reforms, Journal of Public Policy, Vol. 21, No. 1: 23-52.

Hagger A. J. (1956) The Role of the Budget in the Modern Economy, The Australian Quarterly, Vol. 28, No. 3: 105-13.

Burkhead J. (1967) Government Budget, London: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. part I.

Trotman-Dickenson D. I. (1996) Economics of the Public Sector, Basingstoke: Macmillan ch. 13.

Lowrie S. G. (1915) The Proper Function of the State Budget, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 62: 47-63.

Fleischman R. and Marquette R. P. (1986) The Origins of Public Budgeting, Public Budgeting and Finance, Vol. 6, No. 1: 71-77.

Wehner J. (2007) Budget Reform and Legislative Control in Sweden, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 14, No. 2: 313-32.

Musgrave R. A. and Musgrave P. B. (1980) Public Finance in Theory and Practice, 3rd ed., Auckland: MacGraw-Hill, Ch. 2.

Brown C. V. and Jackson P. M. (1978) Public Sector Economics, Oxford: Martin Robertson.

Alexander J. (1999) A New Ethics of the Budgetary Process, Administration and Society, Vol. 31, No. 4: 542-65.

Lewis V. B. (1952) Toward a Theory of Budgeting, Public Administration Review: 42-54.

Sundelson J. W. (1935) Budgetary Principles, Political Science Quarterly: 236-63.