the best approach for marketing a company’s product line to the designated and chosen demographics and subcultures of Tweens : Demographics of Generation Y, and Generation X

(6-8) pages in length if double-spaced. The lengths of the assignments, however, do not include statements in quotations, graphs, footnotes, charts, and citations.
Since this is a Professional Paper, presentation should be taken into account.

For this paper, you will take on the role of an outside consultant for a company. The company has hired your firm to provide
deep background on three demographics, Tweens, Generation X, and Generation Y. You will investigate and suggest the
best approach for marketing a company’s product line to those demographics. For instance apparel, tablets, or phones
should be sufficiently broad to be relevant to all demographics. You will select the company and product line you are
researching. It is strongly recommended that your choices are relevant to all three groups (items like blood pressure pills or
walkers are not advisable)
You should use the following outline for your paper.
paper will be written in cohesive essay format. Make sure
that it is presented in the persona of an outside consultant. Even though this is written as a professional paper, you are still
required to cite your sources using APA format. You will need to rely on at least three scholarly sources for this assignment.
Single paragraph introduction describing the company, the product, and the intent of your research.
Outline the Demographics of the groups in questions including birth years and demographical information.
Provide background about the Attitude of each group. Focus on their shared experiences that distinguish them from
other groups. Make sure to discuss subgroups and value variations within the larger groups as well as to consider
conflicts or differences within the groups that may impact success in marketing your client’s product.
Discuss their disposable income and how this relates to the opportunity of the company for the product or service in
question. Make sure to discuss how much they Spend on related categories of products and the flexibility of those
spending habits. Draw parallels between your chosen product and those researched.
What products does each group currently value, how does this reflect on the product in questions, and what Product
Development should be investigated in the future.
What existing Media does each group consume and how should this inform what Marketing Methods and messaging
should be used to reach each group.
Identify an example of a successful and an unsuccessful marketing of a product in your client’s market. Explain how
consumer behavior accounts for the difference in success and apply those lessons to the product/service/and
company you are researching. Make sure you quantify why you chose those items as the least and most popular.
Conclude the report with a summation of your findings. This should not exceed 2-3 paragraphs and largely restate the
Week 3: Value and Consumer Learning 
contents of the paper in a concise manner. Keep in mind you are not selling the product itself, but rather you are
making a case for your findings.

International Criminal Organizations

Compare, contrast, and analyze the organization, methods, and history of criminal organizations within at least two different nations (Russia and Mexico).

1,000 words, not including title page or references. Minimum of four scholarly references.

Berghuis v. Thompkins (2010)

Review this case and discuss when a defendant can waive his or her rights to remain silent. What does the Supreme Court about silence? What if you have a reaction to a statement made by police? Your submission should be in APA style.

Fugitive Slave Act

Instructions for this discussion assignment

I’m providing you with only one primary source document because you’ll be doing a bit of your own online research.
You’ll be choosing your own specialty subtopic from the below list of five
personal liberty laws
Fugitive Slave Act
Wilmot proviso
John Brown/Harpers Ferry Raid
Bleeding Kansas
Also, you’ll be creating a PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation for this discussion. Your presentation is required to have:
1 title slide (think of a creative or interesting title but also relevant)
At least FIVE (5) slides on questions 1 and 2
At least FIVE (5) slides on questions 3, 4, and 5
Your presentation should include a minimum of FIVE (5) relevant images (Use Google Image Search)
At least ONE (1) (you may need more than one) slide that lists citations to your sources (title, author (if available), year (if available) and hyperlink)
WARNING: DO NOT copy a website, that is plagiarism. DO NOT just summarize one web source. I am looking to see that you have consulted several sources and worked them into a strong answer to the questions below
NOTE: Check to see that your websites are reliable and trustworthy. If you’re unclear on this and need extra guidance, this website should be helpful (opens in new window,
NOTE: Stick to short relevant quotes. Don’t take up a whole slide with a single giant quote. Also, do not rush through a slide with a negligible amount of information. Part of the challenge of this assignment is striking a balance that avoids too little and too much information.
NOTE: NO Wikipedia (dig/research deeper than that)
HOW TO SUBMIT: Upload the file as a .ppt, .pptx, or .pdf to your discussion board entry. DO NOT link to an cloud-based file. IF you link to a cloud based file and I do not have permission to view the file you will incur a late penalty for the assignment of 25%.

Use the provided document and your online research to answer the following questions

What were Benning’s main justifications for Georgia’s choice to secede?
What arguments did Benning use to convince Virginia delegates to secede? Which of his arguments do you think were best received by the assembled delegates? Explain.
Where do you see (a) reference(s) to your subtopic in the speech? (Hint: All of these subtopics are mentioned in the speech)
How does your research help you understand the role your chosen subtopic played in the secession of Georgia
Given your research, why would Benningreference it as part of his argument in favor of Virginia’s secession?

COM 370 – Oral History Interview Final Project

Please see the attachment with detailed instructions laid out.
Couple Keynotes:
I am not a communication major (there is a section that asks)
A written transcript of the interview is fine
Lastly, the interview should be a separate typed document

Reflection Journal: Applying Assessment and Health Education Skills

During this course, students have completed a comprehensive physical assessment, which included taking a patient history and evaluating for at-risk behavior. What new assessment skills did you develop in the course, or how did the assessment assignments in Shadow Health help you build on your assessment skills? How do you plan to integrate these new assessment skills into your professional practice? How do you plan to integrate the necessary skills for assessing the readability of health education materials into your practice? In your journal assignment, reflect on your learning regarding the importance of health literacy in patient health and well-being. Please refer to writer’s message for more details.