For example: National projections of S&D for inpatient psychiatric hospital services

Term paper for managerial economics class that shows application of economics to an analysis of the health care industry in a monopolistic competition market structure, with special emphasis on the unique characteristics of the US healthcare markets, from inpatient to outpatient care in the psychiatry field. It could include features of health care delivery, including: national projections of supply and demand for inpatient psychiatric hospital services;public specialization and investment in physical and human capital, and/or the effect on health care costs and quality resulted from shifting between inpatient and outpatient level of care.

Discuss Friedrich Hayek’s ‘knowledge problem’.

You are to apply your knowledge and understanding of the principles of microeconomic policy
analysis covered in lectures, seminars and readings. Your answer is to be structured (e.g.,
introduction, discussion in two parts, conclusion). You are to support your argument with examples
of policy domains or specific policies where appropriate. The use of diagrams is neither compulsory
nor recommended.

Please feel free to use part of this lecture slides as we were required to read through this

occupational accidents & injuries in united Arab emirates

Assessment Requirement:
Critically review a minimum of 10 previous studies on your chosen topic and discuss the research aim, objectives, methodology, analysis used, key findings and contribution/implications of the reviewed studies to demonstrate your understanding of critical literature review, and submit a detailed research report of approximately 2,000 words (excluding references).

Submission Date: 23th June 2020.

Your Terms of Reference:
This section outlines some of the key points to consider whilst critically reviewing the literature (Guide only):

• Identify the most significant theories relevant to your research topic – CLO2
• Critically evaluate the current body of literature (using direct quotes sparingly) – CLO2
• Compare the reviewed studies and how they support or oppose your ideas – CLO3
• Justify your arguments with valid (referenced) evidence logically – CLO3

Organize your report in the following structure:
• Cover Page
• Table of content
• Introduction: introduction should provide overview of the purpose of the report, rationale for the articles selected.
• Brief summary of the articles reviewed: discuss the aim, objectives, methodology, analysis used, key findings and contribution/implications
• Compare and contrast: compare and contrast the reviewed studies to discuss what are similarities and difference in the aim, objectives, methodology, analysis used, key findings and contribution/implications, and how they support or oppose your ideas.
• Conclusion: summarize what you have learned from this review report.
• Reference: reference list should follow APA style of referencing

( I added some articles I found might help)

Diversity Interview

Students will develop a protocol (set of questions and/or activities) through which they will interview an individual who is of a different race or ethnicity. The questions should focus on identifying problematic aspects of education and/or communication relative to race or ethnicities and how these can best be reconciled. Students may either write a three-page reflection of the interview or upload a 15 to 20-minute video of the interview.


I want my topic to be about (HIV)

Research and write an essay, 5-7pp. (double-spaced, 12 pt. font) on a debatable topic of your choice. (The only topic that’s off limits is abortion.) Choose a topic that truly interests you, about which you have authentic curiosity, so that you can enjoy the process of researching, and narrowing your focus to a question your research will answer.

You will need a minimum of five (5) sources); none from the internet unless you get my approval. Use the library’s databases to find sources. Books and print articles are also acceptable.

You can use either MLA or APA style documentation.

Business Continuity Planning

One of the primary goals of the recovery phase of disaster is to restore community functioning to its predisaster state as soon as possible. Critical to that goal is reestablishing regular business and commerce functions, which are critical to any community. While civic leaders have significant responsibility for supporting business continuity, so do business owners and operators.

This assignment asks you to look at business continuity planning from within an organization to evaluate its state of preparedness for disaster and recommend recovery plans for ensuring its postdisaster continuity.

Assume you are a small business owner who has recently opened your first location and you are ready to develop plans to protect your business and employees in a disaster situation. Complete the following:

Research and determine your business’s legal obligations for disaster preparedness. You may need to investigate federal, state, and local community guidelines.
Determine the recommended process for business continuity planning using resources available from federal, state, and local agencies.
Determine financial and other resources available to support small businesses in their efforts to plan for disaster and to assist them during recovery.
Once you have completed your research. Develop a preliminary business continuity plan that accomplishes the following:

Identify your business’s legal obligations for disaster preparedness (such as insurance available in your state).
Create a preliminary business disaster operations plan that dictates how you will communicate with your employees, suspend or continue operations, and collaborate with civic emergency responders during a disaster. For example, how will you communicate with employees in the event of a disaster that interrupts the normal flow of communication? What process might you use to determine if your business should shut down for a period of time in the event of an emergency? How will employees know what to do during an emergency or disaster? Who will be the point person in your business responsible for communicating with emergency responders in the event of a disaster?
Identify what your business can do to ensure it returns to normal functioning as soon as possible after a disaster. Obviously, many things may be out of your control. Focus on what you can control. For example, if you live in an area where your insurance excludes flood coverage, what will be your alternative plan for recovering after a flood?
Identify the federal, state, and local resources you can potentially use to ensure business continuity in the aftermath of a disaster.
Make sure to demonstrate how your plans align with local, state, and federal recommendations for business continuity planning. Cite specific guidelines within your plan.

IT not sure give a number of words. But I did two pages for room.

How do the composer’s choices on timbre while using existing sounds demonstrates their idea towards collaborative multimedia productions?

We see a significant rise in DAW, VSTs, Loops, deluxe instrument samples and expensive plugins to mimic expensive old synthesisers developed from the West. However, virtually none created the East, and in the past decade, each big-name companies claiming to have the most versatile play style with enormous different extended techniques recorded, with key-switch. With most of the DAW presets at 120, and 4/4 beats,
How does this affect home studio small budget composers while creating music for multimedia such as for low budget feature films in China, avant-garde music in China? Furthermore, is there cultural hegemony as we see the saturation of VSTs from the West.

Please also use quotes from philosophers such as Edward Said, Adorno, Michael Chion.