In Meditation II, Descartes proposes to prove that there is such a thing as the soul, as distinguished from the body, and in the process he argues that we are capable of acquiring truth independently of bodily experience. Which of the sisters would be more likely to adopt Descartes’ arguments along this line? How would she apply these arguments to Matthew’s situation? How might the other sister criticize these arguments and their application?
Portfolio Management
Your strategy is based on technical analysis i.e. moving averages. The assignment states “The strategy must be based on fundamental analysis not technical analysis” and
You are free to choose the investment strategy, but some possible topical approaches to frame the portfolio formation might involve environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, financial technology, artificial intelligence and big data or international politics and trade.” Using moving averages does not reflect this type of approach.
Your document is lacking “a detailed explanation of the rationale for the strategy”. You have written a lot about backtesting as an approach, but little about the actual strategy that you have chosen.
I don’t think you have engaged in any data collection for the assets in your portfolio. “Ability to collect real-world data and to implement analysis in Excel”.
The references are of mixed quality. Try to use more from journals e.g. you have one from Journal of Banking and Finance.
Establishing a Peer Review Program for Sonographers
You will be required to identify a contemporary health care initiative and conduct an in-depth situational analysis in relation to this topic, making appropriate recommendations for practice.
The initiative may be related to, for example, clinical factors, management/ organisational issues, human factors, technological developments, educational or legal or ethical issues, cultural factors.
This initiative may take the form of, for example:
Policy implementation at a local level or organisational level
Policy review
Development of a proposal to address an issue in practice e.g. the setting up of a service
Analysis of service provision
Educational intervention
You will be expected to reflect on your personal learning with specific reference to practice development within your organisation.
Identify a contemporary health care initiative.
Conduct a situational analysis in relation to this topic.
The assignment should outline:
a. The health care initiative and the rationale for choice.
This may include personal factors and internal or external drivers within the
b. The process of conducting the audit or situational analysis and rationale for the
approach selected.
This should include reference to relevant models and frameworks.
There should be a sound and relevant evidence base.
c. Key findings clearly demonstrating the rationale for the conclusions drawn.
d. Recommendations.
(4000 words)
Write a critical reflection on personal learning with specific reference to the audit or situational analysis’s potential to support practice development within your organisation and the relevance of your personal learning to the goals of the organisation. Please base this on a recognised model of reflection.
(1000 words)
Operation and recovery of Biogas from a continuous anaerobic digester with ultrasonic treatment of waste activated sludge.
I am uploading all data collected in the Excel file uploaded. A really good guideline from a previous work on the same system so it can be used as a guideline, please nothing can be the same literally from this Word file. Will make the work more simple since it can be just rewritten following this study project. This is a very long 9,000 word file. Should be shorter and with the new data provided.
Please listen to the recording that I will be sending in a separate email kindly take notes on everything being said/ discuss. Please note I do not want a summary of the recording I would like you to listening and write everything being discussed.
Ethical Dilemma Reflection Paper
Given the current cultural context, variations in the sexual development of infants can be treated by families and physicians as “medical emergencies.” In this paper you’ll reflect on the intersection of ethics, social expectations and medicine in the context of discussing how families and physicians should approach the treatment of infants who are born with sexually ambiguous genitalia.
What to write: If you were the parent of a child born with sexually ambiguous genitalia, how would you proceed? What questions would you ask and/or considerations would you take into account to influence your decision? And what would you ultimately decide to do and/or to not do?
In your discussion, consider what you have learned about the influence of genetics, hormones, biological development, social and cultural environments, and personal experiences as formative aspects of human sexuality – gender identity, roles and expression, internal and external anatomy, and sexual orientation.
Please address your response in the context of your personal ethics around sexuality and identity, social expectations and current medical interventions available.
This paper is a reflection paper and should present your understanding, values and beliefs; there is no correct or preferred answer – I am simply interested in having you clearly and thoughtfully articulate your ideas and opinions.
Should you require any resources from the screenshots below please let me know I will get the information to you
Individual Report (4000 words) that critiques the event in a digital format that you have worked on; demonstrating an understanding of context, audience, delivery, impact, potential for improvement and considering your own CPD requirements (50%)
Your group project evaluation strategy will be fundamentally important not only to the success of the actual event, as with any project, but also to this individual report. You will rely heavily on the monitoring and evaluation data gathered throughout the lifecycle of the project, from group formation onwards. You should include data gathered for internal and external evaluation purposes (i.e. team performance and marketing targets respectively).
