Two machine learning algorithms used in self driving cars

About two machine learning algorithms used in self driving cars, how those machine learning algorithms will drive us to future. Algorithms like (regression algorithms, pattern recognition, cluster algorithms and decision matrix algorithms) or any other algorithms used in self driving cars. One of the reference:

Strategic Innovation

Compare and contrast the ideas presented in the Wood (2007) article with those presented in the Hamel & Prahalad (1989) article. How are they similar and what specific points seem to be contrary to the other?

I have attached both pds files for each source listed above:

Hamel, G., & Prahalad, C. K. (2005). Strategic intent. Harvard Business Review, 7.

Wood, R. C. (2007). How strategic innovation really gets started. Strategy & Leadership, 35(1), 21–29.

An Information System that has changed the World

In this paper, a student will have to identify how smartphone technology (like iPhone) has changed the way individuals or organizations do something.
The paper should consist of the following sections:
 Introduction
– In this section provide an introduction to the information system or
the technology you would like to present. Why is it important to
consider such a technology – this is the justification.

 The System or Technology
o What is the information system or the technology?
o Who designed or invented it?
o When was this introduced? – History?
 Functionality
o How does it work?
o What are the technology components of the system?
o Hardware and Software
 Benefits and Costs
o What are the benefits of this system?
o What are the costs? – Initial Investment, and ongoing costs
o Competition?
 Conclusion
o What does the future hold?
 References
o References should be in the APA format.
 Other
o 8-10 FULL pages double-spaced, not including figures and references.

Late Adulthood

As we explored this week, late adulthood is a dynamic, rich time of life with many transitions and times of both growth and loss. One of the most profound experiences in late adulthood is that of death and dying – both our own death and the loss of loved ones. In our readings this week, we learned about how important cultural contexts are in understanding the death and dying process. As current/future healthcare professionals, having an understanding of how others process death and grief is key to being able to provide quality support and care. For our final assignment for this class, you will be reflecting on the following scenarios.

Part I: Imagine…you are 77 years old. You have lived a happy, fulfilling life, but have recently learned you have terminal cancer and are reflecting on how you want to spend your last few months and what you would like for your final wishes. In 1-2 pages, describe what you would like this last chapter of your life to look like. Consider:

What is your cultural heritage? What cultural traditions do you or your family hold that would impact your dying process and last wishes? (i.e. I’m Irish and my family and cultural heritage view death as a time to celebrate the life of a loved one with a long Irish wake, stories about our loved one, laughter, etc. We view funerals as a time to be very emotionally expressive about our loss).
How does your family communicate about or view death? What impact does communication with loved ones have on the death and dying process?
Part II: Imagine…you are a nurse, social worker, hospice volunteer or other healthcare professional working with a 77-year-old terminal cancer patient who is struggling with her end of life decisions. She is stoic and hard-working. Her culture values privacy and independence. She doesn’t wish to burden her family and so changes the subject anytime her children try to broach the topic of her final wishes, taking care of her house/pets, her will, etc. She becomes uncomfortable anytime you or other care providers ask to discuss her wishes on things such as DNR orders, religious wishes, or final arrangements. Her children are concerned about her and are worried they don’t know how to best fulfill her wishes and are imploring you to help. In 1-2 pages, consider:

How might your own views on death and dying impact your work with this patient?
How might you seek to guide or help this patient and her family through this time?
What cultural context might be at work here to consider?
Remember, as you reflect on these topics, connect your own experiences and ideas to the theory and research we are learning about in class, referencing your text and at least two other sources.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

Length: 3-4 pages (not including title page or references page)
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page
References page (minimum of 2 outside scholarly sources in addition to course text)

Sexually Transmitted Infections in the Elderly

A review of the scholarly literature will uncover a prevalence of risky sexual behaviors and a high rate of sexually transmitted infections in individuals over 60 years of age. For this assignment, it is your responsibility to investigate the phenomenon of increased sexually transmitted infections, and you must provide at least 3 well-researched reasons why the elderly are at an increased risk of contracting an STI than their younger counterparts. And finally, provide at least 2 possible solutions to quell this problem.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

Length: 3-4 pages (not including title page or references page)
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page
References page (minimum of 2 outside scholarly sources in addition to course text)

Final Essay

1) use at least one piece of direct textual evidence per body paragraph. That piece of evidence, in support of your argumentative claim, must be correctly cited and subsequently paraphrased.
2) Two secondary sources must be incorporated into the essay. Aim for scholarly sources. Utilize the resources within the universities library. Popular library databases include JSTOR or Academic Search Complete. I will accept full-text articles form Google Scholar.
3) Your “Works Cited” will have at minimum two sources.
Topic. Discuss issues of race, class, and gender in Diaz’s “How To Date a Brown Girl…”. This sets up a 5 paragraph essay, of course: Intro, Class, Race, Gender, Conclusion.