Manage project information and communication t1

Please answer both sections and all bullet points in each question. each bullet point only has to be a couple of sentences each. please use the wine time events as the project. Please use the word document called manage project information and communication that I have provided to answer the questions. thanks

“The Constitutionality of Marriage Equality.”

Students must complete one written assignment during the semester, an informative essay. The essay must be 3-4 pages in length, double-spaced, following MLA format. The essay should consist of an introduction, body, and conclusion. A thesis statement is required in the introduction of the essay. The essay must also include an outline, and a works cited page, which are in addition to the three pages of text. Also, make sure to use parenthetical references when crediting outside sources. Students must have at least five credible sources listed on the citation page. Be sure to present the latest research on the topic.

The objective of writing an informative essay is to inform or educate the reader on a particular topic, imparting knowledge in a logical, systematic manner. While writing an informative essay you should assume the reader does not have a basic knowledge of the topic. Do not inject yourself into the paper, it is not about providing your view or opinion of the topic.

The topic for the informative essay is “The Constitutionality of Marriage Equality.” Briefly trace the evolution of the constitutionality of same-sex marriage as a fundamental right in the United States. Your essay should include a review of state ballot initiatives and federal and state laws pertaining to marriage equality. Also, examine relevant state and federal law suits and court decisions as well as the constitutional basis for the rulings.

Assignment: Project Management Planning

Assignment: Project Management Planning
Because many aspects of health care operations are changing, health care administrators oversee a wide variety of projects. These can include logistical projects such as moving a department to a new facility, technology-related projects such as introducing a new system or piece of equipment, or process-related projects such as initiating new procedures for patient discharge. If the project has any degree of complexity, it will benefit from a project management approach. Administrators and managers in health care need to have a working understanding of project management: why it is important, what it accomplishes, and the repercussions on the organization if its basic tenets are ignored or not followed. Within project management, the project plan is the cornerstone of successful execution of a project. The project plan is designed to guide the process and execution of a project.

For this Assignment, you will develop a project plan, using as your focus a work-related project you are doing now or will be doing in the future.

Privacy—A Right or a Privilege?

Privacy is not only something that ICT users have come to expect; it is, in many cases, a legally protectable right. As IT professionals, it is your responsibility to understand the interplay between user expectations of privacy and the law.

Perform the following tasks:

1) Research the issue of privacy.

2) Answer the following questions:

1) Is privacy a right or a privilege?
2) How does the view on privacy vary in cultures other than your own?
3) If you had to balance the privacy of an individual with national security, how would you make an argument for the individual and for national security?

Submit a report of not more than 4 pages in APA style.


Fox, S. (2000). Trust and privacy online: Why Americans want to rewrite the rules. Retrieved from

This article presents a survey conducted by the Pew Internet and American Life Project in 2000. It finds that users had a high expectation of privacy and that they expected businesses to preserve that privacy. In addition, online users had relatively high levels of trust. The survey presents a good sample of views expressed during the widespread adoption of the Internet in the United States.


Online Computer Library Center, Inc. (2007). Privacy, security and trust. In Sharing, privacy and trust in our networked world (pp. 3-1–3 -40). Retrieved from

This article presents a survey conducted by the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC). The OCLC survey’s findings are similar to those of the Pew Internet Project survey regarding expectations of privacy among Internet users, but it has shown some significant changes in attitudes. There is a lower expectation of privacy among users, and they now discern between private and public online activities. This survey also presents multinational data and data on social networking sites.

Discuss how IS and ICTs have affected notions of privacy.

With the development of ICTs, large numbers of people are switching to the online medium. It is important that IT professionals understand user expectations of privacy in a networking environment.

To prepare for this Discussion, read the following articles:

Privacy, Security and Trust

Trust and Privacy Online: Why Americans Want to Rewrite the Rules

See above reference and and then write a 2 page paper discussing how IS and ICTs have affected notions of privacy.


Discuss why EBP is an essential component of the practice of a BSN-prepared RN. Identify two ways in which you will continue to integrate evidence into your practice and encourage it within your work environment. What obstacles could challenge this plan, and what steps will you take to minimize their impact?

The Federal Aviation Act of 1958

In 2000, when I was the Airport Manager at Phoenix-Goodyear Airport (owned by the City of Phoenix), located about 25 miles west of downtown Phoenix, we dedicated a brand new terminal building. The aviation department’s art curator thought it a good idea to hang a picture of a TWA Lockheed Constellation flying over the Grand Canyon in a prominent place in the lobby. I emphatically said, “NO,” and proceeded to tell her the story you are about to read.

~Reflections from Shawn Arena, Course Developer
Read The Grand Canyon Collision from:
which details the circumstances surrounding one of the most prolific aircraft accidents of all time—the June 1956 mid-air collision between two commercial aircraft over the Grand Canyon. Prepare a case analysis addressing the factors surrounding the enactment of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958.
Case Analysis Summary Steps

Research and analyze using scholarly resources.
Length/format: 1-2 pages (excluding references), APA format.
significance of the problem
two alternative actions
reference page

You may reference many scholarly sources, but at least one from the textbook: Aviation & The Role of The Government: Third Edition

Discussion 2 WK2

Choose ONE of the following questions to answer. Make sure no one else in your group has answered the question. Please follow the Virtual Group Discussion Assignment guidelines Preview the documentand post your 250 – 400 word original post (OP) with at least 2 APA citations taken from the materials in the module and one final question related to your post to further the discussion by Thursday at 11:59 p.m.

Go to this site for APA citations:

See attached.

Legalization of Marijuana

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
 Develop stylistically appropriate writing that incorporates strategies for writing to a given audience, subject, and purpose
 Incorporate feedback from peer review for improving the quality and effectiveness of one’s own writing
 Write informative introductions; coherent theses; well-developed, organized, and supported body paragraphs; and conclusions that are persuasive and
supported by effective research
 Utilize appropriate research for developing a well-informed position through written composition

Improve Employee Retention

Research a current issue within a strategic staffing topic (e.g., employee engagement,
turnover, onboarding, person-job/person-organization fit, realistic job preview). Use a
minimum of seven (7) academic sources outside of the course readings. Most of your sources
should be good academic journals or books vs. short editorial articles and online references
from general web searches like Google, Yahoo, etc. Articles from are acceptable.
Please cite the textbook Staffing organizations 9th edition. I will attach a pdf of the textbook. Thanks