Historic/Cultural Design Solution

Revised – Assignment 3 – Historical Design Solution for a Contemporary Space
Writing Enhanced Requirement (200-points)

Premise – The home owners/clients (ages 40 – 60) of this project like to travel and vacation globally, which has highly influenced them to become collectors of historic cultural art and decorative objects. They are seeking a recommendation on how they can incorporate collected pieces, new and existing, into their home.

The drawings of the residential social space available in class are in ¼” = 1’0” scale. The space can be a living room, family room, great room or den, or dining room with sitting area. This project requires you to develop a design solution for a transitional or contemporary space using a designer quality for today’s home owner. The designed space should include contemporary furniture and interior elements to showcase the collected art and decorative objects (minimum of 6 historic art objects are required, 2 from each of the three selected historic style). This is NOT a TV room but formal entertaining space. As the designer, you will be selecting all furniture, art and decorative pieces as well as interior finishes for the space. The mixture of history art can be from any of the cultures studied listed below.

Historic/Cultural Styles
1. Egyptian 4. Islamic, Persian or Arabic 7. Romanesque
2. Chinese or Japanese 5. Mayan or Native American 8. Gothic
3. African 6. Classical Greek or Roman 9. Renaissance

To develop the design solution, you will use evidence-based design. The mixture and selections of art pieces should reflect research and analysis on how they can be incorporated together as furniture art and decorative objects. One historic style may be used primarily in the selection of furniture and the others in accessories or the historic styles can be both furniture and accessories. Reference the historic analysis from the text, class discussions, and resources from previous assignments. You will support the design solution with both a graphic design board and a written analysis that explains how the design is a designer mixture of styles and why. Selections of manufacturers from the first assignment will be a starting point in your selection and the written design analysis from assignment 2 can be used as a model for the written analysis of this space.

Requirement: Historic Design Solutions (65 points)
The design of the space should include:

1. Space plan the developed living or dining room with a functional furniture arrangement using furniture
templates. Trace the plan in ¼” =1’0” scale. Use the provided furniture paper or plastic templates or digital. Key
furniture pieces and materials. Enhance furniture plan with rendered appearance of selected finishes.

2. Select contemporary furniture from manufacturers that were researched in assignment one to develop
the space with a designer quality for today’s home owner. Additional manufacturers may be included as long as they
are designer quality. Develop a reference list of information on all manufacturers and selected pieces, accessories,
art, rugs, lamps, window treatments (this will be used for writing the analysis). All illustrations should be mounted and
label on the design board.

3. Select illustrations of historic/cultural pieces. A minimum of six art objects is required, two from each selected
historic style.

4. Draw three elevations or a perspective that shows the historic/cultural art and accessories, selected furniture,
and window treatments. Reference manufacturers’ detail information on furniture. Manufacturers generally, provide
front, top and side elevation views in the specification of their pieces. Elevation drawings are to be drawn in ¼” =1’0”
scale 3-D drawing should measure 5”x7” minimum in size. Enhance elevations or 3-D drawing of furniture pieces
and art with rendered appearance of selected finishes.

5. Select finish materials that complement the historic focus incorporate color scheme and use of pattern and texture.
Include finished for floors, walls, window treatments, fireplace, interior trim, rugs, and upholsteries. These should be
labeled on the board and included in the written analysis.

Digital Design Board Presentation Format
See the example of digital board. Assemble rendered floor plan and three elevations, illustrations of furniture, historic accessories and art, interior materials, With Key for Items on 8 ½” x 11” Landscape pages as shown in the example.

Written Analysis: Historic/Cultural Design Solution (3-4 pages) (135 points)
Include responses to the following 6 areas of analysis:

1. Describe the purpose of the space and the general furniture pieces that support the function of the space. How is this space used?

2. Define the historic/cultural pieces and describe key details of the art or decorative objects, and discuss their use or purpose. Are they functional, or just decorative? Where are the pieces from? How do the historic/cultural pieces visibly compare in appearance to authentic pieces?

