Poem Connection analysis

Answer your question completely, specifically, and cite any references according to MLA documentation standards, i.e., “quoted line/quoted line” (Frost 2-4). Or, after you’ve established the author’s name, you need only cite line numbers: As Frost wrote in his famous piece, “And I/I took the one less travelled by” (14-15).

Your essay should be the equivalent of about 2-3 typed pages.

Using at least two outside sources to help consider its meaning or its author’s intentions, explicate completely a poem of your choice from among those on our reading list and compare it to another. Be sure to state the name and author of your chosen poem and its companion in your response, and write in unified paragraphs rather than in line-by-line examination.

I have attached a “Connections” document below. You need choose only one from the list for this exam question.

Furthermore, be sure to credit all of your sources (both primary and secondary texts) according to correct MLA guidelines and provide a Works Cited page.

Categorising & Mapping Mixed Farming In the UK and Europe

Please write 3 pages about the different definitions of mixed farming used by different organisations and in different countries. For example definition used by the FADN, CANTOGETHER, etc.
I have attached a document that has something similar for regenerative agriculture. Please use that as an example of hoe it should be but for Mixed Farming instead. It would be great to have tables like the ones in the attached document.(Pages 6-11 on the attached document)

Management Decision Making

I need a 3000 word assignment on Management Decision Making – I am attaching the assignment brief and all the material incl reading lists recommended by the professor.
I work for HSBC UK and I would like the paper to focus on option 6 – negotiation. I have also attached a past paper the professor deemed to be great quality for you to look at. I would like to receive a distinction grade for this assignment.
Let me know what else you need from me.

Social Work – Media and Sexism

Review the learning resources and submit a 3 page paper, in which you (from a woman’s perspective) reflect on your experience with gender:
• Consider the controversy stories of the Bic Cristal For Her pen & the Easy Bake Oven and think about your own reactions to the responses to the advertising and merchandising of these items.
• Identify specific messages about gender presented in the mass media.
• Discuss messages about gender you have received from your family or cultural group.
• Analyze how these messages have influenced your experience with gender.
• Explain how you might address issues related to sexism in the mass media and diverse cultural beliefs about gender and gender roles in your social work practice. Additional information and learning resources are attached.

VARK Learning style

In a paper summarize your analysis of this exercise and discuss the overall value of learning styles. Include the following:

Provide a summary of your learning style according to the VARK questionnaire.
Describe your preferred learning strategies. My style is Kinesthtic. Compare your current preferred learning strategies (they are virtually identical to the identified strategies, I like to read and see demonstration/diagram. Once again feel free to use your discretion here and use whatever makes it easy on you) to the identified strategies for your preferred learning style.
Describe how individual learning styles affect the degree to which a learner can understand or perform educational activities.
Discuss the importance of an educator identifying individual learning styles and preferences when working with learners.
Discuss why understanding the learning styles of individuals participating in health promotion is important to achieving the desired outcome.
How do learning styles ultimately affect the possibility for a behavioral change?
How would different learning styles be accommodated in health promotion?

Cite to at least three US peer-reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria. Please only US sources for peer reviewed articles and references.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.
An abstract is not required.

The Template for the paper is attached as well.

Feel free to take look at questionnaire and pick the style that works best for you for this essay. I do not care what learning style is used for purposes of this assignment.