Are the studies correlational or experimental?

11 pt font, times new roman. Maximum 500 words excluding references and title. Please use the video that I provide as the main source of the essay. Use another resource if necessary (from the internet). References on a separate page. APA citations. Here’s the link to the video.
Video address:

Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems

Hi it’s economics (international monetary trade and policy) and this is my final exam it’s due. pls if you have any question let me know. It’s worth 40% of my grade. Have uploaded the questions


Hi, I need help with my final project paper. You need to use all case studies and make a 1 final project paper Should be between 10-15 pages, I ordered 3 more pages but you do not have to write more 3 pages even 2 extra pages are enough. You can use all case studies and combine them. But some case studies I got a low grade. some of them you should check and make it better. Please if you need any questions let me know. If I get a low grade from this homework I will fail this class. Thanks

rashes and lesions

Rashes are commonly seen and sometimes hard to diagnose. For this discussion, describe a rash or skin lesion that presents to your clinic. If your diagnosis is bacterial, I want your two differentials to be two different origins such as fungal and viral. For example: If the patient is diagnosed with tinea corporis (fungal), your differentials might be Lyme disease (arthropod) and eczema (inflammatory). Your answer needs to include how they are similar but, more importantly, how you differentiate one from the other. Include a complete description (size, shape, distribution, borders, and color), onset, associated symptoms (pain, fever, pruritis, and drainage), etiology, patho, and treatment of just the final diagnosis.

Operations Strategy

Task Description:
With shortening product life cycles, mass customisation and ever-increasing demands for quality and price improvements, how can the operations function adapt to fully support or even lead an organisation’s strategic objectives?

What pressures exist on the operations function in this scenario; how are organisations trying to adapt?

Discuss, using examples with which you are familiar or obtained through wider academic reading.

Use Harvard – Cite Them Right 10th edition for the Bibliography
(Full details, such as the course notes and recommended reading available if required.)

American nightmares on screen

Using at least three films from three different decades, as well as appropriate academic sources, define dystopia in film and trace its development across US film history, as it responds to different fears for different times.

Unit 8 DB: Harm Reduction for Substance Abuse

Discuss your opinion on harm reduction strategies for helping people recover from substance abuse. Discuss the evidence for and against harm reduction. What are the benefits and potential costs? Do you think prevention services and recovery programs are fairly accessible for all cultural populations? Do you think drug policies and laws are equitable for all cultural populations? Explain why or why not.

Hart, C. L. & Ksir, C. J. (2018). Drugs, society and human behavior (17th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Chapter 17: Preventing Substance Abuse
Chapter 18: Rethinking Drug Policy: What Works, What’s Possible, and What’s Feasible

AIS Week 11 Discussion

Week 11 Discussion 1

“Looking Back” Please respond to the following:

The AICPA would like for you to deliver a speech at one of its upcoming conferences on the future of accounting information systems. First, use the Internet to review accounting conferences sponsored by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). Next, select one conference and formulate the takeaway message and key points that you would want your audience to remember from your speech.

After delivering your speech, you have been approached by representatives from Oracle (Oracle Financials) and Microsoft (Microsoft Dynamics) regarding your key points. First, use the Internet to review a key accounting information systems product from Oracle and Microsoft. Next, evaluate how your message can be used to enhance their product line and vision.