IRAC method

EACH question needs to be solved using the IRAC method. you will find more information in these files given below. i am going to upload the sample question. and the original quesion. you can contact me anytime.

Analysis of cloud Business Problem

Your job is now to analyze the recommendation you made to the company. You will use Agile/Scrum to develop a requirements document that consists of a number of user stories and stakeholders.


Analyze the business problem and then submit a requirements document that contains the following:
◾Title Page
◾Stakeholder Analysis
◾Business Analysis Plan
◾Current State Analysis
◾Project Scope
◾Functional Requirements Spec ◾User Stories for the product backlog


Discussion board

Below you will find the direction for this paper. Please read the instruction on what you have to write about. Also, clearly link the article to material from the textbook, then compose a thread discussing the topic per the instructions below. The article you choose along with the textbook must be referenced in the current APA format. I also include my rubric along with my instruction. Professor will check for plagiarizing, so please make sure there is none.

Global Supply Chain Management

Individual Paper Assignment – Global Supply Chain Risk

Submit three (3) pages single-spaced write-up of emerging global supply chain risk issues at a company of your choice.

Papers should be mechanically clean, be backed with authoritative resources/references (minimum 5 recent professional supply chain papers or articles that address the same issue/topic) with in text citation in the paper.

Individual paper should have a beginning, middle, and an end.

Font size should be 11. Font Type should be “Times New Roman”.

Human Relations Interview

Each student will interview a culturally diverse person and write a 3 page, double spaced, 12 font minimum narrative of the interview. During the interview please ask the person at least five questions that will assist you in becoming more “aware” about this person’s culture. For example: Once I had a school counseling student that knew someday they would be “working” with gang members so for this assignment, she interviewed a gang member to see what made him tick. I had a HR student who interviewed a smoker to see what made them tick. The narrative will be the typed responses to your questions.

Sermon Manuscript

FOLLOW ATTACHED DIRECTIONS CLOSELY. You will write one 15-page sermon manuscript on Philippians 1:12–18.

The Sermon Manuscript must be designed as follows:

1. The manuscript will be submitted on Philippians 1:12–18.

2. The manuscript will begin with a title page in current Turabian format.

3. Pages 2–3 will be the Oral Presentation Worksheet.

4. Pages 4–15 will be the manuscript.

5. The Sermon Manuscript must utilize the supplied template and mirror the supplied model.

6. The sermon must follow the development of the Oral Presentation worksheet exactly.

7. Place the Oral Presentation categories in the left hand column, including descriptions for illustration and argumentation:

• Illustration: story, personal experience, example, natural analogy (type)
• Argumentation: fact, opinion, example, personal experience, cross-reference, other

8. Write the manuscript in the right hand column, single space, using Times New Roman, 12-point font. The text must be written as it would be spoken. Double-space between every paragraph in the manuscript to identify where the next section begins.

9. Each sermon division must be clearly explained.

10. Each sermon division must be clearly illustrated.

11. Each sermon division must be clearly argued.

12. Each sermon division must be clearly applied.

13. The sermon must concluded with action steps for the audience.

14. As you move from one sermon division to the next, transition statements must be clear, concise, and reinforce the main idea of the sermon. Transitions must also state where the sermon has been and where the sermon is going.

Application Essay

PLEASE READ ATTACHED INSTRUCTIONS CLOSELY….Each student will write a 400-500-word exegetical essay discussing how to faithfully apply their selected passage in a contemporary setting. The essay should be in 12 point, Times New Romans font. Format per the Turabian guidelines. Resources for Turabian formatting may be found in the Online Writing Center. Your paper should follow the footnote method of citation.