3. Discuss why the historic/cultural pieces selected work together in integration or are focal points within the space. Include analysis of created unity/harmony, contrast and emphasis.

4. Describe how contemporary features support or are used to influence the historic/cultural pieces (furniture pieces, walls, floors,
windows, window treatments, doors, cabinets, ceiling, etc.) Why were they selected and how do they impact the design solution?

5. Describe the designer color scheme and use of texture and pattern developed in the design. Explain why they work.

6. Identify and discuss the manufacturer sources for all design pieces. These should include designer quality sources that have been

Writing Format: Use 11pt. to 12pt. font, maximum 1” margins, and double-spaced. Write in 3rd person; it is about “the design” or “the piece”. Report writing should avoid cliché terms such as “pop” or added embellishments such as “the prefect” or “stunning.” The written analysis is not about your personal preferences. The written analysis should be proofed at the Writing Center. Submit the proofed draft copy (15 points) in addition to edited analysis. Writing quality is 30-points.

Rubric Analysis
Points are assigned to the list requirements as stated in the description above. The analysis includes a ranking of excellent, good, average, fair, and poor. Writing is evaluated for content of ideas related to text and class material and appropriate writing format. Evaluations reflect:
90 -100% Excellent – illustrations show clearly recognizable and accurate concepts, exceptional creative use and professional development, writing reflects outstanding concept descriptions and professional sentence structure.
80 -89% Good – illustrations show clearly recognizable, accurate concepts, good creative use, and professional development, writing reflects above average concept descriptions and professional sentence structure.
70 – 79% Average – illustrations show to a certain degree clear recognizable and normal concept, and less than proficient writing or concept description and sentence structure.
60 – 69% Poor – illustrations do not show the standard level of concept development, creativity or professional development is poor or incomplete, and writing does not include appropriate descriptions and was not proofed for correct sentence structure.

Other Online Resources
Window Treatments/Draperies/Curtains
Auction Companies
Fabric Companies
https://www.onlinefabricstore.net/ Kravet

Fireplace Companies
Rug Companies

FACS 2361 – Spring 2020 Name ____________________________
Assignment 3 – Historical Design Solution for a Contemporary Space
Writing Enhanced Requirement (200 points) Received _______________

Graphic Solution
(65 points) Creative Visual Design
Exc. Good Fair Poor Professional Development
Exc. Good Fair Poor
Total pts.

Clear Functional Furniture Arrangement (plan view)
5 4 3 2
5 4 3 2

Use of three historic styles
Shows integration/unity/emphasis

5 4 3 2
5 4 3 2

Elevation or 3-D view historic
styled furniture

5 4 3 2
5 4 3 2

Selection of materials/finishes/ color scheme (trimmed or wrapped neatly)

5 4 3 2
5 4 3 2
Furniture illustrations, Appropriate (Completeness)
5 4 3 2
5 4 3 2

Rendering quality
5 4 3 2
5 4 3 2

Board assembly & visual layout
Labeled, title block

5 4 3 2

Written Analysis of Solution
(135 points) Content Analysis
Exc. Good Avg. Fair Poor
Total pts.
Described the purpose, general pieces, function of space
15 14 13 12 11 10 9

Defined the historic/cultural pieces and details, purpose, compared appearance to authentic pieces

20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9

Discussed pieces, integration, focal points, analysis of unity/harmony, contrast and emphasis.

20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9

Described contemporary features (walls, floors, windows, window treatments, doors, cabinets, ceiling, etc.) impact the design
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9

Described the color scheme, texture and pattern, why they work.

15 14 13 12 11 10 9

Identified manufacturer sources selection is designer quality sources
15 14 13 12 11 10 9

Writing Quality- grammar, structure, format, etc. 5-6 pages in length.
Proofed copy. 15 of 30 points
15 14 13 12 11 10 9

15 14 13 12 11 10 9

Total __________(200) Days late __________ @ 5% (10 points per day) __________ Total pts.__________ (200)

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