ethics in banking

Please follow directions of document attached and respond based on the section part. Sources need to be scholarly sources and no more than 5 years old. Follow directions to the t. The are 10 parts.

Chapter 3 Reading Summary

After reading all of Chapter 3, please utilize the ideas, concepts, and information in the chapter to answer the following question:

If moral reasoning is largely about providing good reasons for moral claims, where do feelings enter the picture? Is it possible to present a logical argument that you feel strongly about? If so, provide an example of such an argument.

( The files attached include all of Chapter 3 & I have renamed the files as page numbers in order.)

If you quote anything from the book, please do not forget to use in-text citations, if needed.

Here is the book cited: Vaughn, Lewis. Doing Ethics: Moral Reasoning and Contemporary Issues. W.W. Norton & Company, 2019, InQuizitive,!/4.

OJ Simpson 3

Incorporate all of the feedback you received from the first two parts of the project. Next, add the final pieces:

Present your case investigation from the crime scene to its final disposition.
If your case made the prosecutorial level, present your expert testimony to the court.
If your case remains unsolved, report on your theories as to who you feel committed the crime and your reasoning as to why the evidence is insufficient and the case will remain open.
Remember to cite all your sources and that the minimum number of content pages is 10.

Here are all of the materials you were provided to complete your project, along with your own research: (Links to an external site.) (also displayed below but full screen might be better).

Week 5 Discussion

This posting should answer the requirements using the course material from week 5 (not external source material) to support the ideas presented. If you are uncertain as to how to support the ideas presented, go to Content and view the module, Learn How to Support What You Write.

It is important to write concisely, provide the chapter title, chapter heading, page, or paragraph number. Include in-text citations and a reference in a reference list. To see how to cite the eBook, go to Content and view the module, Learn to Use APA. The citation and reference information is on the right-side of the screen.

• In the course reading this week there was a focus on ‘noise’ preventing effective communication. Explain the different types of noise introduced and provide workplace scenarios describing situation where the noise could exist.
• Explain why change is hard for your employees.
• Describe how a Change Agent can help an organization navigate through difficulties.

Psych statistics 2317

As part your course requirements you are required to complete a Written Analysis of Data. The Analysis, 1 ½ to 2 pages in length (typed and double spaced), is worth 300 points. The maximum number of points you can obtain from the written assignment is 300.

For this assignment you will be using be using both your creative writing and your analytical skills. Below you will find two sets of data set forth in two different tables. Select ONE of the data sets to analyze using one of the methods that we have covered in this class, t-statistic or ANOVA. Once you have done your calculations and reached a statistical decision based on the data, you will then write a creative report based on your data and your conclusions. Make up what you believe your study was about!

You must:

State the null hypothesis for your study
Identify the population and tell me where you obtained your representative sample.
Identify the dependent variable(s) in your study
Identify the independent variable(s) in your study
State how you conducted the experiment. (What did you do in conducting the experiment?)
State what method of data analysis you used and tell me why you elected to use this method.
Tell me your calculation results and the decision you make from your data analysis.
State your conclusion as it applies to your study.

Your paper should be between 1.5 and 2 pages long typed double spaced. While I do want you to use APA format, I do not expect you to have references for your report. You are making up this study. Feel free to use headings in your paper to identify the different areas you are discussing.

Accounting Principles

1. Explain the definition of Sarbanex-Oxley Act (SOX) and the relationship in internal controls
2. Explain the definition of Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) and the relationship in internal controls
3. Why might a business prefer a note receivable to an account receivable, and how is it impacting the uncollectible account?
4. What is the process of allocating the cost of natural resources to expense as they are used? Explain
5. Is the declining-balance method an acceptable way to compute the depletion of natural resources? Explain.