Personal View on Personality Development

For this week consider what you have learned throughout the course and discuss your personal stance on personality development.
“This essay must address your own perspective in terms of the theorist that most resonates with your worldview.
Be sure to include a contrasting viewpoint to provide context for why you have taken the stance that you have taken.”

-I have chosen Karen Horney because I believe that what has happened in your childhood stays with you and molds you into the person you become.

Clinical Case of Maria

Please read the uploaded file & and answer the following:

1) Describe malingering and how it differs from conversion factitious disorder.

2) What do you think may be motivation for Maria to present with such symptoms?

3) What do you propose is etiology of Maria’s symptoms? Compare the psychoanalytical and behavioral paradigms of the etiology, as they might apply to Maria.

What role does attachment play in child development?

Assessment 1:Research Essay.Your essay must fully address the topic and include references to at least twelve (12) substantive texts and/or peer reviewed journal articles. Word count 1500-2000 words.Topics (choose 1)1.How has the historical development of theories and approaches to counselling informed counselling practice with children? Compare and contrast the different concepts in operation using examples of therapeutic interventions which reflect different perspectives.

2.How does the experience of trauma in childhood affect the mind, brain and body of a child and lead to a range of trauma-related behaviours?
3.What role does attachment play in child development?
4.What are the roadblocks to recovery from the experience of child sexual abuse? Why do they exist and how may they be overcome?

Global Operations Management

Read the case on the attached file and write a full 2 pages answering these following questions:
1) Review the Apple supply chain for its iPhones. What differences set it apart from its competitors?

2) What are Apples’s key advantage in how it manages its supply chain operations? Support your analysis with data from the case.

3) What are the challenges that Apple faces in the future and what are the implications for its supply chain?

4) As Jessica Grant, what recommendations would you make to the company’s vice-president, Phillip Duchene, and why?

Quality Improvement Proposal

Identify a quality improvement opportunity in your organization or practice. In a 1,250-1,500 word paper, describe the problem or issue and propose a quality improvement initiative based on evidence-based practice. Apply “The Road to Evidence-Based Practice” process, illustrated in Chapter 4 of your textbook, to create your proposal.


This a paper on which you have to counsel a 16 year old girl who is pregnant. Your goal is to show her life is from God and she other options besides abortion. You can talk to her about adoption or keeping it and the resources out there. Must use bible verses