Overcoming Anxiety Disorders

Be mindful of plagiarism and utilize only academic resources. Your draft must:

Be formatted according to APA requirements. You are welcome to utilize the APA Template (found in the APA Requirements link in the left sidebar) to start your paper.
Include a well-constructed thesis statement.
Incorporate a minimum of three main points (supporting paragraphs) with one source per point.
Be 2-3 pages in length (at least two full pages), not including your cover and references pages. (While the final draft of your paper will be 4-5 pages in length, this draft will be shorter. Your paper will get longer as you walk through each step of the writing process.)
Instructor’s note: Compose this thesis in third person only; do not use first or second person in it. Do this in all assignments that are part of the papers you will compose in this course

please use

These 2 References as part of the 5 references used in the paper, Thank YOU

Generalized anxiety disorder. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/generalized anxiety-disorder/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20361045.

Anxiety disorders: DSM-5 selections, American Psychiatric Association Publishing (2016) retrieved from https://ccu.marmot.org/EbscoCCU/on1013190566?searchId=106351228&recordIndex=1&page=1

Web Vulnerabilities

Web Vulnerabilities Module Assignment
1. HTTP stands for what? What port is used?
2. Briefly, how does the web maintain state?
3. List four different types of cookies.
4. Give examples of active content on the web.
5. While we tend to think of technology vulnerabilities, users can make mistakes on the web too.
What is this known as, and give an example.
6. Cookies are important to the correct functioning of the web, but also introduce some privacy
concerns. Give an example.
7. How does cross site scripting work?
8. There are two primary types of XSS attack: persistent and non-persistent. How do they differ?
9. What are the fundamental security differences between Java applets and ActiveX components?
10. What is clickjacking?

International Credit Management

Why are the risks involved in international credit management more complex than those associated with purely domestic credit sales?
What examples can you provide from financial periodicals or your own experience?

Lopate exercise

For this exercise, select one piece of advice from Lopate’s essay. You might decide to take a self-inventory, give your “I” something to do, or see yourself from the ceiling, for example.

Then write a paragraph in which you follow that advice, to make yourself a character in your own story. Think about the literacy narrative and respond to Lopate’s advice with the theme of writing in mind. For instance, maybe you want to take a self-inventory of yourself as a writer. If you want to write this from third-person perspective, that’s fine.

Then, in a second paragraph, discuss what piece of advice you followed, why you chose this piece of advice, and what your experience of making yourself into a character was like: did this exercise reveal anything to you?

New and improved lie detection

This assignment is to propose a new psychophysiology approach to detecting lies.

Briefly explain how traditional lie detection works.
Propose a new form of lie detection that uses one of the psychophysiology measures described in the assigned reading. Explain how it will work.
Why will this new approach work better than classic lie detection? You might want to consider temporal or spatial resolution.
What would be the disadvantages of your new approach?
Has anyone already tried your proposed approach? Search scholar.google.com or Galileo to see if someone has tried it. What did they find?
What would be an acceptable rate of false positives and false negatives in your technology? Justify why you think this is appropriate.
End with a conclusion about how optimistic or pessimistic you are about this new approach compared to traditional lie detection.
An important part of this assignment concerns the dependent variables (measured outcomes). Classic lie detection tests were based upon measuring heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration rates. Perhaps lie detection would work better if it was based upon a more sophisticated neuroscientific measurement, such as EEG, fMRI, or others.

facial recognition

Building on the research you conducted for the annotated bibliography, write a paper of 1000 to 1200 words discussing the ethical issues related to your selected technology that are occurring now or will likely occur in the future. Make sure to include relevant findings from the scholarly sources you used in Part 2 and any other sources you wish to use. You must use at least four relevant sources to support your paper. Consider how the legal issues (freedom of expression, copyright, right to privacy, etc.) we have been discussing relate to your selected technology.

Using one or more of the ethical frameworks (utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics, social justice and social contract theory), propose a policy for addressing the ethical issues related to the new or emerging technology. Cite your sources using APA format.