The feedback to your classmates need not be exceedingly long, but must be substantive and show that the responding student has thought about his or her fellow student’s remarks and is now giving honest feedback. The true value of this assignment rests with the ongoing exchange of thoughts and ideas through a forum that is easily accessible yet safe. Students are reminded to be mindful and respectful in the exchange of communication… Please don’t hesitate to share your ideas even if they may be controversial…at the same time, be sensitive to and respectful of others’ opinions as they are bound to differ from your own. The case that you need to read is in the attachment and also the rubric is the second attachment.
A critical analysis of crypto-currencies regulation potential and how it will impact the e-commerce business in the future.
I am working on my literature review in the following weeks, I want the rest of the paper completed. I have spoken to support specialist of yours and they said the 3300 words is enough to finish the paper. The paper is supposed to be a total of 6000 words.
If you complete the paper to a great standard, and find yourselves with more words left, I would like you to write out a literature review paragraph to help me a little bit, and guide me in the correct direction. If not, that’s fine.
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Coffee and Tea during the Early Modern Period
I need the research paper to be on coffee and tea please during the early modern period. Please use 3 primary sources and 3 secondary sources.
The proposal should include a topic, the reasons an author chose the topic, the
main interpretive claim or question of the proposed paper, the primary and secondary sources that will be used, and the author’s claim to significance (which is likely grounded in the historiography). Write as if you are the author. However, if you need to use any direct quotations, please be sure to use proper citation format.
The topic is on the same one you have worked on previous papers Coffee and Tea during the Early Modern Period.
I need you to write a thesis like this style the way you have in the past:
#1. Although ________________________,
(general statement, opposite opinion)
#2nevertheless ______________________.
(thesis, your idea)
3# because ______________________
(examples, evidence, #1,#2,#3, etc.)
I’ve uploaded previous papers that you have worked on as a reference please use them as a reference but this should be a new 20 page research paper based on the topic that you have worked on before which is coffee and tea during the early modern period.
Please talk about how it was used as money, traded, commodity, how it was light easy to travel with and trade. How it affected different economies, civilizations and
Please write clear and concise sentences please stay on topic with just Coffee and Tea during the early modern period.
New 20 page research paper on Coffee and Tea during the Early Modern Period.
management of Mergers and Acquisitions
What are the key issues in the successful management of Mergers and Acquisitions?
Use examples to illustrate your answer
unethical testing of immigrants at Ellis Island
State your position on the topic, and explain how your ideas connect to your own experiences for background.
Make sure to craft your response in essay format, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Edit your words carefully so that there are a few errors in spelling, punctuation, or grammar.
Use at least two resourcePut any quoted material in quotation marks and include the page number in a citation. Give your essay an original title and put your name and the page numbers in a header.
Employee Selection
There are multiple steps and processes in the selection process that I could personally benefit from learning about for future career development. This research paper will allow myself to gather information and get a better understanding of the uniform guidelines on employee selections. Employee selection has major implications for an organization, as organization performance depends on the efforts of the employee being selected.
I’m attaching the guidelines for the Human Capital Management research paper on Employee Selection.
Creating a Simple Extended Trial Balance
Please see instructions and use attached Excel templates
Socrates and 2 major works/ ideas and assess his contribution to the philosophical tadition and their impact today.
The paper should focus on the philosophical contribution of an individual in the Western tradition. For this essay, choose an individual from Socrates to the 1950’s AD.
Although some biographical information should be included at the beginning of the essay, it should not be the focus of the paper. Instead analyze one or at the most two of the individual’s major ideas/works and assess his/her contribution to the philosophical tradition and their impact today.
The essay should be typed, double-spaced with one-inch margins. Any clear 12-point font is acceptable. Include a cover page with your name, date and class information. A bibliography must be included in the essay. Use standard MLA formatting for the bibliography. The bibliography must have at least four sources one of which should be a book. Encyclopedias are not appropriate for college level work. Internet sources should provide a full URL in the body of the paper and a general URL on the bibliography page
Topic: Critical Appraisal of Research-Based Evidence
I need a response to another students paper. The original prompt was : Define and discuss the critical appraisal process for EITHER quantitative or qualitative research-based evidence. Identify one or more critical appraisal tool(s) that are used. It needs to include a biblical integration as well.
What good is research if there is not an accurate reflection of the claims being made or if the information is not dependable? According to our text when evidence is critically appraised the research is evaluated for its accuracy and determined if the study was conducted appropriately. (Hall & Roussel, 2017).
Proverbs 16: 11 (NLT) states ‘The Lord demands accurate scales and balances; he sets the standards for fairness.’ God demands honesty and justice; this is incredibly relatable when offering or providing medical services. Research should be a precise representation of findings to provide better patient outcomes.
“Assessing the research methods used in the study is a prime step in its critical appraisal. This is done using checklists which are specific to the study design” (Al-Jundi, 2017, p. 1).
There are several considerations that should be reviewed when filtering validity. Such as the design of the study, measurement of outcomes, statistical methods or results, how the samples were chosen and if they are an accurate reflection of the population. (Al-Jundi, 2017, p. 1). Gathering such facts assesses the research from several angles. Using resources such as the CASP checklist helps to further dissect aspects of the research and make connections of the process. Recognizing different techniques that are used in different studies helps distinguish which outcomes best suit certain settings. (Hall & Roussel, 2017).
The appraisal process is even more valued when sifting data that influences healthcare delivery. Since qualitative findings are connected to an individual’s experience appraisal of evidence is a process that should be utilized by clinicians. Learning to use these practices can contribute to nursing knowledge and theory. (Hall & Roussel, 2017). “Meta‐synthesis could serve to re‐interpret, compare and translate different qualitative studies, using a different conceptual apparatus, into a consolidated knowledge of fundamental importance” (Bergdahl, 2019, p. 7).
Case Study 3
The assignment is attached. Thank You!
*Topic related Chapters: 5, 6*
Textbook: Essentials of Strategic Management: The Quest for Competitive Advantage
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