Unit 8.2 DB: My Career

Throughout this course, you developed a knowledge base in psychology that may help you decide the direction of your future career. Which content area(s) do you think will be most helpful to you in your future (or current) career? How will you apply some of the knowledge you gained in this course to your career? eBook: Hart, C. L. & Ksir, C. J. (2018). Drugs, society and human behavior (17th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill. I am studying to be a Drug and alcohol counselor. Attached you will find some of the topics we discussion

Moral Distress

Moral distress can occur across nursing practice arenas when the nurse has tough decisions to make that confront his/her values or knowing what needs to be done but not being allowed to do it. What experiences have you had with situations that could cause moral distress? How did you deal with those situations?

Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems

Please use the textbook and slides attached below to answer the questions.
remember to use graphs equations and diagrams when solving questions .Make sure your work is cited for any sources you use.
Use the Slides and textbook as your main resource.

Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton

Using the provided sources answer the following questions:
Hamilton says that even though the United States lacks abundant specie, they do have an abundance of another “species of Capital.”
Of what does he speak?
How can this asset be converted to capital?
Hamilton claims that the United States must undertake a program of industrial development, whether the public supports it, or not. Why?
What does Jefferson say that the national bank will do?
In Jefferson’s opinion, what are the powers of the federal government?
Jefferson details several of the powers of the federal government, expressed explicitly in the Constitution, and then proceeds to argue that the bank bill does not conform to the expressed powers of the federal government as listed in the Constitution.
What powers does he discuss?
What explanation does he offer?
Jefferson answers critics who claim that Constitution’s “elastic clause” (i.e., “necessary and proper” clause [Article I, Section 8]) authorizes Congress to take such measures as the bank bill. Explain his argument against the justification based upon the elastic clause.
Jefferson’s opposition to Hamilton’s interpretation of the elastic clause was partly based on the fear that federal government might one day interfere with the enslaved labor system.
Following the logic Jefferson uses to argue against Hamilton’s proposal, how could acceptance of Hamilton’s argument for the necessity and constitutionality of his financial program lay the groundwork for such a challenge to slavery?

Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems

Please use the textbook and slides attached below to answer the questions.
remember to use graphs equations and diagrams when solving questions .Make sure your work is cited for any sources you use.
Use the Slides and textbook as your main resource.

Lean Systems Production, Service, and Sustainable Supply Chains

Post a 225- to 300-word (3- to 4-paragraph) analysis of an organization that is a top leader in lean practices. In your analysis, do the following:

Briefly describe the organization, including what type of organization it is (e.g., product or service provider, non-profit, governmental, etc.).

Identify the organization’s lean practices that have distinguished it as a top lean leader.

Provide a brief analysis of the organization’s overall culture and how this influences its lean practices.

To support your response, be sure to reference at least one properly cited scholarly source.

Quality Dimensions

Post a 225- to 300-word (3- to 4-paragraph) comparison of the quality dimensions for products and services. In your comparison, do the following:

Describe the company you located and identify whether it is a provider of products, services, or both. If you found it online, provide a link to the company.

Describe what types of quality issues the company has experienced, as well as the consequences (or potential consequences) for those issues.

Explain whether providers of products or services have the most challenges with quality implementation and why. Provide at least two specific examples from your selected company to support your explanation.