Requirement: For this assignment, you are required to use the Grammarly (Links to an external site.) app (free download) to self-check. You are also required to submit your paper to the FSU Writing Center (Links to an external site.) or Smarthinking for feedback before finalizing it. Follow the format on pages 348-351 of the textbook. Your proposal will not have the same sections as the example. Follow the instructions below regarding the required sections/content.
Write a proposal to your “supervisor” recommending that the company adopt a style guide to professionalize employees’ written communication. The proposed style guide would include: the purposes and types of workplace writing, sample emails and letters, and tips on grammar, punctuation, word choice, editing and revising. You are NOT writing the style guide itself (although you have already written it in prevous assignments in this course). Instead, you are writing a proposal for your company to adopt a style guide. Discuss why a style guide is needed and how it will benefit the company. Also, outline/describe the contents of the proposed style guide. There are
Proposal Cover Letter
Summarize the proposal, highlight your capabilities/experience, and offer to answer questions and to meet in person.
Proposed Solution