Reply to Karen Sheppard’s Post

Please write a reply to Karen’s post. Attached are Karen’s Post, instructions, grading rubric, and class syllabus. Please review attached documents carefully in order to properly write a reply. Thank you.

Counseling the Culturally Diverse

Part One: You may use your textbook (1.Sue, David, Neville, & Sue (2018). Counseling the Culturally Diverse: Theory and Practice, 8th edition. Wiley & Sons; NJ. SBN 9781119448242) and other peer-reviewed articles to find (3) key theoretical points that are important to understand people from diverse backgrounds and to provide them with best practices counseling. Explain the concepts and write how these ideas can be applied in your personal and professional life. 4-5 pages.
Part Two: Write a case study (or “life story”) about yourself. Include a critical incident that conveys some challenges you have faced related to your own unique culture and personal development. Explain how self-understanding of your own cultural background and your unique micro-culture can be useful for any counseling you may do. 2-3 pages.

Must follow APA style and list your textbook and peer reviewed reference list at the end of your paper. Remember, most if not all paragraphs in your paper should have at least one in paragraph citation, most paragraphs will have more than one.

Background info for the “life study” portion of the paper: I am a Caucasian, female, who grew up in a predominately white community, lower-middle class family. I did not have much exposure outside of my community until young adulthood when I became a teacher and taught at a school that was predominately African american. You can say it was definitely a “culture shock!” and I learned a lot about their culture over that year. I am recently working in a school as a school counselor where we have a high population of Burmese and Zomi students. I have learned about their culture over the past year, to better meet their needs. This is just very surface level info that can be used for the case study – please add in anything that can better answer/meet the requirements for the 2nd part of paper (as outlined above).

Business and the business environment

This paper needs to be in formal report format. The report must be referred to Vodafone UK.
I have attached the assignment brief in the file uploads.
I would the report to meet all the grading criteria points P1-P6 and any two of the Merit criteria M1-M4.

Five Phases

After reading this week’s assigned articles, submit a two- to four-page, APA-style paper that summarizes each phase of the project lifecycle and analyzes how each phase could support the organization’s business strategy.

Your paper must include a title page and a reference page, which are not included in the page length requirements. A minimum of one to two sources, including the textbook, must be used for this assignment.

Qualitative research article appraisal

Select one of the two qualitative articles provided and write a 2-page appraisal paper for one article.

Instructions for the appraisal paper: The paper should not be greater than two pages in length ( not including the title page or references) in APA format. An introduction, appraisal of methodology, appraisal of results and clinical implications sections are required for this assignment. The purpose of this assignment is to APPRAISE versus restate what is written in the article. An appraisal is your interpretation of the author(s) work.
1. Introduction: Write a brief summary of the significance of the problem identified in the paper. Please propose a EBP question that this article would answer to. PICOT components need to be presented as well.
2. Appraisal of Methodology: Study objective, study design, outcome measurement(s).
3. Appraisal of Results: Overall results, results related to the clinical question, provide appropriate statistics
4. Clinical Implications: Restate the clinical question formulated from the article. Identify if the study can support a potential clinical practice change. State your rationale for supporting or not supporting adoption or integration of evidence into practice.
5. References


Thomas, S. L., Lewis, S., Hyde, J., Castle, D., & Komesaroff, P. (2010). “The solution needs to be complex.” Obese adults’ attitudes about the effectiveness of individual and population based interventions for obesity. BMC Public Health, 10(1), 420.

Chronic Insomnia
Hubbling, A., Reilly-Spong, M., Kreitzer, M., & Gross, C. R. (2014). How mindfulness changed my sleep: focus groups with chronic insomnia patients. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 14(1), 50.

The Impact of Social Media Influencers in U.K. Fashion Consumer Decisions

The number of words must be between 10,000-15,000 words. The word limit does not include references and appendix and starts at the 1st word in the title to Chapter 1 through to the final word of your conclusion chapter, including text within figures and tables.

Sample layout
• Title Page
• Abstract
• Table of contents
• List of figures & List of tables
• Introduction
• A chapter on the context and background of your research, with illustration of the value of conducting your study.
• A literature review
• Research Design/ Research Methodology
• Findings
• Discussion and Analysis
• Conclusions
• References
• Appendix (optional)


Please complete lab # 4.

professor does not need more than 4 pages.

Please use page 3 as guideline

Pre lab questions are not needed in lab reporty


Please complete lab # 3.

professor does not need more than 4 pages.

Please use page 3 as guideline