Evolutionary Psychology

Having studied the psychology of religion through the cognitive, humanistic, psychodynamic, biological, and evolutionary lenses, please tell me the two most important concepts that you learned from this course and how it has changed your thinking, your worldview, or your life.


Public Relations and Public Education

Revise the Unit 4 Private/Public Partnership Strategic Plan based on your instructor’s feedback.
Add a component related to how your community (Raleigh, North Carolina) will address public relations and public education toward resilience.

Opportunities for improvement: What type of physical protection would you address in the protection mission. You were to generic. How do you address interdiction? Make sure you apply the 9 Steps (see the link in the assignment) to provide specifics on how you would address your concepts.

Right vs. Left Pseudoscience

Prepare the assignment by taking the following RL personality test that will supposedly tell you whether you are right or left-brain dominant. Be sure to record your score. After this, write a short essay that addresses the following questions. IMPORTANT: This is a scientifically bad test! The point of this assignment is to ask tough questions about whether or not this test is legitimate or accurate.

What was your score on the RL personality test? Is this an accurate description of you?
Summarize the evidence for the lateralization of different brain functions. You should include one external article that explains this from a scientific perspective. Be careful to avoid misleading ideas like cerebral dominance or that creativity is performed on the right side of the brain. Stick carefully to the scientifically proven facts.
Interpret your results from the RL test in terms of the scientific facts. Can we really prove that you are right-brain or left-brain dominant? Is it possible to physically locate personality characteristics like being “messy” or “neat” (and similar concepts) to a single side of the brain?

poverty and the criminal justice system. ( policy analysis paper)

o The paper will include a statement of the problem section, as well as a section discussing empirical implications to address the problem. At least half of the paper should focus on your analysis of those issues providing your recommendations for the way forward. This may be in the form of very tangible and specific recommendations, or actions that need to be taken to further flesh out the issue(s), or both.
o I expect at least 4 peer reviewed references cited.
o This paper will be 6-8 full pages of text (excluding cover page, reference list), 12 point font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins. If you do not cite your sources throughout the paper, you will lose points. If there are grammar/spelling errors, you will lose points. Also, you will lose 10 points if your papers are not submitted by the due date.
o Most importantly – I expect creativity, academic curiosity and innovation in your analysis of the problem you have identified. This is the essence of what distinguishes an outstanding undergraduate paper. Do not give me readily available data distilled down to a summary with well-known recommendations. Put significant effort into identifying an issue and creativity in analyzing it and defining solutions which will contribute to the mission of the Criminal Justice community.

My aim is to point out the fact that poverty and low income families have a difficult time when they end up in the criminal justice system. dealing with court appointed lawyers and the problems that come with that because of their case load and also not being paid. I would also like pointed out in the paper the fact that most people get incarcerated and get out without any skills or job training and end up back in the same environment and situation which led them to being incarcerated in the first place and how this adds to the problem of recidivism.

This assignment is for the Professional Communication course.
It is required to write both an email and a letter format for the following scenario.

I attached all the requirements including the scenario and ‘You Viewpoint( which is a technique that should be used for this assignment,)’ summary file as well.
** the length of the email&letter is flexible but I prefer not too long. (please be clear and concise with the suitable length)

Please feel free to ask me anything.

Thank you.


Choose one (not both) of the following topics for this week’s discussion exercise. Remember that the initial post must be done by midnight on Thursday. Two comments must be done by midnight on Sunday. (11:59)

Pick a psychological phenomenon that you would like to know more about. What specific hypothesis would you like to test? What psychophysiological methods might be appropriate for testing this hypothesis and why?
The popular press has shown an increasing interest in findings that contain images of brains and neuroscience language. Studies have shown that people often find presentations of results that contain these features more convincing than presentations of results that do not, even if the actual results are the same. Why would images of the brain and neuroscience language be more convincing to people? Given that results with these features are more convincing, what do you think is the researcher’s responsibility in reporting results with brain images and neuroscience language?

Module 1 – Case MKT301 Principles of Marketing

Module 1 – Case MKT301 Principles of Marketing
Please use the attached documents to complete the assignment. Please read everything before starting the assignment. If you have any doubts as to what the assignment is asking for email or call.
Assignment Overview
Research: Understanding the Marketing Environment
To correctly identify opportunities and threats to their product, Marketing Managers need to understand the marketing environment in which the products operate.
Case Assignment
Using the industry of the product/service you chose in your Discussion assignment, complete the following:
Industry Research
• Using articles predominately from the full-text book databases (such as Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete and/or ProQuest Central), conduct secondary research on the industry in which your chosen product/service operates.
• From your research and what you have learned in the readings, identify 3 marketing environmental factors that will impact this type of product/service. Describe and explain the chosen marketing factors and discuss general market implications.
Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format. The paper should be written in third person; this means words like “I,” “we,” and “you” are not appropriate. For more information see Differences Between First and Third Person.
All research should be cited in the body of the paper. In-text citations and corresponding references should be included in your paper. The use of direct quotes is strongly discouraged.
Assignment Expectations
Your submission will include:
• cover page
• A two-page paper with APA citations (2-3 sentence introduction, body, 2-3 sentence conclusion)
• The reference list page in APA format (see specific research requirements)