Assessment 3: Project (2000 words) – Content package
You are the newly appointed Communications Officer for a non-profit organisation.* The Chief Executive has asked you to review the organisation’s current online presence and to propose an improved, low-cost package of online content that better reflects the organisation’s goals, target publics and stakeholders.
*Ideas for potential non-profit organisations can be discussed with your tutor. In some cases, students can choose to base this assessment on a private business, though please discuss this with your tutor first.
Your online content package should include:
An overview of the organisation, its goals and target publics/stakeholders. (150)
A description and analysis of the organisation’s current online presence, including website, social media and blogs (as relevant). (If your organisation does not have a website and/or social media presence, then this section should discuss why they need an online presence. You could also consider including a competitor analysis of a similar organisation’s online presence.) (500)
A concise summary of the communication objectives of the new or improved online content package. (100)
A written brief for a new or improved website. The brief should address visual considerations and content and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and include a navigation plan. (Please note: students are not required to design an actual website, rather to describe the sort of information the website should include, and how it should look and navigate.) (400-500, excluding navigation plan)
Two sections of finished copy for the new website. (In other words, choose two ‘pages’ from the new website and write the copy that should appear on each page. You may need to write new copy or edit existing material.) (300-400)
A social media plan for the organisation. This should discuss why a social media presence is important for the organisation, identify which platforms (at least two) they should be using and why, and the type of content they should be posting. (If your organisation already has a social media presence then your focus should be on making recommendations for improvement and/or expansion.) (400-500)
A social media content schedule for the first month of activity presented in an appropriate format. (Not included in word count.)
Two samples posts for each social media platform recommended (ie; FB, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, a blog etc), paying particular attention to the tone of the posts and how this reflects the organisation and its target publics. (Not included in word count.)
The word counts suggested above are a guide only. Your word counts may vary depending on the type of organisation, the extent of their online presence and the type of content you develop.
Your assessment should include academic and/or industry discussion, where relevant. A reference list (Harvard) should be provided.
Though the presentation of the assignment is up to the student, it should be professional in nature. Please discuss any ideas with your tutor in class.
If you use the report template provided, then please ensure this is customised to the needs of your organisation and the content of your report. In addition, if using this format, please note that the Executive Summary and Conclusion/Recommendations should not be included in the word count.