Media Ethics Foundations/ Ethical decision making

In 250+ words, you should:
– Identify one concept discussed in that lesson.
– Provide a definition or description of that concept.
– Explain its significance, importance, or usefulness.
– Give an example of how it is put to use.
– Find an outside resource that adds to your response.
– Provide citations where necessary.

For this section’s discussion, please identify a concept or topic of interest and spend some time learning more about it. Then, please write:

Provide a definition or description of that concept.
Explain its significance, importance, or usefulness.
Give an example of how it is put to use. In your page, please try to find an outside resource that adds to your response and provide citations where necessary.

I will attach the two lesson slides that are essentially summaries as well as the chapter, which is more important. This is pretty open-ended, so while reading the chapter in the book please choose whatever subject mentioned that you want to talk about. If you have issues picking a topic or don’t want to, you can reach out to me (text preferred).

Thank you!!

Reflective Journal

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapters 5 and 6 in Superforecasting.
Chapter 5 Supersmart
Chapter 6 Superquants
The intent of the journal is to apply what you have learned to how data analytics is applied in industry. After reading the assigned chapters of Superforecasting this week, write a reflective journal of the three most important take-aways contained in the chapters. Your journal should be between two to three pages excluding cover and reference page.

Donald Duck by Frank Chin 2 part Book Report


Directions: Define ten of the following terms in a solid paragraph of three to five sentences each, discussing the significance of the characters, elements, and/or objects succinctly and thoroughly, explaining the relevance to the novel, and the development of the plot. Quoted material from the book should be properly cited, including page numbers in parentheses. Summarized and paraphrased materials should also be marked with parenthetical citations. Please indicate clearly the questions you are answering.

1. Chinatown
2. 108 outlaws
3. Larry Louie
4. Tai Chi
5. Mr. Meanwright
6. P-26A
7. Kwan Kung
8. Eight Irishmen
9. Fred Astaire
10. Kingdoms rise and fall, Nations come and go
11. Fifty-pound sack of rice
12. Mr. Durant
13. Lay see


Write one essay of at least five paragraphs based on one of the six questions below, with a solid thesis statement and concrete support from the novel. Each paragraph should have a clear topic sentence and develop sub-points of the thesis. Quoted material from the book should be properly cited, including page numbers in parentheses. Summarized and paraphrased materials should also be marked with parenthetical citations. Please clearly indicate which question you are answering.

1. Who is Fred Astaire, and what is his relationship with the protagonist? How does Fred Astaire become another character in the novel to whom the protagonist and the other characters relate?

2. The setting is clear from the beginning, taking place in Chinatown in San Francisco. What kind of community, or lack of it, is depicted in each chapter? How does the image of Chinatown, which also can be seen as another character in the novel, change, and develop?

3. The building of the Union Pacific Railroad by the Chinese and Irish recurs in the novel. How do characters such a Donald Duk, his teacher, and the mysterious girl relate to the historical fact that the Chinese were erased from history?

4. Dreams are a major theme for Donald Duk who cannot seem to control and manage his dream life. Of what does Donald Duk dream? How do his dreams reveal problems or issues that he is struggling with in real life?

5. Chinese New Year is a main event in the plot of the novel. How do the characters celebrate this holiday, and how does the event mark a crisis in Donald Duk’s identity, as he turns twelve years old?

6. The novel ends with “Kingdoms rise and fall, Nations come and go, and food” (172). Explain the significance.


One harrowing example of persistent social inequality around sexuality and gender is the transphobic murder each year of dozens of transgender individuals. The vast majority of them are trans women of color. On November 20 each year, the trans community, supported by its allies, memorializes those who have been lost during the previous year. This is the annual Transgender Day of Remembrance ( In my face-to-face classes, I read aloud all of the names and locations of these tragic deaths. I encourage you to take on a similar practice in your life moving forward.

A particularly egregious miscarriage of justice when it comes to incidents of violence toward both transgender and non-heterosexual folx is the “trans panic/gay panic” defense. The panic defense is an argument that has been used (with occasional success) by defense attorneys to get their clients acquitted by claiming that the perpetrator’s sudden discovery of their victim’s status as a queer or transgender person caused the perpetrator to panic and become temporarily insane.

The “panic” argument was meant to suggest that the defendant was not actually responsible for their violent actions. You don’t have to squint very hard to see the irony here: if the perpetrator isn’t responsible for the murder, then who *is* responsible? The victim herself?


Fortunately, a number of states — most recently, New York ( — have outlawed the use of this defense in court. But that alone will not stop deadly violence against transgender people.

Discussion Question
For this thread, please begin by reading up on the life and death of a transgender person who has died by violence since the start of 2019. Write up a brief report on who they were and the circumstances under which they died. Please include a photograph of the person you are profiling (you can do this by doing a screen capture and then uploading the image into your post).

After completing your profile, please use your sociological imagination ( explain the social factors surrounding the persistence of fear, hatred, and violence toward trans folx. Then, provide some realistic societal strategies for decreasing this fear, hatred, and violence.

I provided some links. Please address any questions you may incur and do not plagiarize. Thank you.

EONC 383

This is a course work. There is either right or wrong answer. Thus, make sure to answer the question correct so I get 100 out of 100. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Survey Proposal

Now, you will need to create a survey proposal. Your survey must be thorough and persuasive enough to convince your leadership to sponsor your survey.
In your paper,
• Explain why you want to conduct the survey and what you hope to gain from the survey responses.
• Identify the type(s) of data you hope to collect.
• Outline the parameters for your proposed survey, taking into consideration what you believe management wants to know.
• Create 10 sample questions that will be used in your survey, considering common issues in survey design.
• Explain your reasoning for choosing your sample questions.
• Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.

Brown Sales ordered good from Eberhard

Brown Sales ordered goods from Eberhard Manufacturing Co. The contract contained no agreement about who would bear the risk of loss. There were no shipping terms. The seller placed the goods on board a common carrier with instructions to deliver the goods to Brown. While in transit, the goods were lost. Which party will bear the loss? Explain. [Eberhard Manufacturing Co. v Brown, 232 NW2d 378 (Mich App)]