
Step 1: Read carefully the following essays:

1. Zine, J. (2008, Spring). Honour and identity: An ethnographic account of Muslim girls in a Canadian Islamic school. Topia, 19, 35–61.

2. Mcmurray, A. (2008). Hotep and hip­hop: Can black Muslim women be down with hip­hop? Meridians: Feminism, race, transnationalism, 8(1), pp. 74–92.

Both authors draw attention to the double standards within their own Muslim community as a problem for Muslim women living in an environment where Muslims are a minority. Some of their concerns relate to:

Rigid regulation of gender­-based structures
Gender inequity
Policing of young Muslim women’s bodies
Control of young women’s mobility
Imposition of a single ideal type to which all young Muslim women are expected to conform
Step 2: Summarize the main arguments of each author. Clearly note down some of their criticism of the double standards for women and men within each community. What reasons do the authors give for these double standards? What are some of their concerns about the effects of these double standards on young Muslim women?

Step 3: Do you agree that young Muslim women in Canada face double standards of the kind noted by these authors? Provide examples. Do you agree or disagree with the authors’ criticism of such controls and limits on young Muslim women? Explain why or why not.

Step 4: At any point in your paper you must refer to at least one incident or event reported in print, visual, or social media from 2015 to PRESENT. This event should be used to support either the argument of the authors or your own arguments. Be sure to provide full citations.

Step 5: Make sure to follow the assignment guidelines:

Objective: Your essay must demonstrate that you have read and clearly understood the arguments of both authors. You may, but are not required to, use any other reading from this course to support your arguments. However no outside reference is permitted except for the news event.
Length: 2,000 words
Grade: 20 marks
Required: Running header or footer on each page with student name, year, and page number Style: Times New Roman 12 point font, double­s-paced. The paper must have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. You may use the first person, i.e. “I” or “we”
Include a title page (not included in the total word count).
Provide a complete bibliography.
Use in­-text citations with page numbers for all references to authors, in addition to direct quotes. Pick one style of referencing and use it consistently throughout the text and for the bibliography.

Thesis and Outline

Please see attached Instruction document as well as readings. Use attached readings for the outline of the paper as well as thesis statement this is all that is needed at this time. I have highlighted important elements in the instruction document.

Corporate Social Responsibility – IKEA

Critically discuss the challenges of corporate responsibility based on your research and analysis in part B and part C.

For part C, there is no answer yet. Please write something based on those questions.

Introduction to Sociology essay

To what extent has the Feminist tradition given women a voice within the field of sociology?

You MUST underpin your analysis and evaluation of the key issues with appropriate and wide ranging academic research and ensure this is referenced using the AU Harvard system.

Essay on introduction to sociology

Why do sociologists continue to utilise Marxist theory to explain contemporary society?

You MUST underpin your analysis and evaluation of the key issues with appropriate and wide ranging academic research and ensure this is referenced using the AU Harvard system.

Doctoral Research Proposal

I have to do a research proposal for my doctorate counselling psychology course. I wrote a critical literature review on it which I have attached (with also markers comments). This will give a sense of what the research is about a bit more.

I want to propose a research study on looking at the experiences of adolescents with conduct disorder and their parents with attending the REGULATE group (this is a 10 week group which combines boxing techniques with Dialectical Behavioural Therapy.

However this literature review was done before lockdown. So this group is now going to be online. So this research proposal has changed to an online group (so might want to add some research around this in the lit review) and the group is now including non violent resistance techniques (NVR) for parents.

Important points:
1) Semi-structured interviews will take place online
2) Ethics will need to also go through NHS ethics committee due to staff and participants being from NHS setting
3) Reflexivity – I am passionate about boxing – I am also an amateur boxer
4) Groups involve 8 adolescents (group is going happen 3 times next year). Group is 10 week – facilitated by boxing coach and 2 specialist nurses.
5) Research Analysis used will be Thematic Analysis. Need to justify why and not IPA

I have attached some research proposal examples – this will also help to structure it. I have also attached a research study that is a bit similar to the idea!

Thank you so much for helping!!

I am sure I must have missed something or if you need more info about what to conclude as I should be conducting the research…please feel free to contact any time! Thank you sooooo much for helping me!

entrepreneurship case study

The case combines an entrepreneurial marketing problem with an emerging-market. It examines:

1. The constraints d.light faced in creating an aligned distribution channel. These constraints can have legal, environmental, and/or managerial foundations

2. Demand-side misalignments in the channel structure that will occur if d.light chooses one or another of the considered channels in the case, namely, (a) the RE (rural entrepreneur) channel, (b) the village retailer channel, or (c) the centralized shops channel

3. What mix of channels―or what single channel―d.light should focus on in the Indian market

Your analysis should answer these questions:

1. What channel alignment constraints face d.light as it thinks about how to establish a channel structure in India? List and describe any legal, environmental, and managerial constraints.

2. For rural consumers in India, discuss how these channel alignment constraints lead to demand-side misalignments if the company sells through the:

– Rural entrepreneur channel, and link these misalignments to constraints (legal and/or environmental and/or managerial)

– Village retailer channel, and link these misalignments to constraints (legal and/or environmental and/or managerial)

– Centralized shops channel, and link these misalignments to constraints (legal and/or environmental and/or managerial)

3. Conclude from this analysis what d.light’s channel structure (single of mix of channel) should be its highest priority, and why?


1. Maximum Two pages for the core analysis, and only one page appendix (total 3 pages).

2. FONT: 12 New Times Roman, 1.5 space between lines (yes – 1.5 space!)

3. Apply APA Rules.

No need to rewrite the questions, save space on that. However, please, indicate when each of the answers start by putting the number (1. 2. or 3.)

If you want, add introduction, but make it short

Religion and Politics

Short answer response to two questions on Module 1 short answer response document. no more than 300 per response. Must include at least two academic reading references from the Module 1 readings provided among other research.


Writing about a problem that faces the future. Describe it and analyze it and think about how you would attempt to respond to it. Use the past to help you do that. Please be specific.

The topic to be discussed in this essay is poverty
– Analyze how poverty has been portrayed throughout history (Roman Empire, Chinese, or Industrial Revolution, etc). See how it affected society and how much some parties benefited so much in contrast to the poorest people at that time.
– Also, analyze how poverty is portrayed today and how is it a problem in the current world.
– Finally, analyze how poverty is a potential problem that faces the future and how would you attempt to solve it realistically.
Provide statistics/examples to support the arguments as well

*Like any essay this should consist of an introduction, body, and conclusion