Human Resource Management – 1. The post-industrial organisation is often characterised as an innovative form of organising. With reference to theory and examples discuss how true you believe this to be.

Use subheadings
– Introduction on Post- Industrial organisational design
– Evolution from Pre Indisutrial revolution work structure i.e. Taylorism to Post – industrial working environments. How and why are decision making patterns and hierarchy evolved to such a great extent.
– What is innovation and why is it important?
– Give to example of two different companies. Describe one that has a good organisational structure and compare to another that is not so good.
– Primary focus : HR practice, Individual Roles, Management style
– Flexibility: how does this add value to the company?
– Flattened Hierarchy? Employee voice
– Why is it important to design a strong organisational structure for the long term goals of an organisation?
– Behavioural Theory (Simon, 1947) . How has management evolved over time?
– Gareth Morgan Images of organisation
– Evaluate how true the statement in the question is.
– Discuss the difference between Networks and Communities of Practice
-Consider how the physical and aesthetic side of the organisation is designed to create a fun culture that boost the autonomy of employees.
– Conclude on how this new post industrial innovative workplace environment will benefit the long term business goals as well as the emotional and physical well being of the individual employee. Give your own opinion on the matter .

Topic 3 DQ 1 & DQ 2

1.) Discuss engagement and what it means when using UDL in an inclusive classroom. What are the three ways to differentiate engagement strategies for different types of students? Provide examples. 150 words

2.) Do you think it is difficult to write IEP goals that are measurable and observable? Why or why not? Why is it important for the student that IEP goals are measurable and observable? 150 words

Answer each question in 150 words, please.

care of a patient in home nursing

This assignment should be a reflective essay (use Rolfe’s reflective model)to care for a patient in home nursing. This is a European Union (EU) directive required of all nursing student to complete. please use at least 5 references and 2 must be a peer review journal. References should be five years of publish. Please use APA referencing style

Gertrude B. Elion

Write a report of 500 to 800 words, which is approximately a page and a half to two pages double spaced using 12 Calibri font, about a female chemist, biochemist, physicist, or medical scientist, whose significant work was recognized prior to the year 2000. Use a minimum of two references and document those references using JACS formatting (
My paper is about Gertrude B. Elion.

Cases Summary

Attached are the instructions, Textbook is
Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions in Criminal Justice
10th Edition, Joycelyn M. Pollock Texas State University—San Marcos

There is a second part (research paper) based on this same case summary due later into the semester, ideally, when the time comes to do it I would like to have the same writer for it.

Leadership Learning & Development

Part 1
Evaluate a piece re the leadership learning and development context by assessing the role of evaluation in the formulation and implementation of an organization’s HRD
Part 2
Evaluate a piece assessing the role of HRD in the formulation and implementation of an organization corporate strategy