Effects on USA employment in the textile industry after globalization eliminates the ability to compete in a global market where legal minimum wages vary by country

Instructions for Term Paper and Power Point
“Effects on USA employment in the textile industry after globalization eliminates the ability to compete in a global market where legal minimum wages vary by country”.

1. Remember to use strict APA format, including an abstract, title page, page numbers, headings, conclusion and proper references.

2. Follow the guidelines for creating your PowerPoint slides and use the examples provided in Blackboard to avoid: small fonts, crowded slides, improper graphics (see # 3 below) and too much background data.

3. PowerPoint slides MUST highlight key models and findings from your Term Paper/Research Project.

4. Graphics should be with appropriate scale, clearly legible in the paper and in a PowerPoint, and should always use zero as the arch and – this means a chart of stock prices doesn’t start at 50 and show the stock doubling from 50 to 100.

5. Use the primary tools from the text: supply & demand, elasticity, marginal costs,
MR=MC, short run vs. long run equilibrium, industry types, pricing models, etc.
Remember that many of the models you might choose to use will require a comparison with other firms or industries.

6. Must compare firms, or industries, or time periods, or different outcomes from pricing strategies.

7. This is a project of economic analysis using models from the text, not a descriptive term paper or re-telling of a story of text case.

8. Some basic types of projects would include analysis of (1) pricing tools, (2) types of costs (fixed vs. variable, short run vs. log run), (3) oligopoly strategies, (4) industry exit and barriers to entry, (5) marginal cost and profit maximization examples.

9. Incorporate the section on price floors and price ceilings.

God and Suffering

The answers must be in the first person, as it is supposed to be my opinion on the matter. Please see the document for further details. As for resources, you need to answer the questions using the following resources:
1. https://www.sefaria.org/Job.1?vhe=Tanach_with_Text_Only&lang=bi
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zb0mNzKit44 (only first 30 minutes)
I have also attached a sample for the how it should be. Please use it as a guideline.

Making relationships last

First: Read this article on Making Relationships Last

Second: Address each of the five tips from the article and relate them back to your thoughts about relationships. Do you agree or disagree with each? Why or why not? Conclude your paper with final thoughts about how you might incorporate these tips into your current or future relationships.

Be sure your paper is at least 750 words and you directly cite the text book at least two times. Paper should have an introduction, paragraphs for each tip, and a conclusion.

Can international law be useful in preventing or ending humanitarian emergencies?

Can you consider the instructions below when you start writing.
Words count: 3000 excluded the reference page

The history of the humanitarian law, development and how it’s linked to respond to the conflicts.

Main body
More in-depth on how international law is applied or not applied in the cases below. In each case study, you should give a brief on the nature of the conflict (Motives) and how it triggered the international law to stop or limit the conflict, was it valid or not to save lives. Were there any biased decisions taken.

– Syria war 2010 (March 15, 2011 – ongoing).
– Yemen war ( As of April 28 2020, Houthis control all of North Yemen except for Ma’rib Governorate – ongoing) more emphasis on bombing hospitals like MSF (Doctors Without Borders – hospital in Saada) and others.
– Srebrenica massacre (July 11, 1995 – July 22, 1995)

To conclude, what is the lesson learned from the above case studies when it comes to international law. What are the things that could be improved the implementation of international law in these cases?

you can also then take your conclusions, which will necessarily pass through something like “yes, but no” in the sense that the law itself is there to regulate wars and prevent humanitarian crisis, but as often neglected without a proper entity that can impose it…than it’s ignored. In the Security Counsel that can impose sanctions on parties violating international humanitarian law, are also the biggest promoters of conflict.

Business Plan

Our group is creating a business plan for an organization and the assignment is to complete the highlighted segment in the guidelines for the assignment.

I will attach a copy of the guidelines themselves as well as any other supplemental documents that will aid you in completing the assignment.
If you have any questions or require further clarification please do not hesitate to reach out.
Thank you and Good Luck
Assignment 3 son of oak is the guidelines
The default report is a survey we conducted that gives information on the consumer base of the product.
Assignment 2a and 2b is the first assignment we completed in which you can refer to in this assignment
Assignment 3 is the marketing strategy we set up

The policy is federal under § 101.14 – Health claims: general requirements.

Smart Policy Design / Rubric Page total: ONE, single space and use the format that is on this rubric. Identify, Diagnose, Design,

Test, Refine. Bib Page 1-2 pages
Identify Policy clearly identify the policy by number in the Legislative books. Is your policy a Federal, State or Local law? 3-4 sentences.
Diagnose: Describe the underlying causes of why the policy needs change. Provide a brief historical review of the policy. How did the issue come about or how has the policy issue evolved over time? This should be brief and to the point. Reference appropriately and include your bibliography as a separate page 30
Design: Explain your solution and feasibility of policy change. What words or sections of the law or legislation do you plan on changing? Be very specific.
Test: How will you test your new policy; how would you implement your new policy; who will pay for this policy (customers, or taxes etc)
Refine: How do you propose to do continuous monitoring of the policy? Who will monitor? Will it be governmental? Cost factors to consider: who will pay for this policy change?

Do not go over one page limit on the policy description. You must learn to be brief.

Single space with a 12 Calibri Font.

Use AMA to reference cite.

Bibliography: 1 page.