The Middle Ages

The Middle Ages was a fascinating time in history! Lives were changing all over Europe and around the world as technologies were being developed.

Students will write a 2-3 page ‘argumentative research essay’ concerning one of the topics of choice listed below.

Students will choose one topic for their essay:

-How has Joan of Arc inspired women today?

-What were the consequences of the Hundred Years War?

-Why did chivalry develop during the Middle Ages?

-What moment had the biggest impact on the Middle Ages?

-What is the significance of the printing press?

-How did life change after the Black Plague?

~Your paper MUST be in MLA Format.

~Please provide a Works Cited Page.

~Submissions are to be typed, Double-Spaced, 12 pt. font, Times New Roman


Clarity – 15 pts.

Research – 15 pts.

Grammar – 15 pts.

Works Cited – 5

Discussion on orientation and onboarding

Describe an example of a successful new employee orientation. Why are both employee needs and organizational needs important to consider?

What is the difference between orientation and onboarding? Have you had any real life experiences with bad orientations?

Visual Analysis Paper

Very important:
– No introduction, just the body part
– Focus on: pictorial space and form, the setting/space, the colors and/or tones employed in the scene, handling of light/shadow, the poses, gestures, and expressions of figures, emotions?reaction the painting evokes


BOOK REVIEW-ARTICLE CRITIQUE Students of History 1301 (AMERICA: A NARRATIVE HISTORY—DAVID EMORY SHI AND GEORGE BROWN TINDALL (W. W. NORTON&COMPANY, INC.—10THEDITION) will do two book reviews or three article critiques. A handout on how to do a book review/article critique will be included with the syllabus. The reports must include the following
:1.3 typed double-spaced pages, 12 font, an inch margin, Arial or Roman Times font style.
2.Cover sheet listing the student’s name, book title, author, date, and time student attends class.

China: History in Deaf Education, Sign Language, and Culture

Choose a country (CHINA) and learn about their Deaf Education taught in signed language. Students will gather information on the educational history and experiences of deaf persons in a specific country and present this information in paper (English). These paper will look like this:

1st paragraph – Introduction

2nd paragraph (body) – what led to the establishment of the deaf school and why?

3rd paragraph (body) – a description of the signed language and whether it is recognized as an official language of China.

4th paragraph (body) – the methods (sign language or oral?) used within the school.

5th paragraph (body) – how education has impacted the culture and language of the deaf?

6th paragraph (body) – a comparison with U.S. Deaf culture and history.

7th paragraph (body) – any other interesting information.

8th paragraph – Conclusion

Paper should meet these requirements:
-Academic Language: Intro, body (6 questions), and conclusion (formal setting) target audience: professionals.
-Answer these 6 questions.
-Appropriate use of APA citation within body and reference page.
-Clear citations on paper

Additionally, I’ve found some sources related to China that you can use.
1 – attached on additional material (Deaf_Education_Beyond_The_Western_World__China_.docx) It is from an eBook on Amazon so I just paid this eBook and copied and pasted from this to docx.

2 – attached on additional material (scan_20200622125348.pdf) It is from a link –

3 –

4 –

5 – (it is a video)

6 –

7 –

Other suggestions that not count as a source but great suggestion –
1 –

2 –

You can find more sources. Also, you need to find sources related to USA that compare to China. Make sure to cite those sources as well. Here is a rubric attached (ASL_421_Presentation.Paper_Rubric.pdf)

Issues and Trends in Nursing

Draft a 2- to 3-page paper describing your selected QI in general, and then describe how this QI has the potential to improve the quality, safety, and outcomes of your patients and their families.
Describe the current data available and leadership’s goal for improvement.
Draft a solution using 2 sources from professional and scholarly literature to support your proposal.
Use the 2000/3000 AWE Level Assignment Template in the resources for this week to complete your Assignment.
Use in-text citations to support your paper. Use essay-level writing skills, including the use of transitional material and organizational frames.