Work cited must be 4 references and need to be magazines, journals, and articles not all websites
Must be 4 pages from top to bottom on each page. or professor will take off.
This class is an Agricultural and food Survey class
: 1. Impacts of Alternative Eating Styles(Vegan, Organic, Vegetarians, etc) and how it relates to Agriculture today
2. Then present and inform about a single issue within the topic associated with the food and agriculture industry
3 Establish a problem identification process while providing evidence of assessment
4. Understanding and evaluation of different messages, genre awareness and the final production of the argument
5. Use of section heads to organize sections, issues with grammar, spelling and punctuation
6 APA or MLA format with proper detail
7 Resources have to be more the web search; Articles, magazines and journals. Professor said must be 4 work citation and can’t all be web searches because she will take off.
8 Professor says She will not tolerate any plagiarism.
9 Has to be three full pages top to bottom and work cited on the 4th page.
10 Can writer communicate with what he or she will write on before starting please Professor is grading based off a rubric which are questions 1 Thur 5 that have to be answered with the discussion of the paper.Please message me if there are any questions before starting
Must have introduction to introduce topic and how it relates to agriculture
Must have conclusion to recap on introduction and facts in the paper and state In conclusion at end where you see Impacts of Alternative Eating Styles(Vegan, Organic, Vegetarians, etc) going in relation to the future of our world
Must by professor: Give evidence of your points, support your argument, and show data with numbers in your evidence.
This is a must: Each topic must have a sub header
Must have a Introduction and Conclusion labeled
No cover page needed
Compare historical and contemporary issues related to substance use/abuse for Latino Families. Be sure to address substance use/abuse factors.
I spoke with a representative names Jim and he advised me to let you the writer know exactly what I needed since that option was not available in subject or style.
My subject is: Sociology
Style: ASA FORMAT please
I need all 7 references to be Sociology journal articles
All references can only be within the last 10 years (2010-2020)
I need to references to be ASA format
Cover page, essay (8pages), and reference page
It needs to be analytical rather than descriptive
No more than 20% matching plagiarism
In-text citation for all 7 sociology references
I will attach an example of exactly what I need.
strategic Marketing of Dove
refer to assignment details
Bartleby the Scrivener
850 words (more if possible, if not, no worries!)
Christmas Tree Farming Effects on the Environment
1) Topic: Try to think of a specific question that relates to this course (ENVS 1402). You are welcome to select something that relates to botany, environmental science, or both. Be as specific as possible. If you need tips/suggestions, please contact the instructor
2) Length: A minimum of 3 full pages.
3) General format: This is an APA style research paper. You will be presenting a specific topic. Research citations and references must be included within your paper. Standard margins, standard type, etc.
4) Title page: Title page is needed. Include your name as well as the due date and the course info (ENVS 1402)
5) Abstract: APA style includes an abstract. This is a brief (1 – 2 paragraph) summary of your research paper. It is recommended that this section be the very last part of your paper you write.
6) Works cited page: Minimum of 2 outside resources
7) Citation style: APA. Be sure to include citations within the paper. You can use either direct quotes or paraphrasing information.
8) References: Approval is required for references. Some widely accepted sites include: National Geographic, Scientific American, Science Daily, and Nature. You may also use material from US Newspapers.
In addition to the basic research, please make sure you address the following questions: 1) How does this topic relate to ENVS 1402? 2) How is this topic applicable to the average person?
Gender and Society – Just one of the guys
The file describing the assignment is attached.
The other file is attached too which you have to rewrite. You have to write a shorter version of that document and focus on the 5 topics listed in the file describing the assignment.
Please do not replicate any sentences from the old file.
Picky Eating
Instructions are in Critical Analysis Instructions. I’ve included the topic in the topic selection document where you’ll find the thesis statement. I’ve also included the bibliography to help you, as well as the articles used.
Similarities and Differences
What do you see as similarities and differences between the research process, the Evidence-Based Practice process, and nursing process? Include rationale to support your response.
Submission Instructions:
Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources
If I can get this done ASAP please and thank you.
Please see instructions
Your submission should include:
• Your ratio calculations and results (excel)
• A summary of your views on the organisation, based on the ratios you calculated and any other information you have available. Be sure to cite your sources.