unit 6 assignment hn400

As discussed in this unit, a problem/needs statement is often a required part of a grant proposal. A human service organization needs to demonstrate that it is serving an important, documented need in the community.

This week, you will develop a needs/problem statement for the same organization that you discussed in your Assignments for Units 2 and 3. Remember, the organization that you discussed in your Unit 2 and 3 Assignments is one that already exists, and is not the same as the not-for-profit organization that you have been discussing for the Journal component of this course as that organization is not one that is in existence.

You may use the Unit 6 Assignment Template (located in Course Documents) to organize your work. Do not submit your answers directly on the template, as the Assignment needs to be in essay format. The template is a guide for you to use to ensure that you include all of the required components of the Assignment. The different components of the template should appear as headings and subheadings in APA style in your paper. Please be sure to write in complete sentences and to utilize the strategies for effective grant writing covered in this unit as well as Unit 5. You need to use a total of five references in your Assignment, with at least two of them being peer-reviewed journal articles. Examples of other references that you can use, in addition to the two required peer-reviewed journal articles, are reputable websites and books. The references need to appear as in-text citations in your paper, and in the references page at the end. They need to be cited using APA style. Be sure that you are following all APA rules for paraphrasing, summarizing, or quoting material. It is important that you are using information from your sources in ways that are true to the original context, while distinguishing between common knowledge and ideas that require attribution.

Two Story Analysis (That Spot by Jack London)(The Ransom of Red Chief by O. Henry)

Instruction for Paper 2: How may a reader analyze a literary element common to two short stories so as to understand meaning in (significance of) the stories? By writing this paper, you will answer this question and demonstrate the following skills for writing about literature:

– Analyze literature for a purpose.
– Distinguish digital or print materials through annotation in order to demonstrate reading and summary skills.
– Identify a literary element common to two short stories.
– Identify one to three examples from each story as evidence of the element.
– Write a thesis statement that clearly identifies the common element, and what the paper will discuss about the stories and the element.
– Write clear topic sentences for paragraphs that inform the reader what the paragraph will discuss.
– Develop paragraphs that support the topic sentences.
– Organize a comparison and contrast paper by presenting paragraphs logically and effectively, using one of two methods for comparison and contrast: story-by-story or idea-by-idea.
– Write sentences in Standard English that clearly express ideas.
– Demonstrate correct use of MLA formatting within the paper and on a Works Cited page.
Can you please use the literacy element plot, specifically the Conflict and Resolution that are common between the two short stories.

unit 6 journal

Compelling Problem Statement

Having a compelling problem statement in a grant proposal can be one of the things that appeals to funders. Organizations need to consider what items to include in a grant proposal that will highlight the positive aspects of their programs. Using information from this unit’s readings, answer the following questions:

What would be one program that your not-for-profit organization would offer to the community? Provide details about the program, such as who the program would serve, and what the structure of the program would be.
What type of information about the program could you include in a grant proposal to make your proposal more convincing to funders?
Your entry should be between 150-200 words.

Project 4

Project – Assignment 4
1. Based upon what you have learned about the duty of landowners (or business owners
who are commercial tenants) to invitees, DRAFT a company policy to insure that all
employees act appropriately to keep the premises safe for customers and/or warn
customers of dangerous conditions on the premises.
2. Often the costs of crime and crime prevention are not considered by new business
owners. Crimes committed against your business can be committed by employees,
customers and career criminals. Interview a manager of an operating business and find
out what types of losses they attribute to crime and what level of expense they budget
for loss prevention (this can include, but not be limited to, alarm systems, cameras, and
monitoring, private security, etc.). Prepare a plan to deal with the issue of crime and
crime prevention including what amount of resources will be allocated for the same in
your budget.

Self Evaluation Essay

It has been a long semester, hasn’t it? You have written four academic essays thus far. Hopefully your essay writing process has developed. You may have struggled in the beginning. It may have been difficult to start a paper. You may not have known where to begin. Has this changed? You will answer this very question, as you write the Self Evaluation Essay/ Letter.

What is a Self Evaluation Essay? It is an INFORMAL essay that will address your opinion on this course and how it did or did not change your writing. So, how should you write this essay? I am going to layout some basic instructions for you:

This is an INFORMAL essay/letter. This means you may use first and second person in your writing. This also means you are not expected to use academic sources of any kind. This does NOT mean that your writing should be sloppy or casual. You should still write using the same professionalism you have used throughout the semester. You have the choice of writing an actual essay or a letter addressed to me.

Answer the following questions in this essay:

How has your writing changed over the last 12 weeks? Give at least one specific example from an essay you have written.
What part of your writing still needs a lot of work?
What was your favorite/most effective part of this course?
If you could change one aspect of this class what would it be? How would it help you be a better writer?
What has this class taught you about yourself as a student? How will you use this knowledge for future classes?

Length requirement: This essay/ letter must be at least 5 paragraphs in length.
Grading: You will be graded on the content (did you answer the specified questions?) and the overall quality of your writing. I will not deduct points because I don’t agree with or like what you have to say. Please be reasonably constructive. For instance, I am required to assign five essays for this course. It is not reasonably constructive to say that there were too many essays assigned.

Cases of Child and Elder Abuse

Write a 3-page paper on child and elder abuse.

Conduct online research to locate two recent cases: one of child abuse and one of elder abuse. Then summarize the cases, identify the forms of abuse involved, and examine the overall effects on the victims. Provide examples to support your findings.

Provide at least three statistical data points that you consider critical to increase society’s awareness about the serious issues related to child and elder abuse. One of the data points should be from your residential state. The others can be national statistics. Include why knowing this information is important.

The statistical data should come from at least three different credible sources and cannot be more than 3 years old.

The data source, including date, must be cited with each statistical data point.

NOTE: This Assignment will require outside research. Use at least two credible sources beyond the text material. You may consult the Library, the internet, the textbook, other course material, and any other outside resources in supporting your task, using proper citations and references in APA style. Discuss how you evaluated the credibility of the resources used. All outside resources used should have been published within the past 5 years.

The Relation Between BPR and ERP Systems: A Failed Project

Note that in each case, at least one citation should be from referred journal articles, papers from the proceedings of international conferences, or well-known book in the subject (book should be cited 50 or more times – check google scholar citation data to be sure). The additional citation(s) could be web articles/white paper(s) with listed author(s) from authentic web sites, such as news source, magazine, or business. Follow APA citation style for all citations including the web sources.
Designed to present application of the fundamental concepts from the course material. These should be of sufficient length to cover the topic in depth. Case studies require at least 4 citations as outlined above. The case study template must be used for turning in the case study reports and all parts must be answered.

discussion questions

Topic: Duty to Report Child Abuse

Do grandparents, relatives, significant others, and siblings have a duty to report child abuse? Explain your opinion and provide examples to support your position.

Topic: Duty to Report Elder Abuse

The elderly make up one of the fastest growing populations in the United States and require specialized care due to the physical and mental health issues they face in later years. Long-term-care facilities to assist with their care are growing, and resulting concerns about the facilities providing professional and nonviolent care are growing as well. Refer to your text and to individual research. Suggest which alternative for elder care you believe is better: (a) home-based care or (b) long-term-care facilities, and why. Compare and contrast the two alternatives in your response and focus on reduction of elder abuse as your main concern.

Do not combine the topic please keep separate.