Human Factors with Aircraft Accidents

Please see additional materials; I have provided my Outline, Annotated Bibliography and Problem & Purpose Statement to assist.

Must include:
Title Page
Introduction (Include why is this a problem)
Background of the problem
Research of the problem (charts/graphs etc okay to provide)
Results (charts/graphs etc okay to provide)
Conclusions from the research
Recommendations to address the problem


Discussion 1

Give a brief overview of your educational background and experience in healthcare or other business. Share a personal experience dealing with healthcare reimbursement and any inefficiencies with the process. How does reimbursement tie into the revenue cycle?

In response to your peers, support the points they made around what seems to be working and what needs improvements with one additional idea.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric document.

Literature Review

One role of the managers and/or HR department, is to explore employee/employer issues, consider
strategies to solve the issues, implement changes, and to evaluate the outcome. In this course, you have
the opportunity examine a topic in-depth by conducting a literature review research project and
recommendations from one of the topics below. In this research project you can focus on the issue from
the employer (owner/manager) perspective, or the employee perspective.

ALL sources must be accessible through CCSU on-line library. You may use Business Source premier
and/or ABI/Inform complete as your database. If a full text copy cannot be found on either of these
databases, the source will not be counted.
This is the CCSU online library link:

Be 1500 words (+/- 15%). (The reference list does NOT get included in the word count)


In this final assignment in this course, consider how you will use the knowledge, skills, and abilities you have acquired in this course. Write a reflective journal assignment and include the following critical elements:

What was the most interesting concept or assignment you completed in this course? You may also identify what you feel is the most personally relevant. What did you like about it?
Explain how you plan to use it in your personal or professional life. Consult the Epidemiology Careers resource if you are not sure how you might use this professionally.
To complete this assignment, review the Module Eight Journal Guidelines and Rubric document.

Postpartum Depression

A very depressed 38-year-old woman named Jessica is referred to outpatient therapy five months after giving birth to her third child. She talks with a flat affect when describing her lack of interest in being a mother. She also expresses concern over recurring thoughts of seeing herself drop her baby and cries as she discusses it stating, “ I would never hurt my baby, why do I keep having images of dropping him down the stairs or in the bathtub, it is so distressing.” It has been difficult for her to get out of bed in the morning and showering/hygiene has been poor. She reports her husband is upset because he wants things to get back to “normal.”
Note to writer: This is a self-reflection paper based on the video role played between me and partner by attempting to resolved the issue.: Please I am the therapist and my partner is the client- be aware of that. Please attached document for more detailed instructions. Thank you.


Routine Activities
Victim Precipitation
Deviant Place
Choose the theory that you believe most fits victimization. Construct a 4-5 page paper that 1) explains the theory in detail, 2) relates three recent examples (last two years) of cases in which your chosen theory applies, 3) state your views on how the theory fits the victims from the cases you have researched in general and why suspects may choose the specific victims.
Grading Rubric:

1. 4-5 pages, double spaced, 12 point Arial font with standard margins. Use paragraphs. The use of headings is recommended. 30 points.

2. Theory with explanation. The explanation needs to be thorough and contain at least two outside references. Remember to cite. 20 points.

3. Three (3) case examples from the last two years. This will require outside research for you to find applicable cases that help define your chosen theory. 30 points.

4. Conclusion: educated opinion that answers why the theory fits victims in general and why suspects may choose the specific victim. 20 points.

Health Care Administration

I have to do a final project on a Business Plan for a Pennsylvania Home Care Agency with non-medical services. Non medical consist of providing care for individuals that need assistance with daily living activities due to physical or mental illnesses