Read your selected and approved articles (both quantitative and qualitative). Using Schmidt and Brown as a reference, compare how each area is defined by Schmidt and Brown and if the selected article meets the criteria (see Chapter 15, Box 15-1). Please note that “discuss” means that you do not simply answer the questions, but explore the material in a scholarly manner based on what was learned in class and from the text. The course textbook “Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses” will be the main source of citation. The objective is to assess if the authors of the article met the criteria as discussed by Schmidt & Brown and or the CASP tool. You are not to rewrite what the authors wrote but to include a small excerpt or example from the articles then demonstrate via course resources whether the evidence is well-written. Do not use long verbatim quotes from the articles. Very few short quotes (one sentence) may be used but should be limited. These appraisals will help you to put together your larger appraisal paper.
Use a reference list including citing the research article that is being appraised, textbook, and any other reference used. Papers must conform to APA format (7th ed.), include the use of headers, and be limited to a MAXIMUM of 10 pages not including title page or references (please remember that any material that is not “original thought” must be referenced).
Papers are due on the dates indicated. Point distribution is as follows:
Points earned
Discuss why study was conducted (purpose). Include the problem that led to the study.
Identify variables being studied (independent and dependent variables).
Identify hypothesis and/or research question.
Identify design of study and discuss if appropriate to the question. Why or why not?
Discuss sampling strategy used.
Identify sample size and discuss how sample size was determined
Identify sample characteristics as well as the inclusion and exclusion criteria
What were the inclusion criteria?
What were the exclusion criteria?
Describe the instruments used and discuss reliability and validity
Identify statistical tests conducted (data analysis)
Accurately discuss the results and limitations of the study. Are there other limitations other than those identified by the author/s?
Uses appropriate APA 7th edition format and grammar and sentence structure