The report should include the following elements:
Title Page (not included within word count)
Including title of event, individual student name, student number, course and module code
Contents Page (not included within word count)
List of all heading and subheadings, including appendices, and all figures with corresponding page number
Introduction (500 words)
Brief outline of the structure of the report and an introduction to the event.
Evaluation of Event Process (1750 words)
This section should feature evaluation of both planning and delivery of the event, taking into account context, audience, delivery and impact.
You should utilise further subheadings to detail key aspects of event evaluation, and make reference to and use of event management and event/project evaluation theoretical frameworks. It may be beneficial to clarify the intended outcomes of the event in the form of defined objectives before then utilising both quantitative and qualitative data to measure the relative achievement of those objectives.
You should consider evaluation of finance, operations, safety, market response and overall strategy, plus measurable event impacts. It is also important that you are able to isolate and evaluate factors that contributed to the relative success/failure of the event and that you are also able to make recommendations for improvement.
The section will also need to include reflection on how the group responded to the feedback from the pitch including demonstration of changes or improvements in the event design.
Evaluation of Personal Performance (1250 words)
You are encouraged to use 1st person reflection within this section. You should provide a structured account of your own performance over the course of the planning and implementation phases of the event, including your role within the group and your effectiveness. You should use the self-assessment documents that you complete for Assignments 1 and 2 to help in the creation of this project.
You should explore the rationale for taking on that role and responsibilities. You should relate personal performance to theoretical frameworks that relate to reflection and self-evaluation and/or justified/referenced attributes of successful event managers. It is important that within the discussion you also appraise how you will enhance your future performance through identification of achievable and specific continuing professional development opportunities.
Conclusion (500 words)
Draw the work into a neat summary that highlights key aspects of the report and provide the key insights derived from the evaluation – think about what you want the reader to take away from your submission.
Bibliography (not included within word count)
Appendices (not included within word count)
Any documents which you directly discuss within the main body of the work that may be important for the reader to refer to.
This assignment is assessed against the following criteria:
Application new knowledge and awareness of contemporary industry practice to a digital event.
Identify and discuss digital futures for events management.
Exhibit understanding of established techniques of research and enquiry in their application to Event Management
The Use of ABA for Children with Autism
Course is Psychology of education.
Topic I have chosen for you (because I think it is easiest to find 10 articles on) is The use of ABA for children with autism.
Attached is the instructions!!! They are detailed and clear.
Needs a title page, then 10 pages of annotated bibliographies (1 page for each only), then a reference page
psyc info is a reputable place to get empirical articles!!
Report on the English Housing System – A Comparative Analysis with Spain & Switzerland
(As agreed please find additional order below)
Stage 2: Report – This report needs to be based on my group interim submission: MAIN_FILE_UK_and_International_Housing_Policy and follow guidelines for ‘stage 2: report’ assignment below that are explained in MAIN_FILE_2019_20_D41UK_Course_Handbook.
I have also attached relevant power-point lectures related to the topic if that will help. Can you please use sources and themes from the interim submission and build on them – add further? More relevant sources can be found in the course handbook – if you can use some of papers written by prof. Stephens as well please.
‘The report should contain:
• a short summary of the whole report
• a clear statement of aims
• an introduction to the social, economic and political context in which housing policy has developed, and the current situation
• an overview of the development of the country’s housing system
• an assessment of the key strengths and weaknesses of the housing system
• an examination of two or three policies or approaches in other countries that might be applied to the country under review
• a list of recommendations
• a list of references (not included in word count)
The report requires a level of independent research and learning.
Assessment criteria:
• Addressing the requirements of the brief
• Clarity of writing
• Use of sources, including statistical sources
• Use of tables, graphs, photos
• Quality of presentation and referencing
• Relevance of recommendations (i.e. supported by evidence)
• Summary that captures the totality of the report’
Thank you
6521- Response to Kristin
Please compose a response to the attached discussion post using the following directions:
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected a different interactive media piece on a psychological disorder, and provide recommendations for alternative drug treatments to address the patient’s pathophysiology. Use only scholarly sources