Rubric against current paper:
Give a brief overview of time-based competition and how organisations have evolved to make their supply chain processes faster. (15%)
Your overview has some good points but purely as an opportunity to encapsulate the topic, the effort misses key elements. For example, how have organisations evolved their supply chains?
Review current literature on time-based competition, identifying the key elements required to be successful in delivering great quality in time-sensitive operations. Your review must give examples that demonstrate wider reading including facts and figures from a variety of industries. Your review must also evaluate the information presented and give the reader an insight into your educated viewpoints on the subject and the content you have presented. (40%)
You have missed a good opportunity to use the seminal paper by George Stalk Jr. The review does not have any examples or the facts and figures that were required by the assessment brief
Apply the ideas/concept of time-based competition to an organisation you are a familiar with. Outline how they deliver their products/services using time-based competition concepts. In your discussion consider the industry and other environmental constraints that influence their approach. (30%)
The discussion is below the standard expected; there is very little that references Apple’s time compression either is product development or delivery to market. No discussion of the industry constraints or conditions that influence the approach taken
Critically evaluate their effectiveness compared to industry standards and their prospects going forward. (15%)
The reader is unaware of the timescale standards in this industry which is a key part of this section
General comments: There are missing deliverables in this assessment; did you send a draft in?
Second marker:
Your answer did not explain, evaluate and discuss the issues raised by the question in sufficient depth. Much more depth of analysis is required at degree level.