Answer all questions concisely but completely in a document. Answers should be provided for each question. Give examples and definitions as needed.
You should only use your own knowledge. All uploaded exams will be checked for ACADEMIC INTEGRITY USING SafeAssign.
For answers you can use this class link and lecture slides;
1. Humans have existed on the planet for a long time. One argument against conservation is that humans are animals. All animals impact and modify their environment. Thus what we do is no different and shouldn’t be regulated. How would you respond to this using information from class?
2. Conservation biology is related to several other disciplines. What are some of the major characteristics of the field (name at least 3) and what makes it unique?
3. What are arguments for and against giving an economic value to nature? Give at least 2 for each with clear examples AND state your final verdict on valuing nature.
4. Diversity can be defined in several ways and using various metrics. Explain this statement, give examples, and explain the value of considering multiple types of diversity in management applications.
5. What is the connection between habitat loss and habitat fragmentation, how do these stressors interact, and what are unique impacts of each?
6. How does the Equilibrium Theory of Biogeography influence conservation biology? Make sure you explain the theory and make clear connections.
7. The logistic, exponential, and geometric models of population growth all suggest small populations will grow. We know this is not always true. Discuss this paradox (what do we call this phenomenon? Why are small populations more likely to go extinct?) and consider how you could modify our growth equations to account for this.
8. Some people consider hunting to be unethical and believe it should be outlawed. What are some positive and negative impacts of hunting on conservation? Name at least 3 for each. How could hunting be best managed if it does exist?