
discuss how IMF attractions within a protein molecule leads to the specific folding observed for that protein. Also, use information presented in the paper on how the strength and # attractions present within a molecule lead to specific thermodynamic changes (
ΔG,ΔH,ΔS) that contribute to the most stable protein folding conformation.

All references to the article or other sources should be made with the ACS

outdoor play in early years

I am interested in outdoor play as a broad topic for my empirical dissertation but open to suggestions for other topics related to education, even higher education. i need this topic narrowed with rationale and a research question that is feasible and allows me to carry out semi structured interviews with parents from nursery settings.

Euthanasia & Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS)

Medical / Generic definition
Bioethical definition.
Describe pain and suffering within context of faith
Physician Assisted Suicide / Death ( PAS / PAD)
Is it ethical?
Should we have the right to end our lives? Why yes or why not?
Better alternatives to PAS; compare and contrast each:
Palliative care / Terminal sedation
Case studies. Brief summary of:
Hemlock Society
Jacob Kevorkian
Britanny Maynard
Read and summarize ERD paragraphs #: 59, 60, 61.

Nutrition & Hydration / Persistent Vegetative State (PVS)

Cure / care: compare and contrast.
Basic care: Nutrition, hydration, shelter, human interaction.
Are we morally obliged to this? Why? Example
Swallow test, describe; when is it indicated?
When is medically assisted N/H indicated?
Briefly describe Enteral Nutrition (EN), including:
NJ tube
NG tube
Briefly describe Parenteral Nutrition (PN), including:
a. Total parenteral nutrition
b. Partial parenteral nutrition
Bioethical analysis of N/H; state the basic principle and briefly describe the two exceptions.
Case Study: Terry Schiavo (EXCEL FILE on Module 7: Lecture Materials & Resources page). Provide a bioethical analysis of her case; should we continue with the PEG or not? Why yes or why not?
Read and summarize ERD paragraphs #: 32, 33, 34, 56, 57, 58.

Social Movements

Please, write about Social Movements.

Consider the different social actors and movements that we studied this week (Feminist and LGBTQ groups and movements, Afro-Latino groups, indigenous groups, revolutionaries, and social movements) and their struggles, gains, and losses. Is there any particular group or issue that stands out for you? Why or why not? Explain.

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BUS 4901 Problem Solving Assignment Jun-17 1
BUS 4901 Business Professionalism Problem-Solving Assessment
For this class, you will be working individually on a project which deals with your ability to effectively
solve a problem facing an organization.
Specifically, your assignment is to:
1. Identify an ethical issue/dilemma within the past year facing an organization which has not been
totally remedied, or where the remedy was not made public.
2. Identify the Key Problem(s)
a. Take care to seek out root causes for the problem – why does the company find itself in
this situation – instead of jumping at a more superficial, but maybe obvious choice – how
did this information get out.
b. Use evidence from your research to support your articulation of the problem(s).
3. Identify Your Strategic Approach for Solving the Key Problem(s)
a. With the problem(s) in hand, consider how solutions could/should be approached. What
are the ways to approach the issue(s)?
b. Keep in mind that there is usually “more than one way to skin a cat.” Continue to recall
your research and the work you did as part of Number 2 above.
4. Solutions/Hypotheses
a. With your strategic approaches to the problem articulated (your plan of attack set), discuss
the specific and detailed solutions/hypotheses you are confident would specifically address
the key problem(s) from #2.
b. There should be numerous (more than one) realistic courses of action you would suggest
to allow the organization to resolve its key problem(s). All of these should be specific and
detailed suggestions which could actually work, and have a reasonable chance of
succeeding because it is possible for you to defend them as both reasonable and plausible
– using information and facts from your research.
c. There is nothing “off-limits” here except to consider plausibility and realism.
Recommendations can range from doing nothing (unlikely), minor changes, significant
changes or radical changes if one were to think about the recommendations on a scale. All
are good, if they are likely to overcome the key problem(s) you identified in #2.
i. Vague solutions – such as indicating the company should hire an image consultant
resolve their issues.
ii. Stating the company should have not done what it did is also not strong.
iii. Solutions that do not address the key problem(s) – such a suggesting the company
should increase advertising when it is poor organizational controls which is a key
iv. Think of yourself as the consultant hired to help get this company moving in the
right direction again.
BUS 4901 Problem Solving Assignment Jun-17 2
5. Evaluate the Potential Solutions
a. The final is to evaluate your solutions.
b. Consider: Does each solution actually address the problem(s) you discussed in #2?
c. Do they meet concerns expressed by key stakeholders (internal and external)? Do the
solutions fit (and not contradict) the facts? Have you been able to take into consideration
the history of the problem (if possible)? What about the feasibility of the solutions?
d. Consider the impact of the solutions as well on the company.
e. Articulate and discuss your support and the potential limitations with your solutions. Use
your insights, logic/reasoning, specific facts/context from your research and plausible
assumptions to provide an elegant discussion which demonstrates the nuances of your
f. These should help decision-makers in the company choose the one that is best for them,
and shows exemplary problem-solving skills.
g. Weak problem-solving skills tend to be sketchy, illogical, incomplete or unmindful of key
issues and facts. These recommendations are nebulous, would not stand up to rational
cross-examination or are simply unfeasible.
Some Common Mistakes to Avoid
• Too much time is spent reiterating facts instead of using them to support your articulation
of the key problem(s).
• Key problem(s) are omitted from #2 which sets the rest of the analysis on a difficult and
often wrong course.
• You try to fix things that don’t necessarily needed fixed.
• Solutions/hypotheses are self-evident.
• Solutions/hypotheses do not address the issue identified in #2.
• Solutions/hypotheses are completely unrealistic, vague, non-specific and counter-logical
(which should become evident as you try to evaluate them).
There are no other guidelines to follow with respect to length, format, etc. The only expectation is that
your analysis be polished and professional which is worthy of an upper-division accredited collegiate
course. Sloppy, incomplete, late or not taking the assignment seriously will result in no credit being earned
for the course.
Your report will be submitted through Turn-It-In to ensure academic integrity.
Questions that arise as you work on these assignments/deliverables are welcome and should be raised as
they come to mind.

Planning Ahead

Please refer to files for the venture. (Barber in Las Vegas, NV)

Complete a definition of failure and disengagement plan for your venture. Include Beneficiary Experience and Deliverables tables to evaluate and determine the warning signals of both negative and positive second-order effects. Determine if you have market-scaler venture. If not, which enterprise lower down on the aspirations cascade might be yours, and at what point might you migrate there? What are your scale-up challenges (refer to Table 14.1)? Include your table. What is the most appropriate growth strategy for your social enterprise, namely a cookie-cutter strategy or an expansion from the core (or a combination of the two)? Explain.
Please review attached assignment rubric
Minimum 2 scholarly sources
Minimum 1 Table