500 word evaluation on what you learnt about the process in regards to teamwork, thinking of a diagnosis from a patient perspective, challenges in delivering sensitive information, and challenges of working within a team.
Intro: why communication is important in both medical radiations fields across various departments and link to communication between group members who had to do the assessment together online due to covid 19.
– we used online resources couldn’t attend uni to see each other
– collabultra an online tool on canvas to talk to each other
– used facebook messenger as a method of interaction
– google drive to upload information required for everyone to see
– made a website in order to display the information..
– challenges working with the team: online only, only had one initial face to face meeting.
– various members not being able to be online at the same time due to external factors.
– we had faced issues displaying and using a website to portray our information – new format.
– members who hadn’t been online has to be filled in after every collab-ultra audio meeting.
Conclusion: link to communication in the health care industry – medical radiations – various departments – Med Imaging, Nuclear Med and Radiation therapy – link to the assessment.
APA 6th style 3-4 references
Reference page required.
500 -/+ 50 words.
10 – 12 caibri font, double spaced.