I will Provide all material to answer questions, questions shouldn’t require your own research. Each question should at least be over 100-150 words each including each extra credit Question(A,B)
1.What is the difference between legitimate and illegitimate compulsion for Enrique Dussel? Does he consider both to be violence? Does he believe legitimate compulsion can be life affirming? Do you agree or disagree?-——————————————————————————-————————————-/*****Extra Credit***A)In your own words, according to Fanon, what is the relationship between colonialism and Black-on-Black violence? *********B)In your own words, according to Marx, what is the relationship between capitalism and police violence?/______________________________________________ 2.) How does Fanon explain “Black on Black” violence? For Fanon, who or what is ultimately responsible for this type of violence? Do you agree or disagree?___________________________________________________
3.) According to theorists Guevara and Tse-Tung, what is the relationship between armed struggle and political consciousness? What is the role of the foco in politicizing the masses? How does this view differ from vulgar Marxist interpretations of armed struggle?_________________________________________________________4.) For Fanon, what is the role of violence in establishing the colonial order? How may violence be used to dismantle that same order?_______________________________________________________________5.) For Malcolm X, what is the role of violence in the Black freedom struggle? How is used as an oppressive force and what is its potential for liberating the masses? Do you believe this is a moral strategy? Do you believe it isfeasible?_________________________________________________6.) What are some critical differences between the strategies of Robert F. Williams and George Jackson?_________________________________________________7.) Describe the historical conditions that gave rise to the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense.________________________________________________________________8.) What were Chairman Fred and Bunchy’s views on organizing the vanguard. How were they inspired by theorists such as Che, Marighela, Malcom and Fanon?How did they implement these ideas?__________________________________________________________9.) Describe the philosophy behind the Black Liberation Army’s rationalization of violence. Why did they advocate violence? What did they believe that it would accomplish?__________________________________________________________10.) Describe the historical conditions that gave rise to the Crips. What was the influence of the Panthers?____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________
11. Why does Enrique Dussel suggest that we use the term “compulsion” rather than violence? What makes an act of “compulsion” legitimate as opposed to illegitimate? ___________________________________________________
12. For Fanon what is the role of violence in establishing the colonial order? How do colonial subjects come to embody violence in their daily lives and what role does he believe violence plays in the decolonial struggle?_______________________________________________________
13. For Che Guevara, what is the role of the foco in heightening the consciousness of the masses? What role does violence play in organizing the resistance movement?______________________________________________________
1 4. Why did Robert F. Williams argue that Black people needed to engage in armed self-defense rather than embrace non-violence?_____________________________________________________
1 5. According to the documentary, what is the relationship between COINTELPRO and the drug trade of the 1970s and 80s?