Formal and Informal Leadership
Traditional models of organizational management promote a hierarchal structure of roles and responsibilities. Modern public and nonprofit organizations are moving away from this model and toward a more networked and collaborative management structure. The new structure allows for the presence and influence of informal leadership within an organization. It is important to recognize both the formal and informal leadership operating within an organization, as it is often the informal leaders who have the influence that will result in the success of an initiative. Understanding the interaction between formal and informal leadership is vital to bringing about results and success in all areas of the organization.
For this paper, review the resources, and focus on the leadership structures with public or nonprofit organizations.
The Paper: 4 pages, not including title pages and references
1) Briefly describe if the case is a public or nonprofit organization (Using one-third of page one or less)
2) Describe the formal leadership structure of the organization.
(Using the second third of page one or less)
3) Describe the informal leadership that is present in the organization. (Using the last third of page one or less)
4) Explain how the formal leadership structures and informal leadership manifest themselves, overlap, and relate to one other in the organization.
(Start on page one if there is any space left on it, if not go to the second page of paper)
5) Explain the influence of informal leadership on the organization’s leadership. (Third page of paper)
6) Explain the implications (positive and/or negative) of adhering to a formal leadership structure. (Start on third page if any space left then go to the fourth page and finish with the conclusion).
Added Notes:
• Use APA format, which included the Title page, Abstract page, Body of the paper, conclusion, and references page.
• Support the paper with specific references to all resources used in its preparation.
• Make sure all 6 points above are in the paper.
• Make sure when explaining something, use examples.
• Check the grammar.