Evolution of Programming

Your paper must be double spaced with 1 inch margins and must conform to the APA writing style and must have at least 2 sources. It must also meet general standards of professionalism for business writing – concision, clarity, grammar, spelling, etc. The page number requirement is for content only therefore the cover and reference pages as well as any appendices will not be included in the count. Points will be deducted if the minimum number count is not met. Points may also be deducted if excessively long.

Wk 7 Discussion

Readings: Chapter 12 in MOC and Chapter 5 in TAF. Complete the readings prior to answering the discussion questions.

Label each section at the beginning with the question listed below:

1) How would you describe your role as a change manager using the terms introduced in chapter 12 of MOC: champion, soul-of-fire, quiet leader, positive deviant or disruptive innovator. Explain. Please answer this question using the “Champion” and “Quiet Leader” terms.

2) Based on the concepts discussed in The Agility Factor, how would you go about making your organization more agile?

3) Describe a few key ideas from this course that you think you could use to improve you and your organization’s capacity for change.

Please answer this question by expounding on each of the following ideas for this question:
A- Proactively looking for opportunities to be more efficient by building agility routines
B- Quickly Embracing and supporting change when by management
C- Coaching and Mentoring those peers an employees around me

Progress report


Activity Instruction
This assignment is designed to keep your instructor informed of your capstone progress and provide you an opportunity to receive feedback on your project. For this assignment, complete the following:

Based on the project summary you submitted in Unit 1, and on the progress you have made in the last week, prepare a brief report of the status of your project. Include the following items:

Introduction: In one paragraph, restate your chosen company and project overview.
Work completed: Tasks and milestones you have completed to date.
Work missed: Any work you intended to complete but did not accomplish.
Work to complete: Tasks and milestones that must be completed next week. Include any corrective action planned for items that were missed or are behind schedule.
Conclusion: Wrap the report up in a couple of sentences, stating your overall progress and affirming that you are on track or have a plan for catching up.

Treatment plan

I need 2 seperate treatment plans.

Treatment plan #1
Using the Emotionally Focused theoretical orientations reviewed this week, and relying on the material covered in the lectures and text, draw up a treatment plan for a couple presenting with the type of problems reviewed by Dr. Gottman in their relationship. Address at least two goals and two objectives under each goal.

Please use the following videos for treatment plan #1

Treatment plan #2

Using one of the theoretical orientations reviewed this week – Solution Focused Therapy and Narrative Therapy – and relying on the material covered in the lectures and text, draw up a treatment plan for a couple recovering from infidelity in their relationship. Address at least two goals and two objectives under each goal.

Please use the following videos for treatment plan #2

Millennials in the Workforce

TOPIC: Millennials in the Workforce

You are the assistant manager of recruitment at a small marketing firm that is expanding rapidly. Your supervisor needs to recruit new employees, and you have been given the task of researching one specific segment of the workforce: millennials. You have been given two sources to review, and your job is to write a short report that can be used as a guide to inform these recruitment strategies.

Your report should consider the following questions, in addition to any other points you feel are important:

What seem to be some of the pros and cons of millennial employees?

What are some specific strategies for recruiting, managing, and retaining millennials?

Would you recommend adopting a strategy to recruit millennials specifically? Why or why not?

Your supervisor has given you two resources to review in drafting your report. To earn full credit, you will incorporate both of these resources into your report to support your arguments and recommendations.

Because your findings will be presented to the Board of Directors, your supervisor has specifically requested that you organize this short report using the indirect arrangement. Thus, you will need a brief yet informative introduction that prepares your readers for your recommendations. Presenting the supporting data before your ultimate recommendations will prepare the reader to accept your solution to this problem.

Write up a short report of at least 400 words describing your findings and recommendations.

The primary audience for this report is your direct supervisor, and the secondary audience is the Board of Directors. Thus, you should adopt an appropriate tone for this audience. Your recommendations need to be clear so that your company can move forward with its recruitment strategies.

You will format this report as a business memorandum (memo).

Social Work

This is a 3000 word case study assignment on Social work – undergraduate.
I have uploaded the case study and assignment guidelines.
Please follow everything in the guidelines, also make links to PCF, SWE, BASW as required in the guidelines.
Use proper academic words in the assignment, use UK textbooks and journals not more than 20 years in this assignment and for referencing.
The assignment should be based on UK Social work practice.
Use Arial font 12, with 1.5 spacing.
Harvard style referencing, 14 reference list in alphabetical order, no websites.
3000 words assignment plus 14 reference list.

Florida Panther lab

Websites needed for lab:

Felony Disenfranchisement: A Phenomenological Examination of the Perceptions of Ex-Felons’ Excluded from Voting Post-Conviction

My topic is based on ex-felons not permitted to vote after they have completed their sentencing obligations. I need a thorough background on Felon disenfranchisement. My theoretical foundation is labeling theory, I need studies that indicate how labeling and stigmatization affect an individual’s ability to identify as a citizen. Additionally, I need the analysis to tie labeling theory to felony disenfranchisement. My subheading under the literature review needs studies that support felony disenfranchisement is a stigma stemming from the label and not the behavior. I have attached a copy of the qualitative checklist as it pertains to the content that is to be included. I am also attaching am an incomplete version of my literature review.