Climacteric changes

Overview: Assess the advantages and disadvantages of climacteric changes that occur in middle-aged adults

Briefly describe major climacteric changes in men and women. Please include how hormone changes trigger these events.
What are some of the disadvantages of these changes. These can be either physical or psychological.
What are some of the advantages? Again, these can be either physical or psychological.
Numerous men and women are taking hormone replacement therapies to reduce or delay these climacteric changes. This can be beneficial, but there can also be some health risks. If you were going through climacteric changes, would you want to take hormone replacement therapy or not? Make an argument that supports your decision.

Your Personal Data, Smart Home Devices: Are they spying on you?

This is not an essay, the questions should be answered as listed.

Personal Data

A. Should organizations have the right to collect your personal data? If so, under what circumstances?
B. List one way you can prevent your personal data from being gathered or remove your existing digital footprint.
C. Should the government regulate organizations’ abilities to collect and distribute personal data? Why or why not?

Smart Home Devices: Are they spying on you

A. What is one way your home device can be hacked? What is one form of a home device spying on you
B. Have your home devices ever been hacked? Do you believe your home device has spied on you? If so, how?
C. Give one way to prevent your devices from being hacked or spying on you.

Local School Fundraiser

The first function of management to address for this proposal is planning. Decision-making is an important part of the process, and there are decisions that need to be made to get the event rolling.

For your assignment, ensure you identify your local school’s name and the school’s sports team that needs to raise money for uniforms. Ensure you are specific in answering the questions below in a research paper format. Remember, you need to “sell” your proposal to the school board to ensure you have enough details to be convincing. You can write your proposal in the first person.

Using the template provided, this week you will submit the first section of your proposal in a Microsoft Word® document that details the following:

Explain how the goods/services being donated will be collected and used for the fundraiser.
Explain how you will utilize the location donated to you.
Summarize how you are going to promote the event.
Describe the process you will use to collect the revenue.
State how you will present this process to the team of volunteers.

Microeconomics in the Automotive Industry

Your final paper must be at least 1,800 words and include six or more credible sources. Two of the resources must be from academic journals.

Your first draft must include the following four sections:

An introduction that introduces the selected topic and discusses how the analysis was conducted.
A literature review that provides a detailed summary of the economic circumstances and facts that serve as the foundation of the economic analysis.
A narrative body that includes:
An economic analysis that uses the tools developed in the course along with your graphical depiction of the economics applied to your topic. Provide an explanation of the graphical analysis. Don’t leave it to the reader to figure out your intention. The specific analysis will depend on your chosen topic.
Statistics that support your topic and narrative.
Conclusion and a brief summary.

Use current APA formatting for your paper including these elements:

Title page
Running head
Page numbers
Source citations
Reference list

An abstract and table of contents are not required.

This assignment provides you with an opportunity to analyze a real-world, peer-reviewed psychology journal article. You should find an article containing research that examines motivation, emotion, and social psychology.

This assignment provides you with an opportunity to analyze a real-world, peer-reviewed psychology journal article. You should find an article containing research that examines motivation, emotion, and social psychology.

Begin by visiting the Online Library to locate and choose a journal article in which motivation and emotion are viewed under the lens of social psychology. The article must be peer-reviewed and should be no older than 7 years.

A good place to start your search is the PsycARTICLES database or the Academic Search Complete database. You can access these databases from the Databases box on the library homepage.

For assistance in locating your article, you may find the following tutorial How to Find Journal Articles helpful. Additionally, you may find this How to Search in PsycARTICLES document useful.

Once you have chosen your article, you will write an article critique that addresses the following elements.

Explain the research methodology that was used in the study.
Discuss social factors that influence people or groups to conform to the actions of others.
Indicate how behaviors and motivation are impacted by the presence of others.
Indicate the structures of the brain that are involved in emotion and motivation.
Examine the article’s generalizability to various areas of psychology.
In addition, your article critique should clearly identify the article’s premise and present an insightful and thorough analysis with strong arguments and evidence. You should present your own informed and substantiated opinion on the article’s content. You must use at least one source in addition to your chosen article to support your analysis and opinion.

Your article critique must be a minimum of two pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. All sources used must be properly cited. Your article critique, including all references, must be formatted in APA style.

Unions DF 7

What are the most common reasons why employees join unions?
Assume you heard rumors of organizing efforts in the breakroom. As an HR manager, what union prevention strategies would you recommend to management? Why?
How could an employee assistance program provide value in a diverse, unionized workplace?

SOCI 1306: Sexual Assault on Campus

Please watch this video, and discuss. How should college officials – and victims – handle this widespread, and under-reported, violent crime? Should more be done? If so, what would you suggest?

2-3 paragraphs 1 page minimum cite the link and outside source

Sequential Art Compared to Comics

Consider a wide array of comics that have been illustrated and wrote throughout the past century, In this short paper, we are to consider the relationship between comics and contemporary art that in some way involves sequential storytelling. With the artists, I have linked below describe any connections you see between their work and comics.
Artist: Kara Walker