The mission of the Oculus Developer Blog is to engage with Oculus developers, encourage good development practices for the Oculus Platform, and provide direct support for the developer community. Our goals include improving Oculus developer sentiment, increasing brand awareness, and sourcing feedback to improve the Oculus Platform.

Using existing documentation on the Oculus Developer Center, please complete the following (

A high-level overview of a five-part blog series aimed at Oculus Rift creators who have not yet published an app on the Oculus Store. Please include only the following for each of the five planned posts:

-Call(s) to action / one- to two-sentence overview of proposed blog content
-Goal or expected outcomes
-Please draft one of the proposed blog posts to be included in this campaign


Comic Artists and Personal Taste

As one reads broadly and discover a variety of comics and cartoonists, you can acknowledge how big a role personal taste plays in our reading habits. As you read the selections in Best American Comics, what did you discover about your own preferences? What drew you to some comics? What made others off-putting or uninteresting?

Motivating Employees

Based on your personal experience, the video, and readings, respond to the following discussion prompts:

Provide some personal examples of when an intrinsic and extrinsic motivational reward was successful and unsuccessful either from your viewpoint or from a manager’s viewpoint. Justify why they were and were not successful.
From Module’s 1 discussion on the multi-generational workforce, explain how managers can use different theories to motivate the multi-generational workforce and retain employees. Provide specific examples.

link to video

Research Methods 3

I would like to ask you about the role of ‘pilot testing’ when designing a questionnaire. Piloting it is a very important element when conducting survey research and contributes significantly on its validity.

However, it would be great to discuss the main steps that a researcher should take when designing a pilot questionnaire.


Media and Film Censorship in China After the Culture Revolution (20th century and recent ) in the Context of Globalization(See and Unseen)

Focusing points:
1. Contexts and backgrounds of censorships in Communist China; & Globally, the backgrounds of imposing censorships on media for political uses (Hollywood during the cold war);
2. Contexts of media/film in China after the Cultural Revolution- Development and flourish in Media/Film industries in China for political importances.
2. Propaganda – The political importance of media and film – How China used it as a tool to control the flow of western ideologies; How Censorships allows criticisms to some extent but banned collective expressions;
3. Conflicts: How censorships impair (in particular) US-China & China-Japan relations;
4. Censorship & Control V.S. Reform and Opening Up Policy in China: How media/ film censorships were generated and/developed secretly (generations/citizens unaware, the central government outwardly announced its Reform&Openning Up policy );
5. Domestic and International Responses
5. Refer to US-China trade war and China during the Cultural Revolution and Sentiment towards Japan and the West, whilst co-operation with those countries;

My Intended Supervisor is Margaret Hillenbrand from Oxford University, please refer to her works if possible.

Case Study on Death and Dying

Case Study on Death and Dying

The practice of health care providers at all levels brings you into contact with people from a variety of faiths. This calls for knowledge and understanding of a diversity of faith expressions; for the purpose of this course, the focus will be on the Christian worldview.

Based on “Case Study: End of Life Decisions,” the Christian worldview, and the worldview questions presented in the required topic study materials you will complete an ethical analysis of George’s situation and his decision from the perspective of the Christian worldview.

Provide a 1,500-2,000-word ethical analysis while answering the following questions:

How would George interpret his suffering in light of the Christian narrative, with an emphasis on the fallenness of the world?
How would George interpret his suffering in light of the Christian narrative, with an emphasis on the hope of resurrection?
As George contemplates life with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), how would the Christian worldview inform his view about the value of his life as a person?
What sorts of values and considerations would the Christian worldview focus on in deliberating about whether or not George should opt for euthanasia?
Given the above, what options would be morally justified in the Christian worldview for George and why?
Based on your worldview, what decision would you make if you were in George’s situation?
Remember to support your responses with the topic study materials.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Social Networks

Instructions for completing the Final Paper:

Please select from one of the following topics, which are addressed in the course textbook, Introduction to Computer Literacy:
Collaborative Technologies (covered in Chapter 1)
Ethical Concerns in Computing (covered in Chapter 1)
The Digital Divide (covered in Chapter 1)
Open Source Software (covered in Chapter 3)
The Impact of Mobile Computing (covered in Chapter 4)
Social Networks (covered in Chapter 7)
Protecting Copyrights and Intellectual Property (covered in Chapter 8)
The Future of Cloud Computing (covered in Chapter 9)
Return to the textbookand review the pages in the chapter that pertain to your selected topic.
Next, login to the Ashford University Library and conduct a search on that topic.
The INF103 tutorial (Links to an external site.) will walk you through the basic steps of doing a search for scholarly articles within the Ashford University Library. A transcript of this video can be accessed through your online course.
Select two scholarly articles to use in your paper. For each article, write down the author information, date of publication, title of the article, the publication information (journal title), and the database from which you retrieved the article. You will need this information when you create your references for the sources.
Begin the writing process. You are going to compare the points of view offered by these authors (the author of your textbook and the authors of the two articles you have selected) on your selected topic, and then offer your own point of view based upon your analysis of the readings.
The Ashford Writing Center (AWC) offers assistance with the writing process. The AWC contains many tutorials and offers online guides for how to develop an academic paper. Click on the Writing Center link under “Learning Resources” in the left navigation of this course to visit the AWC.
Criteria for Grading
You will be graded on how well your paper meets the following criteria:

How clearly you demonstrate your knowledge of your chosen topic.
Frequent and appropriate use of examples from the textbook and selected articles to support your points.
Appropriate inclusion of relevant quotes from the discussion forum activities.
At least one paragraph for each of your three sources (the textbook and two scholarly articles) that includes an accurate summary of the points made by the author(s).
At least one paragraph for each of your three sources showing your thoughtful analysis of the point of view introduced by the authors.
At least two paragraphs illustrating how the authors of those three sources agree or disagree with one another about the topic.
At least two paragraphs that reflect your own point of view and provide a conclusion about your chosen topic.
The way your paper looks is also important to this assignment.

Complete your assignment using Microsoft Word.
Include a proper title page.
Use correct APA formatting for an academic paper (see the Ashford Writing Center tutorial).
Use proper citation style for all quotes.
Your paper must be between five to seven pages long (excluding title and references pages).
Make sure to review your paper for grammar and use the Spell Check function in Microsoft Word before submitting your work.

Poetry Analysis Essay

Submit a 600 to 750 word essay that you write on your own about the assigned poem, “P.O.W.” by Alicia Keys.
You should begin your analysis with a clear thesis where you set forth the meaning you will
discuss in your essay. You will support your idea of the meaning by using examples from
the poem itself. You will also note poetic devices and figurative language that contribute to
the poem’s meaning, but you will not simply move through a list of poetic devices. Think
and write about how the poetic devices work to suggest a meaning/theme.
Remember, the poet is not necessarily the speaker or subject of a poem. The speaker is the
persona— not the author. The poems are not always autobiographical either.

**See additional documents attached**